Santa is searching in 16 different locations around the website to find RUDOLPH Each Santa has found a different clue to the location of RUDOLPH
FIND THE SANTAS ..... FIND RUDOLPH Beware ... some of them are EVIL SANTAS... They are lurking and may give you false information... two of them are not even shown above??
WHERE IS A SANTA? Santa is a lot more cunning than the Easter Bunny, and will not be easy to spot A LIVE CHAT EVENT can provide you the answers you seek
LIVE CHAT EVENTS: These Events will occur RANDOMLY throughout the last two weeks of December
I would like to thank the following for helping make this a great event:
BigWham - For on the spot trouble shooting and instant action when we needed him most in hosting the items (I did create a few hours of work for the Wham-man, and he came through for us)
The Chat team for their support, and the contestants that participated.
A Special mention goes to dgz345,dakky21 and SilverWill, for allowing me to mess with their much as they messed with mine
There will be a "Behind the Scenes" report on what actually went on here in the next Conquer Club Newsletter. It will be a good read to understand how my mind was blown apart....
Last edited by Razorvich on Wed Jan 07, 2015 5:09 am, edited 2 times in total.
High Score: 2569 TeeGee has my PW... Wall him if I get below 1 Hour in CLAN GAMES ONLY !!