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Streaker's Second Mafia - Endgame - Employees win!

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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby crasp on Sat Jan 17, 2015 3:40 pm

charm wrote:
Now, I'm off to decorate the lobby with flowers, because happy employees make for healthy employees and will increase the productivity - which will make the company more money and harder for management to fire us. =D>

Charm definetely management scum with that suggestion. forget flowery offices and discount vouchers. Lets talk cash. :lol:
Right now i am watching the interaction between Mt and storr. Doesent look right to me and I think they are suspicious of each other in this game. If i had to make a decision right now I would go with storr being scum.
When scum he likes to lead from the off and he has done this. He has also propsed this mass claim thing that he is now saying he wasnt proposing. This sucking up to IB with he is so townie got my nose twitching. All circumstantial but worth keeping in mind.
Right now i agree with DD or colton being taken to a claim. Both of them came right in on scum day with nothing really to say. There are others lurking but those two came to my attention first. i am going to start with DD because as MT said, he read his role then waited till prompt, I hadnt picked that up.
I think that is the best way forward. Get a couple of claims then see where that takes us.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby crasp on Sat Jan 17, 2015 3:41 pm

Forgot to vote. Unvote Storr in case that joke vote counted.
Unvote, vote DD
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby dd515087 on Sat Jan 17, 2015 6:22 pm

StorrZerg wrote:
mtamburini wrote:
Iron Butterfly wrote:
dd515087 wrote:Serious talk about a mass claim this early? That's crazy IMO, mafia would know exactly who to target.

dd apologizes about forgetting about the game. 7 minutes later he offers this.As small as it is he at least offers something. It tells me he realized the mistake and posted. He reads the posts and offered his opinion with with a second post.

Colton says he has been busy with life. Gets jokey jokey and offers nothing. This is not about weather he is lying about real life. what bugs me is that three days gone and he seems to think it's ok to offer nothing because it's joke day.

As I said earlier 7 days is not a lot of time. Three days have already passed. Look at the bright side, at least we don't have to argue about lynching an inactive.

I think the more obvious point which I thought storr picked up on like I did was that DD read his msg and Colton did not. Meaning DD saw his role and choose not to participate in the first couple of days until prodded. This is more scum indicative than coltons play thus far.


Yes I picked up on that. Hence why I made the comment about lynching him. This was mod given information, thus I didn't want to hammer that point. And while I do agree on the conclusion you made, I don't want that to define the discussion for today.

I did read the role PM. Ever notice that when you read a message in your inbox, the notification goes away? I don't remember what I was doing when I read it, could've just not had the time, could've been slightly intoxicated. Why does that matter? I completely forgot about it until I got the second PM from Streaker. Then I was like "Oh wow, I'm an idiot. Better go talk so I don't get replaced."

I gave my thoughts on what was at hand, Colton did not. Somehow this makes me a better target than him?

So far my only town read is on Storr just because he's being his usual self. Now I've never played in a game where Storr is mafia so I don't know how good he has at concealing it or how he plays differently on either side.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby charm on Sat Jan 17, 2015 6:41 pm

crasp wrote:
charm wrote:
Now, I'm off to decorate the lobby with flowers, because happy employees make for healthy employees and will increase the productivity - which will make the company more money and harder for management to fire us. =D>

Charm definetely management scum with that suggestion. forget flowery offices and discount vouchers. Lets talk cash. :lol:
Right now i am watching the interaction between Mt and storr. Doesent look right to me and I think they are suspicious of each other in this game. If i had to make a decision right now I would go with storr being scum.
When scum he likes to lead from the off and he has done this. He has also propsed this mass claim thing that he is now saying he wasnt proposing. This sucking up to IB with he is so townie got my nose twitching. All circumstantial but worth keeping in mind.
Right now i agree with DD or colton being taken to a claim. Both of them came right in on scum day with nothing really to say. There are others lurking but those two came to my attention first. i am going to start with DD because as MT said, he read his role then waited till prompt, I hadnt picked that up.
I think that is the best way forward. Get a couple of claims then see where that takes us.

@Crasp - really Crasp?! You should know by now that I always give flowers!! I don't have access to cash in my position, nor can I fire anyone - I'm not management. Oh, I brought the flowers from my home garden - which is very typical of employees here in the states. Management would have bought them and have them delivered! Duh!!

Now as far as DD - I'm up for pushing him to claim. I was thinking exactly the same thing before you said it., so don't try and say I'm bandwagon-ing! However, MTam is also on radar list and I want to see what he has to say for a bit longer. I'll throw my vote on DD when a few more drop some thoughts.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby crasp on Sat Jan 17, 2015 6:53 pm

I wouldnt dodddle too long charm. As was said 7 days is not a lot of time and if the first option comes up with a checkable claim we could move on. Unless of course you want to slow things down?
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby dd515087 on Sat Jan 17, 2015 8:06 pm

charm wrote:
crasp wrote:
charm wrote:
Now, I'm off to decorate the lobby with flowers, because happy employees make for healthy employees and will increase the productivity - which will make the company more money and harder for management to fire us. =D>

Charm definetely management scum with that suggestion. forget flowery offices and discount vouchers. Lets talk cash. :lol:
Right now i am watching the interaction between Mt and storr. Doesent look right to me and I think they are suspicious of each other in this game. If i had to make a decision right now I would go with storr being scum.
When scum he likes to lead from the off and he has done this. He has also propsed this mass claim thing that he is now saying he wasnt proposing. This sucking up to IB with he is so townie got my nose twitching. All circumstantial but worth keeping in mind.
Right now i agree with DD or colton being taken to a claim. Both of them came right in on scum day with nothing really to say. There are others lurking but those two came to my attention first. i am going to start with DD because as MT said, he read his role then waited till prompt, I hadnt picked that up.
I think that is the best way forward. Get a couple of claims then see where that takes us.

@Crasp - really Crasp?! You should know by now that I always give flowers!! I don't have access to cash in my position, nor can I fire anyone - I'm not management. Oh, I brought the flowers from my home garden - which is very typical of employees here in the states. Management would have bought them and have them delivered! Duh!!

Now as far as DD - I'm up for pushing him to claim. I was thinking exactly the same thing before you said it., so don't try and say I'm bandwagon-ing! However, MTam is also on radar list and I want to see what he has to say for a bit longer. I'll throw my vote on DD when a few more drop some thoughts.

:roll: I will claim if it's necessary. I'd rather not yet, but hey whatever helps the employees win this game.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby Iron Butterfly on Sat Jan 17, 2015 9:37 pm

crasp wrote:
charm wrote:
Now, I'm off to decorate the lobby with flowers, because happy employees make for healthy employees and will increase the productivity - which will make the company more money and harder for management to fire us. =D>

Charm definetely management scum with that suggestion. forget flowery offices and discount vouchers. Lets talk cash. :lol:
Right now i am watching the interaction between Mt and storr. Doesent look right to me and I think they are suspicious of each other in this game. If i had to make a decision right now I would go with storr being scum.
When scum he likes to lead from the off and he has done this. He has also propsed this mass claim thing that he is now saying he wasnt proposing. This sucking up to IB with he is so townie got my nose twitching. All circumstantial but worth keeping in mind.
Right now i agree with DD or colton being taken to a claim. Both of them came right in on scum day with nothing really to say. There are others lurking but those two came to my attention first. i am going to start with DD because as MT said, he read his role then waited till prompt, I hadnt picked that up.
I think that is the best way forward. Get a couple of claims then see where that takes us.

You feel the information and observations you made on Storr outweigh the reasons we put pressure on DD and Colton?

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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby crasp on Sat Jan 17, 2015 10:33 pm

Iron Butterfly wrote: You feel the information and observations you made on Storr outweigh the reasons we put pressure on DD and Colton?

If I thought that then my vote would go on Storr and stay on him. For what its worth i reckon if he did flip scum then it would clear you.
I have said before, Storr as scum far outweighs any benefit he is to town. especially this game as i think scum have cover claims. He doesent just lay false trails but he also attracts town protection that leaves town more vulnerable. Really got to me in Streaks last game as we had him at L1 and nobody would hammer.
As far as this game is concerned I would not like to see it go to last day and we get one of these band wagons that suddenly turn on players, for no real reason. Almost always end up lynching town .
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby HotShot53 on Sat Jan 17, 2015 11:47 pm

Well, no-one has said anything that scummy yet really... so I will vote for the most inactive person so far, vote colton
As others have said, checking in late but giving no opinion on anything then or since then isn't that great. To be honest, I would expect dd to be town rather than scum, usually scum are more interested in the game early on, enough to make 1 or 2 posts anyway; anyone who's played knows that not posting at all will get you voted, so I don't think that was intentional on his part.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby StorrZerg on Sun Jan 18, 2015 12:22 am

Claim or I kill you
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby dd515087 on Sun Jan 18, 2015 1:31 am

HotShot53 wrote:Well, no-one has said anything that scummy yet really... so I will vote for the most inactive person so far, vote colton
As others have said, checking in late but giving no opinion on anything then or since then isn't that great. To be honest, I would expect dd to be town rather than scum, usually scum are more interested in the game early on, enough to make 1 or 2 posts anyway; anyone who's played knows that not posting at all will get you voted, so I don't think that was intentional on his part.

True. I definitely prefer being scum, it's more fun honestly. But if you look at any of the games I've played (think you were in all of them though) I usually don't play much D1 anyway.

StorrZerg wrote:Claim or I kill you

Uhh... S-s-s-sorry mister. I-I-I d-d-didn't mean t-t-to offend you. *read with stutter in voice of small child*
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby StorrZerg on Sun Jan 18, 2015 2:01 am

Yahhh.. I will cull you, claim
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby Iron Butterfly on Sun Jan 18, 2015 4:49 am

StorrZerg wrote:Yahhh.. I will cull you, claim

Yeh why bother voting...just strong arm everyone.

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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby dd515087 on Sun Jan 18, 2015 6:31 am

StorrZerg wrote:Yahhh.. I will cull you, claim

Anyone else not like the the Storr's last couple posts. Very un-Storr like... I know what I said earlier about him being town for the way he's been playing... but... Storr doesn't make ridiculous posts like this. He usually makes ridiculous posts calling people out for being scummy to rile people up. Some may call them "douchey". I believe it was PCM who made this point in the last game? This is not in his character. I'm not saying it warrants a lynch, all I'm saying is that it deserves an investigation.

vote storr You hiding anything bud?
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby charm on Sun Jan 18, 2015 9:01 am

StorrZerg wrote:Yahhh.. I will cull you, claim

And how are you going to do that, if you're not scum?

Did you have too much to drink last night and made a little slip?

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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby crasp on Sun Jan 18, 2015 12:08 pm

has mafia just played their hand???
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby StorrZerg on Sun Jan 18, 2015 1:57 pm

charm wrote:
StorrZerg wrote:Yahhh.. I will cull you, claim

And how are you going to do that, if you're not scum?

Did you have too much to drink last night and made a little slip?


O man I had a fun night lol.

The pressure for claim was on dd5. I can see how it might look like I'm trying to strong arm several people.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby StorrZerg on Sun Jan 18, 2015 2:02 pm

Dd5 is talking more, I'll look more into what he has said (off the top he appears to have taken an opportunistic jab.)

Colton is still absent.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby Iron Butterfly on Sun Jan 18, 2015 3:09 pm

StorrZerg wrote:
charm wrote:
StorrZerg wrote:Yahhh.. I will cull you, claim

And how are you going to do that, if you're not scum?

Did you have too much to drink last night and made a little slip?


O man I had a fun night lol.

The pressure for claim was on dd5. I can see how it might look like I'm trying to strong arm several people.

Zerg Why the pressure to force DD to claim when your vote is on Colton?

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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby StorrZerg on Sun Jan 18, 2015 4:09 pm

Do you see Colton around?

Does it matter that much if my vote isnt on him?
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby virus90 on Sun Jan 18, 2015 4:44 pm

well thats been an intrestring weekend. been away with group of 10 friends. and thank you all for playing the games with me cause had a lot of fun as gamemaster with some of the rules/characters we use on the forum but are not very much known in real life mafia. Especially since they had no clue what was happening sometimes.

that beeing said, the discussion has mainly bean colton / dd as i read it.
colton seems to have vanished once again? anyway i agree with what has been said, came, posted, no content. hope he comes back and says something cause so far its not much better then an inactive.
DD, since his comeback he's here. think we can agree that not both storr and dd are scum, or its a brilliantly acted discussion. I can understand pressure on dd, but storr whats up with claim or i kill you? last game you did the same on me(and others), but then it was a realistic thread and we where mass claiming. now i dont understand how you will kill him, can imagine mtam would be joining you cause the 2 of you seem to have hit it off again but how would you kill him? so it was a "weekend factor" involved in that kill message, but do you still mean it? you still want him to claim or kill him?

crasp: could you explain your statement a bit more?
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby StorrZerg on Sun Jan 18, 2015 6:00 pm

Limited time, take a stance
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby dd515087 on Sun Jan 18, 2015 6:08 pm

vote Storr
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby StorrZerg on Sun Jan 18, 2015 6:44 pm

I'm vig. Your turn dd5.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby Metsfanmax on Sun Jan 18, 2015 7:08 pm

Vote count please
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