Game 15016964
Rockfist has a score of 2996 My score is 1582 ... Isn`t this what they called farming.
Rockfist has 5 out of 6 bosses on the drop and most of gen pop .
My first turn was all losses in rolls. And they expect me to believe that the game isn`t biased based on rank. f*ck YOU
What am i supposed to do . All the changes made to this website and theres still no option for allowing and disallowing certain players to your games. Instead CC expects me to entertain this. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
If i was internet SAVY i would start a campaign on the social blogs referencing what you can expect when playing this site. Instead of sharing a victory you can share the ASS FUCKING they expect you to take .
This proves that this site is dishonest as this not the only occasion , much of my foe list is colonels or better who have farmed me , i will no longer patronize CC. Is This Considered Enjoyment ?