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Noted Gordon - Throwing a game{sn}

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Gordon - Throwing a game{sn}

Postby degaston on Tue Nov 04, 2014 10:45 am

Accused: Gordon

The accused are suspected of: Throwing a game

Game 14587528

Short version:
In round 86, Gordon suicided 116 troops into me, and proceeded to give advice to an opponent on how to win the game.

Longer version:
Game had been at 4 players for over 60 rounds with several lead changes.
In round 85, I broke Gordon's bonuses and knocked him from 2nd to 3rd place with 140 troops. 4th place had 93 troops, 1st & 2nd were tied with around 240.
Gordon then gathered all his available troops next to me, I pulled back from the area's I had taken, but he continued to suicide into me.
That was enough to give the game to the winner, but Gordon continued to give advice to him to make sure that he won.

I don't care about the points, and I've already FAMOed, but I feel that this should at least be noted because judging from his ratings, he seems to be developing a pattern of vindictive, suicidal play when things don't go his way.

Edit: It looks like he was doing something similar in Game 14673077, and I see he was thrown out of Game 14499964 for violating the rules. This guy is causing more than his share of grief around here.
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Re: Gordon - Throwing a game{sn}

Postby owenshooter on Tue Nov 04, 2014 6:15 pm

funny, in chat he accuses you of being the suicider... FAMO...-Jésus noir

p.s.-three games isn't really compelling evidence that he is destroying the CC experience for the masses... just sayin'...
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Re: Gordon - Throwing a game{sn}

Postby Major.Bossman on Tue Nov 04, 2014 9:55 pm

The problem is where to draw the line between what is reasonable play and what is suicidal. Looking at the log it appears that bonuses were broken multiple times. After a while a player can just get tired of it and decide that he or she has two options let the cycle continue and possibly get weaker and weaker until he or she is eliminated or risk it all on a big gamble and hope for the best. It comes down to whether a player is more comfortable taking a risk to burn out or fade away. However in this case it appears that Gordon was purposely helping Dukasaur win by giving directions on how to strengthen his or her position.
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Re: Gordon - Throwing a game{sn}

Postby Assassin07 on Tue Nov 04, 2014 11:11 pm

I'm in that game and my honest opinion is degaston you are a good player and only played a few hundred games. I have played thousands it's a few points brother and suicides happen all the time especially in assassin games it's part of the game as good as a player you are you should not be worried about the points you will get them back your next win or wins. Let it go there is no point in wasting your time and others being mad over Gordons move that's why theirs a foe list ...and at the end of the day it's a game.
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Re: Gordon - Throwing a game{sn}

Postby degaston on Wed Nov 05, 2014 12:48 am

As I said in the OP, I don't care about the points, and I've already FAMOed, so I don't have to play another game with him.

But considering that this site seems to be losing members at an unprecedented rate, I would think that they would at least want to remind him that this kind of behavior is against the rules. This is not the first time he's done this, and he recently did something bad enough to get himself booted from some games.

I've had people suicide into me before, but never when they still had a reasonable chance of winning. Gordon still had about 20% of the troops, and throwing them all at me was not any kind of gamble to win - it was simply to ruin a game that could have gone on for another 100 rounds with 4 people.
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Re: Gordon - Throwing a game{sn}

Postby Assassin07 on Wed Nov 05, 2014 8:21 am

[quote="degaston"]As I said in the OP, I don't care about the points, and I've already FAMOed, so I don't have to play another game with him.

But considering that this site seems to be losing members at an unprecedented rate, I would think that they would at least want to remind him that this kind of behavior is against the rules. This is not the first time he's done this, and he recently did something bad enough to get himself booted from some games.

I've had people suicide into me before, but never when they still had a reasonable chance of winning. Gordon still had about 20% of the troops, and throwing them all at me was not any kind of gamble to win - it was simply to ruin a game that could have gone on for another 100 rounds with 4
I see .
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Re: Gordon - Throwing a game{sn}

Postby Dukasaur on Fri Nov 07, 2014 1:47 am

degaston wrote:
I've had people suicide into me before, but never when they still had a reasonable chance of winning. Gordon still had about 20% of the troops, and throwing them all at me was not any kind of gamble to win - it was simply to ruin a game that could have gone on for another 100 rounds with 4 people.

I took a few days to think about this. Here's my thoughts, and make of them what you will.

I don't think it's true that he still had a chance of winning. In the last two weeks of the game, you demanded that he pull out of Australia, which he did, but then you proceeded to gobble up most of SA, and increase your deploy in a way that he couldn't hope to match. On October 27th he made his last diplomatic overture to you
2014-10-27 01:21:20 - Gordon: If you're going to take S.A., you'll have to clear out of Australia Blue
. You did move out of SA, but immediately set up for another attack on him. In the early morning of October 31st, he made a very conservative attack in China, just enough to card, obviously still expecting that the peace treaty you guys had earlier would resume. Instead, you came online and shredded his European holdings.

I think at that point he saw no further chance of winning, and it was later that day that he came online, saw Europe hopeless, and realized he was finished. It was only then that he prepared for his suicide run against you. I think your invasion of Europe sealed the deal. He couldn't expand into Africa with my larger armies, or into Australia with green there to open a third front. He didn't have all of Asia and now he had lost much of Europe. It must have seemed very hopeless.

He could only see you as the architect of his downfall. You were pretty much the only one that had seriously hurt him (green and I only attacked him when he attacked us, and we always pulled back after making our point.) You were the only one who attacked him for prolonged and damaging periods. I'm not criticising you. It is, after all a war game, and you were playing it vigourously as it should be played. I'm only saying that I think his situation was at that point pretty hopeless, he knew you were primary mover of his hopelessness, and for him to take you down in a kamikaze attack made sense in that context.
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Re: Gordon - Throwing a game{sn}

Postby degaston on Fri Nov 07, 2014 9:13 am

Dukasaur wrote:I don't think it's true that he still had a chance of winning.

Here's the map in round 80:
Does it look like you have a chance of winning? Both you and green are in far worse positions than red was when he blew up. Should you have suicided into one of us for breaking all your bonuses and given suggestions on how the other one could win? No, both of you made the smart move by pulling back to a smaller area that you could defend better.

Dukasaur wrote:In the last two weeks of the game, you demanded that he pull out of Australia, which he did, but then you proceeded to gobble up most of SA, and increase your deploy in a way that he couldn't hope to match.

You have this a little backwards. Red and I were about equal at this point, and I took La Plata. Then instead of taking middle east, which you had all but abandoned, red broke all my bonuses in oceana. It was then that I pulled out of SA and took Iceland to get red to withdraw from Oceana.

After that, I thought that red's plan was to attack me whenever I went after you or green, so it seemed that I needed to weaken him to the point where he couldn't do that without losing. I guess if I had checked is ratings, I would have seen that he has a pattern of suiciding and trying to throw games.

So here it is just before his suicide:
He had an 8 deploy, which should have been enough to take back europe, and with unlimited reinforcements, he could position those troops to defend it. You and I were at about equal strength, so neither one of us was in a position to force a win, and the game would have been far from over. Up until that point, I thought that it was a very good game, and that everyone was playing well.

I think that this was a pretty clear case of throwing a game. I don't know what he did before to get kicked out of a game, but after that, shouldn't he be on some kind of probation? The rules state:
Cheaters and troublemakers detract from the gaming experience of all Conquer Club players, and proactive measures are employed to protect our membership. Conquer Club reserves the right to suspend accounts and cancel Premium Memberships, with or without warning, of those players who are deemed to have violated the rules.
Obviously any gross abuse of the game is forbidden. This includes but is not limited to: throwing games or deliberately benefiting from thrown games, intentional deadbeating, holding players hostage, serial teammate killing, hijacking accounts, systematically "farming" new recruits and colluding with other players in any way to manipulate the scoring system.

Should they add:
...unless someone makes you really mad, then you can do whatever you want.
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Re: Gordon - Throwing a game{sn}

Postby sniffie on Mon Nov 10, 2014 2:36 pm

Do you have more games in which the accused behaves this way??

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Re: Gordon - Throwing a game{sn}

Postby degaston on Mon Nov 10, 2014 3:40 pm

sniffie wrote:Do you have more games in which the accused behaves this way??

All I can see is the chat, so I can't tell how each situation played out. But here's a sampling of recent World 2.1 games that he lost:

I don't know if this threw the game, but he apparently killed himself and another player
Game 14673077
2014-08-26 17:06:31 - ntcbadabing: gordon, any particular reason you insist on keeping us the bottom two armies?
2014-08-26 17:10:47 - ntcbadabing: you do see the troop counts building?... and you do hit me every round
2014-08-26 17:12:11 - ntcbadabing: and not to mention your 3 defense of 25 at your N/W and your 1 and 10 defense from 24 on your SW borders... did you guys start a truce we don't know about or what?
2014-08-26 17:13:22 - ntcbadabing: or did you decide you want to trade your Major status for cook? lol..
2014-09-07 02:23:47 - ntcbadabing: Red, this war is the death of both of us, idiot.
2014-09-07 02:24:14 - ntcbadabing: But I did win :)
2014-09-10 07:04:54 - ntcbadabing: there you go idiot, you really have no business with a rank of major.. putting you on foe. literally worst strategy i've seen given these map settings
2014-09-10 07:06:30 - ntcbadabing: and it was pointed out to you. politely..
2014-09-11 07:10:50 - ntcbadabing: gga
2014-09-11 07:11:01 - ntcbadabing: except gordon.. lol on to the next!

Not much to see here from the chat, but it looks like it could be more abusive play.
Game 14611403
2014-07-09 02:42:46 - rookie246: lol red is being sore.
2014-07-10 22:45:36 - rookie246: yellow is pulling ahead o.O
2014-07-11 12:23:48 - Gordon: gee, I wonder why.

Here's the game I was in, but the chat log has been wiped out.

A couple of games where he was kicked out for violating the rules. Does anyone know why?
Game 14499964
2014-06-26 02:48:37 - Gordon was kicked out for violating the rules

Game 14435790
2014-06-26 02:48:37 - Gordon was kicked out for violating the rules in round - 11

Here's another suicide.
Game 13927311
2014-03-05 13:47:14 - Lord Rog: LOL Gordon I see you are still up to your misdirection tricks. Of course you would side with Doc against me. You can't reach me so don't have to do anything but watch Doc and I duke it out. Good choice.hehe
2014-03-05 20:32:54 - Gordon: yellow, we have to break LR bonuses this round
2014-03-06 18:41:39 - Gordon: Thanks yellow, the game thanks you yellow, I'll do it this time.
2014-03-08 11:49:30 - Lord Rog: Nice job. Not sure how you benefited other than making an enemy that never forgets. If not this game, any game I find you.
2014-03-08 11:51:30 - Lord Rog: Interesting, a suicide to eliminate another player. I will come for you Gordon.

... and another
Game 13760255
2014-02-16 17:59:05 - Gordon: well green you just gave the game to yellow.
2014-02-16 17:59:20 - Gordon: smooth move.
2014-02-16 21:09:28 - alan rulez: i think you suiciding on green had more to do with that red

... and another?
Game 13652127
2014-01-18 21:09:31 - yung gvnr: Is this some sort of sick joke Gordon?. Why agree to a truce with Ocracoke, just to break it without warning when it suits you. Why cant t****s like you do us all a favour & find another game to cheat at. God knows what rank I'd be if I played like you!
2014-01-18 21:15:53 - yung gvnr: Sorry for busting your balls in Africa Ocracoke but at least I didn't shaft you like that scumbag. Hope we all can express our disgust with Gordon through the ratings at the end of the game.

Game 13423183
2013-11-24 13:20:35 - MightyGnat: Lesson for you red...may it always be thus for liars and truce breakers...
2013-11-24 17:34:12 - MightyGnat: doesn't appear Pink is going to come galluping to your
2013-11-25 10:14:58 - MightyGnat: That's pretty sad red...
2013-11-25 13:14:51 - MightyGnat: Good bye and good riddance Gordon...A just and whimpering end for you...
2013-12-04 23:22:14 - MightyGnat: Now isn't this so much more pleasant and friendly since gordon got booted?

Funny thing is, he apparently used to know that this wasn't the right way to play.
Game 12365857
2013-05-19 20:01:56 - Gordon: Yellow, we either cooperate now or we hand the game to Aqua
2013-05-19 20:51:36 - sunking25: i gave you mahgreb for middle east because you made me an exit path, then you decided to wipe me out in russia
2013-05-20 17:32:40 - Gordon: Yes, it's true, but wanting revenge in this game is a quick trip to the loss column
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Re: Gordon - Throwing a game{sn}

Postby sniffie on Tue Nov 11, 2014 3:14 am

Thank you for all the info, I'll need a day or two to process it all.

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Re: Gordon - Throwing a game{sn}

Postby owenshooter on Tue Nov 11, 2014 2:05 pm

sniffie wrote:Thank you for all the info, I'll need a day or two to process it all.


get a tissue...-Jésus noir

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Re: Gordon - Throwing a game{sn}

Postby sniffie on Thu Nov 13, 2014 12:26 pm

I have processed the info and I think it's not enough for a warning, yet, that is why I will note this.
If it keeps occurring, further steps will be undertaken.

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Re: Gordon - Throwing a game{sn}

Postby owenshooter on Thu Nov 13, 2014 12:43 pm

sniffie wrote:


Guess that settles that!!! love when the Sniffles gets involved!!!-Jésus noir
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Re: Gordon - Throwing a game{sn}

Postby sniffie on Fri Nov 14, 2014 2:03 pm

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