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PapaGeek wrote:I agree with you totally Swifte, I’d love to make it “as flexible as possible”, but my biggest problem with the way it is now is that when you get into escalating games that last a lot of rounds, the amount of troops you get for each cache becomes too large to manage in a single move.
I’d love to see a huge level of flexibility, but a simple way of getting huge stacks to a manageable level where you can then “tweak” the results with single attacks within the 1 hour time limit would at least eliminate the fact that right now many of the things you want to accomplish are literally “impossible” to do under the current attack rules.
My post mentioned 100,000 troops, but what if it was only 4,000 or 5,000. You still only have 3,600 seconds in the one hour time limit for completing your turn.
You can plan out your move when you are getting a few thousand troop in that round and if all you want to do is place them and take a single square, fine. But if you want to place them and do a strategic strike against your opponent, the current attack limitations can literally make it “IMPOSSIBLE” for you to attack the way you want! Being “impossible” becomes a huge disadvantage to the game we all love to play!
PapaGeek wrote:Swifte,
Can you give us some examples of the type of flexibility you are looking for?
PapaGeek wrote:This thread started back in 2006 and nothing has been done yet. In reading the last few posts, BGtheBrain came up with an interesting suggestion on Aug 31, 2013, a simple button to perform an auto assault until either player has been cut down by 50%. My original (duplicated) suggestion was because I was in an escalating, trench, no reinforcement game where the caches have grown to over 100,000 per cache. His idea would work just fine even in that situation. The 50% rundown from 100,000 would be:
100,000 > 50,000 > 25,000 > 12,500 > 6,250 > 3,125 > 1,562 > 781 > 390 > 195 > 97
In just 10 clicks of the “Auto 50%” button the 100,000 stack has been reduce to under 100 and you can easily “tweak” that result with the single assault button or continue the 50% a few more times first.
His suggestion is simple, probably easy to implement, and it does eliminate the “impossible” situations that can occur with the current assault options on huge stacks.
Stephan Wayne wrote:Every day is Fool's Day on CC.
PapaGeek wrote:This thread started back in 2006 and nothing has been done yet.
Metsfanmax wrote:Add to Semi-Auto Assault
Mad777 wrote:Not sure to see time spend on coding this since you can do it yourself by pressing the attck several time and until you reach the desired troop number, yeah it's time consuming, especially when you face huge stack above 100 troops, I see your point but what would you like to see?
Are you thinking about putting a threshold when you use "Auto-Attack"? Meaning having the same feature for the troops reinforcement drop down menu so you can select the remaining troop wished to achieve?
Exactly The coding has to be close
Note: I'm not against, I just not seeing it valuable as a top priority for the suggestion team since I believe there is other suggestion awaiting to be implemented that are to me more important (Are they still around?)
Good luck with it, and yeah why not adding another option into the gameplay...[/color]
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