by owenshooter on Tue Jan 13, 2015 1:12 pm
so... the "ELIMINATED" tab and the "FINISHED" tab on your Central Command (games tab) is not adequate enough? 20 games a pop is not truly a great amount of games. you have guys on here that play upwards to and over 100 games at a pop and i don't think any of them have ever made this sort of suggestion before... can you explain why those two tabs aren't sufficient for you to figure out how many games have ended, etc? i generally play 16-20 games and know a game is done from those 2 tabs or from the number of my active games dropping a digit or two... just don't understand the necessity for this, perhaps if you explain it better... thanks...-Jésus noir
Thorthoth,"Cloaking one's C&A fetish with moral authority and righteous indignation
makes it ever so much more erotically thrilling"