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Cleared Game Throwing - Power Bomb [DCR]

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Game Throwing - Power Bomb [DCR]

Postby Donelladan on Tue Nov 04, 2014 12:26 pm


Power Bomb

The accused are suspected of:

Game throwing

Game number(s):

Game 14721867
Game 14721865


In this Game 14721867 Power Bomb was the leader. Settings are sunny flat rate round limit 50 as you can see, therefore the game really fast go into a stacking mode. As most of the game of this tournament by the way.
Gabriel13 and me were 2nd and 3rd droping 6/turn. Power Bomb was the leader droping 8/turn.
I do not have the exact number in my head but Powerbomb was close to 300 troops, Gabriel and me having around 250 each.
Because there is only 10 rounds remaining, and I know if everyone do nothing then Power Bomb will win, I say in the chat that Gabriel13 and me should both attack a bit Power Bomb so that we have a shot at wining the game.
Gabriel13, as a good player, accept, and we proceed with my plan.

Power Bomb as a f****** d****** a****** noob take anger at my move and suicided on me.

Well so far, I wouldn't have make a report for game throwing. I am unfortunately used to noob suiciding on me because I do not just wait round limit and lose stupidly the game to them.
And well I attacked, he took revenge, he will lose the game because of it but why not.

Now come the 2nd game. Unfortunately in this tournament we are playing 7 games with the same people so I had still another one ongoing with Power Bomb.
In this Game 14721865 I did not do anything to Power Bomb, but because of the previous game, he suicided into me.
Now suiciding into me because of another game is just a childish behaviour, and I think it really make a case of game throwing.

Proof that he suicided into me only because of the previous game can be found in the chat.
In the Game 14721867 I made my offer to Gabriel13 to attack Power Bomb with those words :

2014-10-31 15:28:03 - Donelladan: Gabriel, I think we have a problem, and by working together we may solve it, what do you think?
2014-10-31 19:09:31 - Gabriel13: Would that problem rhyme with bean pom?
2014-11-01 01:55:40 - Donelladan: yes indeed, since we have the same income and the same amount of troops, i propose we spend the same amount
2014-11-01 01:56:16 - Donelladan: I will move first, but only once your stack is in position to help
2014-11-02 00:00:11 - Gabriel13: Alright

In the Game 14721865 Power Bomb said, right after suiciding into me :
2014-11-04 17:32:00 - Power Bomb: Boy, we got a real problem here with yellow. We need to do something about him Gabriel.

You can see he is using same word than me " problem", furthermore in Game 14721865 Gabriel13 is already dead therefore he is speaking to him only to be even more obvious on the fact that he suicided into me in this game because of the other one.
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Re: Game Throwing - Power Bomb

Postby owenshooter on Tue Nov 04, 2014 6:51 pm

yeah... i don't see that at all... by "real problem", he is conceding that you have the upper hand... that is not throwing a game... *eyes rolling*... just foe and move on... wow... the levels this forum has sunk too... just sad...-Jésus noir™
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Re: Game Throwing - Power Bomb

Postby Donelladan on Tue Nov 04, 2014 7:06 pm

owenshooter wrote:yeah... i don't see that at all... by "real problem", he is conceding that you have the upper hand... that is not throwing a game... *eyes rolling*... just foe and move on... wow... the levels this forum has sunk too... just sad...-Jésus noir™

"he is conceding that you have the upper hand"

Did you even look at the game linked? I guess you didn't. He suicided on me, meaning now Power Bomb only has 4 troops while I have 40, other players having 178, 143, 137 and 66 I am wondering how I could have the upper hand. Plus I didn't have the upper hand even before he suicided.

And sorry but suiciding in a game X before of my move in a game Y is a big issue to me.
Suiciding in game X because of my move in game X is acceptable even if still dumb, I understand, but screwing me in another game? That's why game throwing offense have been instaured I hope.
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Re: Game Throwing - Power Bomb

Postby jltile1 on Tue Nov 04, 2014 9:03 pm

Well i guess you get to kill him in one game. Its a game sometimes you piss people off they do stupid stuff. As owen said foe and move on he did suicide you, but he is not handing the game to anyone. Just a bad sport not worthy of a CA report.
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Re: Game Throwing - Power Bomb

Postby Donelladan on Wed Nov 05, 2014 3:02 am

If he had handed the game to someone else I would have accuse him of secret diplomacy.
I am not sure you got the case completely either - I am "fine" with people suiciding on me. I am used to it.
I am not fine with people suiciding on me on other games they have against me because of a single game story.

I don't even understand how this could not be a game throwing.

Plus, please note, both games are part of an auto-tournament, FAMO wouldn't be of any help if I am facing him again next round.
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Re: Game Throwing - Power Bomb [DCR]

Postby rhp 1 on Wed Nov 05, 2014 12:26 pm

U keep trying to apply ur logic to someone else. You formed a plan which included attacking him in a game that he felt he should win. He got pissed off. It happens. And yeah, I get it, you're pissed his anger rolled into another game. A lot people don't get pissed in one game and then magically forget ab it in the next. It happens. And the world still spins. Just let it go man.
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Re: Game Throwing - Power Bomb [DCR]

Postby owenshooter on Wed Nov 05, 2014 1:45 pm

rhp 1 wrote:U keep trying to apply ur logic to someone else. You formed a plan which included attacking him in a game that he felt he should win. He got pissed off. It happens. And yeah, I get it, you're pissed his anger rolled into another game. A lot people don't get pissed in one game and then magically forget ab it in the next. It happens. And the world still spins. Just let it go man.

the beard has spoken... make it so...-Jésus noir™

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Re: Game Throwing - Power Bomb [DCR]

Postby Donelladan on Wed Nov 05, 2014 4:53 pm

Sorry, I guess I am missing smthg then, why there is an offense call "game throwing" if when someone throw a game with no fucking reason everyone tell me nothing happened ?
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Re: Game Throwing - Power Bomb [DCR]

Postby Donelladan on Thu Nov 06, 2014 2:55 am

And now he did it in a 3rd game :

Game 14721868
2014-11-05 06:57:02 - Power Bomb: Hey guys, we need to work together to pare down red and blue. I'll start.

You can't see it in the log, but if you go right now in the game you'll see that PowerBomb only has 2 troops remaining and me 24 because he just suicided on me

Plus in this game ( game already linked in the first post )he detailed his idea that what he is just did, throwing away 3 games, will teach us some class. Because of course we are at fault for not stacking until round limit and losing the game with class, i.e, by doing nothing at all to prevent the leader to win. Awesome.

Game 14721867
2014-11-06 02:16:00 - Power Bomb: Hope you two guys enjoy the rest of the tourney if you haven't noticed. Maybe you'll learn a lil clas from this.
2014-11-06 02:17:02 - Power Bomb: Because I've respected everybody, let them keep their bonuses and win their games.
2014-11-06 02:17:41 - Power Bomb: Now damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead as Faragut once said.
2014-11-06 02:18:01 - Power Bomb: I know. Who the f*ck is Faragut lol
2014-11-06 02:19:09 - Power Bomb: Oh, damn straight I'm taking those 4 spoils - more to hit red with.
2014-11-06 02:24:05 - Power Bomb: Nah, I think I'll hand yellow this one.

And in this one just after suicided to me he decided to extend the honour to Gabriel13, and also suicided on him, since he was the leader by a far amount, he indeed had enough troops to kill me and then hurt badly Gabriel13.
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Re: Game Throwing - Power Bomb [DCR]

Postby Larry46 on Thu Nov 06, 2014 11:34 am

Like we use to say on the play ground "YOU STARTED IT!"
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Re: Game Throwing - Power Bomb [DCR]

Postby Larry46 on Thu Nov 06, 2014 11:40 am

Pretty funny indeed!
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Re: Game Throwing - Power Bomb [DCR]

Postby Power Bomb on Thu Nov 06, 2014 1:48 pm

I am a little confused here.

These two guys, this guy here and Gabriel (as well as others if you check all the games) have hit me, and whatever, I do nothing back. Now hung to Big Conquer Brother lol.

In this particular game, I have been clearly winning from the beginning.

In other games, I've respected others and let them win in this position.

In any case the bottom line is that if you two decide to take out the leader, you must understand anybody has the same right to ... Do what they want with THEIR troops.

Live by the sword, die by the sword.

As I said, perhaps you'll learn several things, like respect and losing with class.

And winning at all costs isn't everything.

Nor do all have to play by YOUR rules in any case.....especially when your rules lack any dignity.

Now have a nice conquer Club life cuz you are foed, not out of anger, but because this is supposed to be fun, you crybaby and you can't even face losing a single game without pulling tricks. And that's what started this.

Filing a complaint. My lord.
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Re: Game Throwing - Power Bomb [DCR]

Postby Extreme Ways on Thu Nov 06, 2014 1:53 pm

Power Bomb wrote:I am a little confused here.

These two guys, this guy here and Gabriel (as well as others if you check all the games) have hit me, and whatever, I do nothing back. Now hung to Big Conquer Brother lol.

In this particular game, I have been clearly winning from the beginning.

In other games, I've respected others and let them win in this position.

In any case the bottom line is that if you two decide to take out the leader, you must understand anybody has the same right to ... Do what they want with THEIR troops.

Live by the sword, die by the sword.

As I said, perhaps you'll learn several things, like respect and losing with class.

And winning at all costs isn't everything.

Nor do all have to play by YOUR rules in any case.....especially when your rules lack any dignity.

Now have a nice conquer Club life cuz you are foed, not out of anger, but because this is supposed to be fun, you crybaby and you can't even face losing a single game without pulling tricks. And that's what started this.

Filing a complaint. My lord.

First of all, attacking someone with ~20 troops is a whole different story than attacking somebody with all of your units. While I must say you're correct you can do with your troops what you want and attacking the one who ruined it for you is one of the possibilities, it only throws the game to others.

Secondly, there is absolutely NO reason to suicide on him in other games, because they don't relate to eachother. If somebody suicides me in 1 game for no reason at all, does it make sense to suicide on him in another game? Even more so, he didn't suicide but only "balanced the game" in favor of multiple other players, so you don't just win by doing nothing.
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Re: Game Throwing - Power Bomb [DCR]

Postby Power Bomb on Thu Nov 06, 2014 2:16 pm

Dude, you weren't there for two or three months watching each player in every game.

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Re: Game Throwing - Power Bomb [DCR]

Postby Power Bomb on Thu Nov 06, 2014 2:26 pm

They got no problem beating me like a government mule for months, bully me around....

But the one time I might actually win, no, we can't have that.

We might lose to a low ranked player and lose a few precious points.

I seen this crap too many times to count.

Restart the games if you want but they pull that crap again I swear I will take them out again faster than Custer at Little Big Horn.
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Re: Game Throwing - Power Bomb [DCR]

Postby betiko on Thu Nov 06, 2014 2:26 pm

just one thing powerbomb: I guess you have played enough risk to know that leading in a game in multiplayer doesn't mean you have clearly won it as you pretend. What they did is absolutely normal. now after their attack to even things up and give everybody a chance, I can understand you get pissed (even if what they did is normal). What you can do is to threat to suicide on the next one who reduces you first; it's a strategy using fear. They will think about it before doing it; and you keep your chances of winning. If they perform a balanced attack you can't blame them. If they perform a totally uncalled for attack that leaves them with no chance well yes; you can be superpissed. And doing it on other games really... What you did there is throw 3 games because your opponents were trying to win, in games you clearly still had a chance to win. seriously?
for the record, I see I have you foed because I saw you do the same thing to someone else in a battle royale you handed out to me with your short temper.
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Re: Game Throwing - Power Bomb [DCR]

Postby rhp 1 on Thu Nov 06, 2014 5:55 pm

Larry46 wrote:Pretty funny indeed!

and getting much more funnerer by the day
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Re: Game Throwing - Power Bomb [DCR]

Postby Donelladan on Fri Nov 07, 2014 8:16 am

Power Bomb wrote:They got no problem beating me like a government mule for months, bully me around....

But the one time I might actually win, no, we can't have that.

We might lose to a low ranked player and lose a few precious points.

I seen this crap too many times to count.

Restart the games if you want but they pull that crap again I swear I will take them out again faster than Custer at Little Big Horn.

Please provide some examples ? I haven't been bullying you or anyone else before, there is no game chat proving any of what you said.
As far as I know the only game I used game chat against you is the one mentionned in the OP.

Also please take note, I have absolutely no problem losing my precious points to a low rank. I play all the times bunch of games that could make me a lot of points. I play speed game 1vs1 every weak against lower ranked opponent that you. Point isn't the problem. You are making a mistake here. I made the deal with Gabriel not because he is a colonel and I am brig, but because I was 2nd and he was 3rd player.

Otherwise :
In other games, I've respected others and let them win in this position.

I don't understand this sentence at all. It is not showing respect that letting the leader win the game in a sunny round limit games.
So if by round 30 everyone has a bonus, you have the bigger one, setting is round limit is 50, the game is over at round 30, and other player have to wait 20 rounds doing nothing and let you win ?
Do you see how this is a total non-sense?

This is not about respecting other, it is about playing to win. If I am the leader I expect other players to take me down to win, and to gang up on me in order to succeed.
And it is normal, and it is what you should do.

But as Extreme Ways said, that you suicided on me in the game I attacked you, even if I consider it being a strategical mistake since you could definitely still win the game, it is kind of OK. I am not reporting you because you suicide on me on this game.
I am reporting you because you suicided on me on every other games as well.

Restart the games if you want but they pull that crap again I swear I will take them out again faster than Custer at Little Big Horn

This can't happen and won't happen. Don't worry.

Now have a nice conquer Club life cuz you are foed, not out of anger, but because this is supposed to be fun, you crybaby and you can't even face losing a single game without pulling tricks. And that's what started this.

Filing a complaint. My lord.

Wondering what is fun in playing 20 rounds of stacking and doing nothing ? - btw you are foed too because it is NOT fun to see a guy suicide and screw 3 of your games because you were trying to win the game ( - yes the only thing you are blaming me for is trying to win a game - or to be more precise, you blame me for "not doing nothing and wait 20 rounds so that YOU win the game at the end....).

I have play more than 8000 games. I believe it is only the 2nd time I am filling a report in C and A.
And it is not a trick, there is rules on CC, not my rules, but CC rules

So for your information :

Unwritten Rules

Obviously any gross abuse of the game is forbidden. This includes but is not limited to: throwing games or deliberately benefiting from thrown games, intentional deadbeating, holding players hostage, serial teammate killing, hijacking accounts, systematically "farming" new recruits and colluding with other players in any way to manipulate the scoring system.
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Re: Game Throwing - Power Bomb [DCR]

Postby willedtowin1 on Fri Nov 07, 2014 12:03 pm

Unfortunately this will just be looked at as a pissing match Don.
If I where you I wouldn't waste any more time on this.
Get back to what you do best and win games Bubba. ;)
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Re: Game Throwing - Power Bomb [DCR]

Postby rhp 1 on Sat Nov 08, 2014 4:23 pm

Donelladan wrote:
Power Bomb wrote:They got no problem beating me like a government mule for months, bully me around....

But the one time I might actually win, no, we can't have that.

We might lose to a low ranked player and lose a few precious points.

I seen this crap too many times to count.

Restart the games if you want but they pull that crap again I swear I will take them out again faster than Custer at Little Big Horn.

Please provide some examples ? I haven't been bullying you or anyone else before, there is no game chat proving any of what you said.
As far as I know the only game I used game chat against you is the one mentionned in the OP.

Also please take note, I have absolutely no problem losing my precious points to a low rank. I play all the times bunch of games that could make me a lot of points. I play speed game 1vs1 every weak against lower ranked opponent that you. Point isn't the problem. You are making a mistake here. I made the deal with Gabriel not because he is a colonel and I am brig, but because I was 2nd and he was 3rd player.

Otherwise :
In other games, I've respected others and let them win in this position.

I don't understand this sentence at all. It is not showing respect that letting the leader win the game in a sunny round limit games.
So if by round 30 everyone has a bonus, you have the bigger one, setting is round limit is 50, the game is over at round 30, and other player have to wait 20 rounds doing nothing and let you win ?
Do you see how this is a total non-sense?

This is not about respecting other, it is about playing to win. If I am the leader I expect other players to take me down to win, and to gang up on me in order to succeed.
And it is normal, and it is what you should do.

But as Extreme Ways said, that you suicided on me in the game I attacked you, even if I consider it being a strategical mistake since you could definitely still win the game, it is kind of OK. I am not reporting you because you suicide on me on this game.
I am reporting you because you suicided on me on every other games as well.

Restart the games if you want but they pull that crap again I swear I will take them out again faster than Custer at Little Big Horn

This can't happen and won't happen. Don't worry.

Now have a nice conquer Club life cuz you are foed, not out of anger, but because this is supposed to be fun, you crybaby and you can't even face losing a single game without pulling tricks. And that's what started this.

Filing a complaint. My lord.

Wondering what is fun in playing 20 rounds of stacking and doing nothing ? - btw you are foed too because it is NOT fun to see a guy suicide and screw 3 of your games because you were trying to win the game ( - yes the only thing you are blaming me for is trying to win a game - or to be more precise, you blame me for "not doing nothing and wait 20 rounds so that YOU win the game at the end....).

I have play more than 8000 games. I believe it is only the 2nd time I am filling a report in C and A.
And it is not a trick, there is rules on CC, not my rules, but CC rules

So for your information :

Unwritten Rules

Obviously any gross abuse of the game is forbidden. This includes but is not limited to: throwing games or deliberately benefiting from thrown games, intentional deadbeating, holding players hostage, serial teammate killing, hijacking accounts, systematically "farming" new recruits and colluding with other players in any way to manipulate the scoring system.

It does beg the question why a brig and a colonel need to make an alliance against a weak player. Kinda makes me smile that he keeps drilling u in every game. Lol. And yeah... Keep going on about how points mean nothing. There is no player on this site over 3000 that doesn't care ab points. Ur simply being disingenuous.
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Re: Game Throwing - Power Bomb [DCR]

Postby betiko on Sat Nov 08, 2014 5:28 pm

What does rank have to do with any of this?
You play a game with round limit, well everybody is going to try to have a chance till the last round. The rank is irrelevant and it s about winning the game. If a player is leading way before the round limit and he won t sweep the board, his lead is irrelevant. If A is making more troops per round than B and C, the correct play is to have B and C cooperating to trim A in order to have all 3 players at an equivalent amount of troops. Good players will coordinate attacks that will not break the game balance. Bad players will do what power bomb did in the first game, and people with anger management problems will do what power bomb did in the 3 games altogether.

And of course Don cares about points, but he doesn t care about points enough to restrain himself from playing any game he wants to play.

Anyway I know you totally understand all the problem here, and for some reason you have just decided to be an ass. You don t care about you games, fine by me. But the way you care that other people care about their games is illogical. If you don t care, why even give your opinion? Why even play a game you don t care about?
People care about winning or losing, whatever it is. Flipping a coin with nothing in stake, or winning the super bowl. No one needs your approval to like doing something, no matter how stupid you think it is.
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Re: Game Throwing - Power Bomb [DCR]

Postby Donelladan on Sat Nov 08, 2014 6:17 pm

It does beg the question why a brig and a colonel need to make an alliance against a weak player. Kinda makes me smile that he keeps drilling u in every game. Lol. And yeah... Keep going on about how points mean nothing. There is no player on this site over 3000 that doesn't care ab points. Ur simply being disingenuous.

Well, first, your post is 100% irrelevant to the topic of wether Power Bomb throw games or not.
You check the games I played and you'll see I don't care about points. But it doesn't matter.
And low rank = weak player in your mind ? Because you consider yourself a high rank? Now that was funny.

Your comment about brig and colonel making an alliance is also non-sense. It shows that either you didn't check the game, or that you understand nothing of flat rate games with round limit. Please check my other games in this precise tournament flat rate classic, I engage in diplomaty with players from any ranks and againt players having any rank.
Maybe you have a problem with high ranked player but my rank has nothing to do with the topic.

Power Bomb admitted throwing the game for a vendetta, it did it in 3 games. I believe this is crossing a line. Now let the mod judge.
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Re: Game Throwing - Power Bomb [DCR]

Postby Power Bomb on Sun Nov 09, 2014 2:59 pm

Bro, you may think I'm being an ass, fine, we all think we are Lord High Judge lol - even me. ;)

Honestly, the reason I just foe and run is to avoid the hassles. I just wanna have fun here. This isn't life or death.

I recall that battle royals - some holiday, terminator. Lots of fat high ranking officers looking for that precious medal.."

And ALL throwing fits when I simply terminated them in a TERMINATOR game.

Too funny.

Now why don't we all go pop some popcorn and watch the Dirty Dozen at 8pm on TCM?
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Re: Game Throwing - Power Bomb [DCR]

Postby Gabriel13 on Mon Nov 10, 2014 12:51 am

Power Bomb wrote:Bro, you may think I'm being an ass, fine, we all think we are Lord High Judge lol - even me. ;)

Honestly, the reason I just foe and run is to avoid the hassles. I just wanna have fun here. This isn't life or death.

I recall that battle royals - some holiday, terminator. Lots of fat high ranking officers looking for that precious medal.."

And ALL throwing fits when I simply terminated them in a TERMINATOR game.

Too funny.

Now why don't we all go pop some popcorn and watch the Dirty Dozen at 8pm on TCM?

Precious medal? That was one of the most easily obtained platinums I have. But.. Maybe that's just me.
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Re: Game Throwing - Power Bomb [DCR]

Postby osok68 on Mon Nov 10, 2014 2:10 am

one is in a series of games ,is a sport on the loosing ones and the one he is taken from him by two biggies!i would be pissed too,would revenge on the other maps,for the good feeling and to make a statement that one can not mess around with me for free.if he would join other games of you and mess them up,that would be throwing,this is just action-reaction,should not been brought up at this forum at all!!!!!
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