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Streaker's Second Mafia - Endgame - Employees win!

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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby Iron Butterfly on Mon Jan 19, 2015 10:15 pm

StorrZerg wrote:I did explain.

I planned to claim early this day phase, because of my role. Their pressure had no barring on my claim timing either really. I wanted it out early enough, so that discussion could be had on the subject, and i would have another avenue to pressure people.

All you have done is put a target on your back if you are being truthful. If you are town mafia will know this. You are only a threat if they let you be a threat. If you are town you are far more helpful being quiet, perhaps a wrong choice of words. Being logical. All you have succeeded in doing is make this one big second guessing game.

Lets say we let you live and you shoot and kill the doc or some other pr and there are no other deaths. Now we have to suffer through day two you defending yourself and how you were blocked or any number of scenarios. The cop has to waste an investigation on you. You have no idea what roles mafia has if you are town. Day one has now been over shadowed by you claiming early, which has been the biggest event, that and the no shows.

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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby StorrZerg on Mon Jan 19, 2015 10:39 pm

I'd prefer to shoot someone that claims today... rather than blind.

With that ill continue pressuring colton, who has had little to add to discussion, considering his last statement was "doesn't have any lead other than fos storr" named 3 townies with 0 explanation and peaced out.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby StorrZerg on Mon Jan 19, 2015 10:46 pm

With that, a lot of people have voiced concerns of people that have had little to add in contribution, yet i don't see peoples votes on them.

With limited time, I believe currently the votes stand something like this

StorrZerg (2): dd515087, legion
colton24 (3): Storrzerg, Iron Butterfly, HotShot53
dd515087 (2): mtamburini, crasp
mtamburini (1): Metsfanmax

Which means that Charm, colton, UCAbears, virus have not placed a vote yet, and the rest of us have "meaningless votes" since no one is close to to 5 votes.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby Metsfanmax on Mon Jan 19, 2015 10:53 pm

Obviously no one is joining me on mtam today, so I'll switch to something that has a better chance of happening:

vote dd515087

This is because he quickly jumped on mtam's stupid thing about how I was saying Storr is confirmed town.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby Metsfanmax on Mon Jan 19, 2015 10:54 pm


unvote mtam
vote dd515087
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby Streaker on Tue Jan 20, 2015 1:52 am

Deadline has been requested, is there a general interest for 48 hour extension? This would give some time to prod the inactive(s). Let me know.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby legionnare on Tue Jan 20, 2015 4:28 am

charm wrote:Correction...

Is anyone else bothered by the lack of participation with bear, legion, and virus?

Zerg - why did you claim, when you weren't forced to? Just curious because some others are making good points. I looked back and maybe I missed it, but it seems like there was no reason for you to volunteer that info.

MTam -please do waste your time in looking back through my previous game plays. I'm happy you want to pay so much attention to me, but in THIS game it won't land you in my bed! :lol: ;)

Lack of participation? I posted the same as you about Storr 2 days ago? Have you nothing more to add?
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby crasp on Tue Jan 20, 2015 7:01 am

Iron Butterfly wrote:
StorrZerg wrote:I did explain.

I planned to claim early this day phase, because of my role. Their pressure had no barring on my claim timing either really. I wanted it out early enough, so that discussion could be had on the subject, and i would have another avenue to pressure people.

All you have done is put a target on your back if you are being truthful. If you are town mafia will know this. You are only a threat if they let you be a threat. If you are town you are far more helpful being quiet, perhaps a wrong choice of words. Being logical. All you have succeeded in doing is make this one big second guessing game.

Lets say we let you live and you shoot and kill the doc or some other pr and there are no other deaths. Now we have to suffer through day two you defending yourself and how you were blocked or any number of scenarios. The cop has to waste an investigation on you. You have no idea what roles mafia has if you are town. Day one has now been over shadowed by you claiming early, which has been the biggest event, that and the no shows.

If i was cop i wouldnt waste my time on him. Playing like that he is asking for a check so if he is scum will be godfather and just confused things.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby HotShot53 on Tue Jan 20, 2015 8:42 am

Streaker wrote:Deadline has been requested, is there a general interest for 48 hour extension? This would give some time to prod the inactive(s). Let me know.

Sure, an extension would be nice, as would a prod of UCABears and anyone else who's been idle
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby Streaker on Tue Jan 20, 2015 8:56 am

HotShot53 wrote:
Streaker wrote:Deadline has been requested, is there a general interest for 48 hour extension? This would give some time to prod the inactive(s). Let me know.

Sure, an extension would be nice, as would a prod of UCABears and anyone else who's been idle

Want more input from other players before extending deadline. UCABears has been prodded, all others have been fairly active (not being online for 2 days is acceptable, though I know it sucks).
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby charm on Tue Jan 20, 2015 9:57 am


A 24 hour extension should be plenty of time.

Streaker, can you please post the date and time of end of day/nights!
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby StorrZerg on Tue Jan 20, 2015 10:39 am

Post counts of the lesser active..
over 7 days

colton 2 posts
UCAbears 3 posts since the 15th
Virus 2 posts

Virus knows better to be more active than this

unvote colton
Vote Virus
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby virus90 on Tue Jan 20, 2015 11:01 am

busy with a post as we speak dont you wory :P
rereading the topic, since my last post was sunday.
as usual it might take me some time to get my post finished.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby virus90 on Tue Jan 20, 2015 11:26 am

ok things seem to head to a storr vs dd.
as mentioned by charm, an exact moment of days end would be nice, gives an indication on how much time is left.
so well i have reread and came to these observations.

I would like to think storr is town, he is definatly trying to lead town again, assuming he is town, and makes sure of activity. i dont understand why he thought of charms list post as towny, since when im doing them they never are to him i guess.. but well.. Also to put me down as lack of activity along with colton and UCbear, is in myopinion, wrong / not fair. at that point i have posted more, and certainly much more content. atleast that is my opinion. Anyway for now i am in favor of keeping storr alive, give him a shot at proving, we will see how the discussion goes from there but for now i wouldnt vote him.

well i can agree with you all on IB aswell, but think general concensus is that he is town at the moment, so that doesnt say anything about anyone in my opinion, actually i would be more intrested in anyone saying ib = mafia, that would be intresting.

So to discuss the most obvious targets at the moment these arem y points:

mtam and storr also have returned to there own "fights" as i have called them before. maybe if we let storr live, he shoots mtam if he is realy suspicious of him, then we will see who is what, anyway for now i would leave mtam in aswell, just because i think he is good for the game for now. Even if he is mafia, he helps to add to the town this much that i would prefer to lynch someone who is adding less to town. (ok this might be vague, not sure if its clear, can describe the full theory if nescesary but that would be another post)
UCAbear. not much to say about him, since he hasnt said much. hope the prod works, if not modkilled tonight he should be interrogated day 2, just to get something out of him, cause so far there is 0.
Colton, posted again, had his full focus on storr basicly. well... he posted, hope to see some more before days end, cause right now not sure if to vote him for lack of content or thats just because of lack of posts in general.
dd. why are you worried about storr lynching you in the night, cause i think you might have to be worried about being lynched before that already, although i think i got the hint. in which case i prefer to vote someone else.

so well, my vote is not on one of the main targets, since we got some day left i still go vote solo. Crasp would be a good lynch in my opinion, he has posted enough but in my opinion without much content. a remark like: "mafia played their hand" gets followed up by a naming 4 people and then saying "Out this 4 one of them is scum". assuming 25-33% scum. out of 12 people naming 4 would probably give you (atleast) 1 scum. also i asked, but still dont get why/how mafia played their hand, if your so certain to post such a statement, where is the followup / conclusion then?
Besides that also his other posts have not added much in my opinion. he is still voting DD and im just seeing his reasoning of 17 january for that. because he read his pm and then wasnt here in the topic. crasp is your opinion still the same? hasnt anything changed?
well all the above and rereading all his messages just makes me think he is scum.
so Vote Crasp
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby virus90 on Tue Jan 20, 2015 11:28 am

things seem to heat to storr, dd, colton *
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby virus90 on Tue Jan 20, 2015 11:31 am

ok sory for the triple:

and the first part: was already typed before storr fp''ed and came with post counts, referring to the part where i disagree with storr for writing me down for lack activity.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby StorrZerg on Tue Jan 20, 2015 11:36 am

@virus, are you going to be shocked if crasp ends up being the lynch?
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby StorrZerg on Tue Jan 20, 2015 12:17 pm

I think


are whom im going to pick from to shoot
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby virus90 on Tue Jan 20, 2015 1:23 pm

@ storr.
well at this point i have no clue that anyone else is thinking about that. So if suddenly 6 people switch to crasp in a few hours that would be surprising.
but i think we are far enough away to have some more discussion. atleast thats what i think now, but also the reason why i hope streaker gives an exact deadline.
out of the 3 main targets (by votes now) of the moment i would vote colton, if thats what your getting at?
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby StorrZerg on Tue Jan 20, 2015 2:10 pm

so first i dont like your claim that your more active/ more content that colton

besides the activity today from you, you haven't been more active or been posting more content than him imo.

also your crasp push, i don't see a real basis on why your pushing him, i don't feel any conviction from your push, and it seems it more about information.

@everyone else request 48 hours not 24 please and thank you
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby dd515087 on Tue Jan 20, 2015 2:21 pm

Umm... I don't understand these votes on me, I've pretty much spelled out my role for you guys.

request 48 hour extension

Unvote, Vote Metsfan
unvote Storr for now. He seems to be doing his usual thing now and he's definitely tried to lead the town as much as possible. His vote on me seemed more like an OMGUS for calling him suspicious than anything with real info behind it.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby Streaker on Tue Jan 20, 2015 4:13 pm

48 hour extension it is.
This makes deadline Friday morning 02.00 CC time(ish).
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby legionnare on Tue Jan 20, 2015 6:22 pm

StorrZerg wrote:I think


are whom im going to pick from to shoot

Wasn't it already established that shooting inactives would be pointless as they would be modkilled? What makes them your target other than their inactivity?

I'm still unsure about you Storr, early play unlike anytime I've played with you, as well as claiming without pressure being suspicious (despite your defense of it it still a big no-no in my, and I'm guessing most players', book).
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby colton24 on Tue Jan 20, 2015 6:44 pm

So I'm going to attempt to answer questions thrown at me before I go back on these last 2 pages.

On my reads - On charm and mtam (leaning town), that is more of a gut feeling from their posts, hence "leaning." IB more as a "solid" (for lack of a better word) town read, both on gut and his actions so far during the day, as it seems to me he really cares about finding the scum and leaving the town with info day 1. (Not to say others aren't. And yes, there are many WIFOM scenarios in that, but past experience - by which I mean several years ago).

I think that's the only outstanding question poised to me. Probably. If not, quote the post and draw my attention to it :)

Now, on to more recent matters...

First, I'm not sure what the whole thing with dd jumping on the confirmed town train was, but it seems off to me (and apparently others), but that just warrants an FoS from me.

Second, I can't help but notice Storr is (continually) contradicting himself in his arguments. He says he won't shoot blindly unless he knows people's roles, but then proceeds to list three people (inactives, myself included) that he'd likely shoot tonight (this after he says pretty much the entire player list was on his hitlist). And he knows the roles of none of those people. And as legion pointed out, it was established shooting inactives is pointless and gives us zero information, and potentially kills off a PR that could've been taken up by a replacement. And again, it's been established shooting N1 is probably going to give us 2 dead townies. And the continued meta references to past games about "your playstyle" are making you seem scummier to me, because as I said earlier, this is not that game.

Also, this war between mtam and Storr on "shitty play" is getting annoying. It'd be nice if you guys didn't argue about who is playing shitty during the game.

All that leads me to...Vote Storr
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Mr. Squirrel wrote:
pmchugh wrote:BUMP- one more fool needed :mrgreen:

One fool reporting for duty!

Been around for too long...said things that shouldn't have been said...but all that has changed
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby StorrZerg on Tue Jan 20, 2015 7:07 pm

legionnare wrote:
StorrZerg wrote:I think


are whom im going to pick from to shoot

Wasn't it already established that shooting inactives would be pointless as they would be modkilled? What makes them your target other than their inactivity?

I'm still unsure about you Storr, early play unlike anytime I've played with you, as well as claiming without pressure being suspicious (despite your defense of it it still a big no-no in my, and I'm guessing most players', book).

If i feel i have no better option, i'd rather shoot UCAbears and prove my power than to let him be mod killed and shot a possible town. (that being if i feel the other people have a higher chance of being town).

Colton/virus are not going to be mod killed due to inactivity. They are both valid targets. They have both said enough to pain themselves as targets.
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