Dukasaur wrote:I don't think it's true that he still had a chance of winning.
Here's the map in round 80:

Does it look like you have a chance of winning? Both you and green are in far worse positions than red was when he blew up. Should you have suicided into one of us for breaking all your bonuses and given suggestions on how the other one could win? No, both of you made the smart move by pulling back to a smaller area that you could defend better.
Dukasaur wrote:In the last two weeks of the game, you demanded that he pull out of Australia, which he did, but then you proceeded to gobble up most of SA, and increase your deploy in a way that he couldn't hope to match.
You have this a little backwards. Red and I were about equal at this point, and I took La Plata. Then instead of taking middle east, which you had all but abandoned, red broke all my bonuses in oceana. It was then that I pulled out of SA and took Iceland to get red to withdraw from Oceana.
After that, I thought that red's plan was to attack me whenever I went after you or green, so it seemed that I needed to weaken him to the point where he couldn't do that without losing. I guess if I had checked is ratings, I would have seen that he has a pattern of suiciding and trying to throw games.
So here it is just before his suicide:

He had an 8 deploy, which should have been enough to take back europe, and with unlimited reinforcements, he could position those troops to defend it. You and I were at about equal strength, so neither one of us was in a position to force a win, and the game would have been far from over. Up until that point, I thought that it was a very good game, and that everyone was playing well.
I think that this was a pretty clear case of throwing a game. I don't know what he did before to get kicked out of a game, but after that, shouldn't he be on some kind of probation? The rules state:
Cheaters and troublemakers detract from the gaming experience of all Conquer Club players, and proactive measures are employed to protect our membership. Conquer Club reserves the right to suspend accounts and cancel Premium Memberships, with or without warning, of those players who are deemed to have violated the rules.
Obviously any gross abuse of the game is forbidden. This includes but is not limited to: throwing games or deliberately benefiting from thrown games, intentional deadbeating, holding players hostage, serial teammate killing, hijacking accounts, systematically "farming" new recruits and colluding with other players in any way to manipulate the scoring system.
Should they add:
...unless someone makes you really mad, then you can do whatever you want.