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Cleared pinkrose2012/soupsters [MAS]

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pinkrose2012/soupsters [MAS]

Postby eridein on Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:49 am

player: pinkrose2012
player: soupsters

The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

game 15015855
game 15015851
game 15015648
game 15015520
and our current game:

You can find my accusation in the comment thread on the current game - but in summary... I could tell after attacking through fog, that both these players were keeping only armies of 1 on all their shared borders, yet keeping very large stacks on all borders facing other players. They allowed each other to maintain and keep large region bonuses and even made comments about "our game". I believe they are real life friends - but could be a clever trick to hide multi-account behavior.
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Re: pinkrose2012/soupsters

Postby Donelladan on Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:52 am

eridein wrote:Accused:
player: pinkrose2012
player: soupsters

The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 15015855
Game 15015851
Game 15015648
Game 15015520
and our current game:
Game 15019221

You can find my accusation in the comment thread on the current game - but in summary... I could tell after attacking through fog, that both these players were keeping only armies of 1 on all their shared borders, yet keeping very large stacks on all borders facing other players. They allowed each other to maintain and keep large region bonuses and even made comments about "our game". I believe they are real life friends - but could be a clever trick to hide multi-account behavior.

You can use [game] and [/game] before and after you post game number, there is clickable option to do so when you make a post. Make it easier for people to check the game you provided ;)

More on the subject now, you listed 5 games, but I don't see how any of this game prove any SD ??

Except that there is one team game in which they are in the same team.

They have played a total of 7 games together.
Pinkrose played 5619 games.
soupsters played 197 games.

One is from USA, one from germany.

Maybe there are indeed having SD in the game you are playing with them, but I think there is a lack of evidence so far.
You could check log of their games and see if they purposefully avoid to attack each other in most of them, but with only 7 games, and 6 of them being escalating setting I would be very surprised if you can find anything convincing.
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Re: pinkrose2012/soupsters

Postby soupsters on Wed Nov 19, 2014 6:41 am

Hi there, is it within forum rules to reply to the accusations? Sorry, this is my first post here and wasn't even aware these forums existed until the accusation was brought up within the game.

If not, I've tried to explain the background a bit within the chat of the game.
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Re: pinkrose2012/soupsters

Postby Edric Wolfswift on Wed Nov 19, 2014 6:47 am

eridein wrote:even made comments about "our game".

That was hipposrayzer: SOUP ITS YOUR TURN IN OUR GAME

eridein wrote:could be a clever trick to hide multi-account behavior.

With pinkrose2012 being from the United States, and soupsters being from Germany... THAT would be a clever trick.

They are not multies and there is no proof of SD
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Re: pinkrose2012/soupsters

Postby Edric Wolfswift on Wed Nov 19, 2014 7:50 am

soupsters wrote:Hi there, is it within forum rules to reply to the accusations?

Absolutely...and I encourage you to do so. The OP is clearly way off base with the accusations.
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Re: pinkrose2012/soupsters

Postby pinkrose2012 on Wed Nov 19, 2014 9:52 am

I am not even going to feed into this person's ignorance. He started these accusations in game and I am glad he reported; I actually told him too. I am guilty of no such thing but he rattled about it all game and got the other person to work with himself to target only she and I because supposedly he is on some weird kick that soupsters and were I cheating?
So carry on with the investigation so this nonsense will finally be put to rest. :roll:
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Re: pinkrose2012/soupsters

Postby soupsters on Wed Nov 19, 2014 10:14 am

15015648 - This is the first game I remember playing with pinkrose. I can't see the chat or log anymore, but if it's the game I remember, we all really enjoyed it, we were all really friendly, and so we decided to play again together.

15015855 - This is the game we all joined after the first game. One of the players was having a hard time with the 2 minute rounds the first time, so we played this one as 24 hours. As you can see, different people won the first and the second games, neither of which were me or pink!

15015851 - This is a quad game and we're on the same team. You can see crogers is also there. I think they created the game and invited us after the two other games we all played together.

15015520 - I don't remember this game at all, but clearly we both got slaughtered! :)

15019221 - You can see my response to eridein's accusations in the chat. As already pointed out here, it wasn't pinkrose that talked about 'our game.' It was another player, referring to another game. They posted in several of my game chats at the same time, as well as on my wall. I think I must have accidentally joined a speed game and then logged out. You can also see that I got the bad rating I deserved for that!

Anyway, I don't think the situation in the game was exactly as he described it. Looking through the log, I see lots of instances of me attacking pinkrose and vice versa. I've had a lot of bonuses in that game, but actually, it has been moving between continents as I get attacked at various places by various people. I don't think pinkrose has had much in the way of bonuses at all. Judging by the way the game is going, eridein should probably be worrying less about cheating conspiracies and more about BobDole's playing...

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Re: pinkrose2012/soupsters

Postby Masli on Thu Nov 20, 2014 4:27 am

There was a multi in that game, but not pinkrose2012 or soupsters.
Both are Cleared of being Multi's

From what I can see in the log, I can't see an SD going on when I look in the log. For now, also cleared of SD
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