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The Championships - Flat Rate/No Spoils [W: Donelladan]

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Re: The Championship - Flat Rate/No Spoils

Postby willedtowin1 on Thu Nov 20, 2014 10:50 am

missing one that didn't accept
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Re: The Championship - Flat Rate/No Spoils

Postby donche64 on Sun Nov 23, 2014 2:09 pm

someone's missing here too

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For being named MVP of the Premier Division of [CL7] Clan League VII

...thus being better than Mishalex!
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Re: The Championship - Flat Rate/No Spoils

Postby Dukasaur on Sun Nov 23, 2014 6:08 pm

Lord_Bremen wrote:
You realize that the games are taking longer because of the round limits, right? After round 10 there's no reason to attack anymore, so everyone sits there. Without the limits (or at least 30+) you'd see the games ending much faster.

This is always a problem. It's true that in a round limit game, people stop attacking and just sit there waiting for the round limit, which is annoying as hell. Nonetheless, eventually it does come to an end.

Without round limits, most people play more aggressively and most games will end faster, but there's always a few bad eggs in the basket that will deadlock and go on for hundreds of rounds. Those deadlocked games are the bane of tournaments.

Round limits are not a great solution, but they're better than no solution.
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Re: The Championship - Flat Rate/No Spoils

Postby willedtowin1 on Fri Dec 05, 2014 4:42 pm

Maybe its best to have a 40-50 round limits so more attacking happens
and games finish sooner in the long haul. 5-10 rounds of attacking- stacking
is not a true measure of a "Championship" no matter how long it takes.
Especially if this is going to become a yearly event.

20-30 round limits are just becoming clusterfucks
and are not very enjoyable. I almost regret signing up for this
waste of effort. I believe people would prefer to kill for the wins than
Stack and have a "Wait and See" approach.

Having said that......
I do like the smaller amount of opponents approach much better (so far).
Now we shall see if people go for clearing the map for the wins instead.
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Re: The Championship - Flat Rate/No Spoils

Postby Clive on Sat Dec 06, 2014 12:46 am

Yes, I understand the players grievances with the format...I will certainly make some suggestions for the next one (the plan is to hold championships once every 2 years, currently)

- Less rounds for the tournament overall
- Exclusion of 10+ player games (they simply take too long, even with round limits)
- Higher round limit
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Re: The Championship - Flat Rate/No Spoils

Postby willedtowin1 on Sat Dec 06, 2014 4:24 pm

Clive wrote:Yes, I understand the players grievances with the format...I will certainly make some suggestions for the next one (the plan is to hold championships once every 2 years, currently)

- Less rounds for the tournament overall
- Exclusion of 10+ player games (they simply take too long, even with round limits)
- Higher round limit

Just tryin to help with communication of Ideas :)
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Re: The Championship - Flat Rate/No Spoils

Postby Donelladan on Sat Dec 06, 2014 4:41 pm

Make it foggy and it would be fun - the sun is real killer.
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Re: The Championship - Flat Rate/No Spoils

Postby Dukasaur on Sat Dec 06, 2014 5:33 pm

Donelladan wrote:Make it foggy and it would be fun - the sun is real killer.

Some people would say the exact opposite. Many people hate the hassle of analysing the log and want to see the situation as it is.

A 50/50 blend probably satisfies the largest number.
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Re: The Championship - Flat Rate/No Spoils

Postby Donelladan on Sat Dec 06, 2014 6:09 pm

I am speaking of having action rather than boring stacking game. Because of the sun you can't take a lead without getting stoped. Foggy games would avoid a lot of stacking.
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Re: The Championship - Flat Rate/No Spoils

Postby willedtowin1 on Sat Dec 20, 2014 12:38 pm

any score/points update for this would be great.
Knowing our position at this point is very useful information.
Last edited by willedtowin1 on Tue Dec 23, 2014 12:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Championship - Flat Rate/No Spoils

Postby bobzimmerman on Sun Dec 21, 2014 2:03 am

I just want to add my voice to those who hate the round limits and the lack of fog - but especially the round limits. Is this a possibility? No round limit set, but if the game isn't settled in 30 rounds (to pick an arbitrary limit) it does not count in the point total. That would motivate action which is what the current settings defeat. I confess that I have never run a tourney and thank you for the great effort. At least the 30 round games provide more opportunity for a real finish.
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Re: The Championship - Flat Rate/No Spoils

Postby willedtowin1 on Tue Dec 30, 2014 11:37 am

I have been finding that there is way more action going on in the smaller fields.
So maybe a 6 max player setting is best. Just for your information purposes :)
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Re: The Championship - Flat Rate/No Spoils

Postby willedtowin1 on Wed Dec 31, 2014 12:08 pm

willedtowin1 wrote:any score/points update for this would be great.
Knowing our position at this point is very useful information.

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Re: The Championship - Flat Rate/No Spoils

Postby willedtowin1 on Mon Jan 05, 2015 11:54 am

Last update was :
by Clive on Sat Sep 27, 2014 7:51 pm
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Re: The Championship - Flat Rate/No Spoils

Postby Clive on Thu Jan 08, 2015 4:29 pm

I'd prefer to wait for the majority of games to be complete before making the scoreboard, as the easiest way to construct it is to do them all in one go.
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Re: The Championship - Flat Rate/No Spoils

Postby alaskanassassin on Sat Jan 17, 2015 8:36 pm

Clive wrote:I'd prefer to wait for the majority of games to be complete before making the scoreboard, as the easiest way to construct it is to do them all in one go.

That makes sense, but unless I'm wrong, by my calculation we are in Round 2, down to 60 players from 120. What's our scores after Round 1?
Dice stats are irrelevant. If I roll the same amount of 6's as everyone else, but my opponents role 6's at the same time, that's what matters, what's rolled opposite my dice. How about how many total guys I've won and lost while attacking?
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Re: The Championship - Flat Rate/No Spoils

Postby Clive on Tue Jan 20, 2015 6:11 am

alaskanassassin wrote:
Clive wrote:I'd prefer to wait for the majority of games to be complete before making the scoreboard, as the easiest way to construct it is to do them all in one go.

That makes sense, but unless I'm wrong, by my calculation we are in Round 2, down to 60 players from 120. What's our scores after Round 1?

Those players who qualified by score but are absent, failed to accept their invites.
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Re: The Championship - Flat Rate/No Spoils

Postby cads on Fri Jan 23, 2015 5:45 am

may i join please
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Re: The Championship - Flat Rate/No Spoils

Postby Clive on Sat Feb 14, 2015 1:04 am

Table updated with round 2 scores, still waiting for one more game to finish.
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Re: The Championship - Flat Rate/No Spoils

Postby TheQuietOne on Sun Feb 15, 2015 3:15 pm

Please drop me out and give my spot to the next-best player.
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Re: The Championship - Flat Rate/No Spoils

Postby Clive on Mon Feb 16, 2015 6:27 am

TheQuietOne wrote:Please drop me out and give my spot to the next-best player.

Will do.
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Re: The Championship - Flat Rate/No Spoils

Postby Lord_Bremen on Fri Feb 27, 2015 12:28 pm

I think 30 is actually a large improvement on 20. In most games it will take 5-10 turns just to get a bonus. So you're doubling or quadrupling the total bonus you'll get over the course of the game by upping it to 30. I've won several games this tournament literally just deploying 3 and not attacking all game, that shouldn't happen.

Edit: a suggestion that may help with the round limit issue:
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Re: The Championship - Flat Rate/No Spoils

Postby Clive on Tue Mar 03, 2015 9:48 pm

This round I am happy that only the 10 player games require the 20 round limit, the others will be made with 30, and we should see the games finishing in similar time frames.

As for the future rounds, I think the 7 and 8 player games will need the shorter restriction, but we'll see how it goes. The aim is to have the tournament complete this year, and it's already looking tight for that deadline, given that a round takes about 3 months.

As a player, I do like your suggestion, would be great to see that option alongside the round limit option - but I should note that I am not involved with the suggestions team in any capacity.
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Re: The Championship - Flat Rate/No Spoils

Postby willedtowin1 on Thu Mar 05, 2015 11:11 am

Missing 1 player
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Re: The Championships - Flat Rate/No Spoils

Postby Donelladan on Mon Mar 16, 2015 4:48 am

While I understand in order to have a "true" champion winning this tournament we should play on various map and setting.
Why in hell did you let that happen Game 15425699. There is definitely 0% interest into attacking in this game. Will be one of the most boring game I ever played.

Too late for me now, but if this ever have to be done again, do not put this map.
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