This is a TPA5 major tournament. So you don't want to miss it. And its designed by me so it will be fun, another reason not to miss it.
This is a Tournament Players Association Year 5 [TPA5] event, and is governed by its rules, guidelines, and judgments which are detailed here: ... 9&t=207126 All are welcome to join and participate in the association. You do not need to do anything more than join one or more of the TPA5 events that will be announced on Mondays. Check back on the scoreboard to see how you're doing:
"FederationInternationalede Ski"
A series of 10 races, each scored seperately. The points from each race (see below) are then totaled and at the end of the season, we will have a winner.
As this is a major tournament, I am looking for 100+ racers.
Each race will start approximately two weeks apart. This puts us on track to be done by the beginning to middle of summer. A race takes about 6-8 weeks, so it is possible that you could have 6-8 games going (max) and very possible that you have none going. Freemiums are welcome but I must warn you, I cannot hold things for you and it is very possible that I would use up all of your 4 slots.
The 10 races of the 2015 Season: Use the pull downs (below) to see the maps that make up the sections of each race. All races subject to last minute changes without notice, until the race actually starts. (Wiggle room for me but I don't expect to change anything)
All segments of each race (individual maps) will be Standard, 1v1, Seq, Auto, 20 rounds, 24 hours.
Spoils, Reinforcements, and Special Gameplay listed next to each map.
Individual Race Results and Overall Season Scores are linked in Post 3. Remember first 30 finishers of each race get points.
It is possible that ties will occur. This will be handled as it is normally in the World. Those tied will receive the same score and there will be a couple of missing places. For example, two tie for 1st in a race. Then both will be scored as, 1st. Both receive 100points. However there will be no second place finisher. There will be two firsts, then a third, fourth, etc. 3rd receives as stated above, 60 points.
Should the season end up in a tie, then tiebreakers as follows: 1st tiebreaker - total race times for the season. 2nd and following tiebreakers, times for 10th race, then 9th, etc. If I need a third tiebreaker something is really rotten in Denmark.
Overall season score spreadsheet in Posting #3. Individual race score spreadsheets in Posting #3.
**GA medal approved for anyone who can win 2 races.**
I expect that this will be very difficult. Based on past experience, I expect the tournament winner to have won no races, but finished well consistently. Since only the first 30 score points, the winner could finish very badly in a bunch of races but make up for it in the end. So if you can win 2 of the 10 races, that is an achievement and worthy of additional recognition.
Every two weeks I will start a new race, as well as keeping the current ones going. It may sound like a lot but I assure you that is a rather light load. Each new segment of a race will be issued when about 80% have completed the previous section. This keeps the racers all in about the same place while moving things along.
All games to be accepted within 24 hours:
If you are the skier and you do not accept, then you can assume your skier is doing this
and you will be scored as a DNF (Did Not Finish) and you are out of the race. Two DNFs and you are out of the tournament. The only exceptions are if you pm me or wall me and say oops, please resend. I will always check my pms, and wall before eliminating anyone.
If an opponent (the hill, the green player) fails to pick up a round, they will be replaced by a random ( player. So it is possible that you would have to pick up an extra defense round. The player who deadbeats will incur a 20 second penalty. The player who picks up the extra round has the possibility of taking additional time off their score. If you do not want this and your name comes up, you may refuse it (no penalty, just missed opportunity), and I will give it to the next person on the list. If you DNF in two races I will assume that you have a season ending injury and will remove you from the active skiing roster.
Overall Scoreboard and Individual Race Scoreboard will be found in the third post. They will appear as needed once there are scores to insert in them.
Your Super Nice Wonderful Tournament Coordinator: And finally. I am very easy to work with if you communicate with me. I don't need to know the details. RL is kicking my butt until Thursday is sufficient. I can bend lots of different directions to make things work. But if you don't communicate, I won't hesitate in dropping you immediately. I would much rather make things work so you get to continue. (It really is a lot less complicated for me.)
So please, please, tell me when a problem comes up, an observation about how things are going, or anything else you feel I should know. I love the feedback, it helps make things better for me and for you because I can continue to improve my tournaments.
Thank you,
Last edited by Silly Knig-it on Wed Sep 02, 2015 1:51 am, edited 32 times in total.