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Noted hostage-taking - garcesico in game 14987102 [ka]

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hostage-taking - garcesico in game 14987102 [ka]

Postby sleepykarly on Sat Nov 01, 2014 7:59 am

Accused: garcesico

The accused is suspected of: hostage-taking

Other: <Explanation>

I have been reduced to total incapacity in this game. But instead of finishing me off, he is fiddling around capturing neutrals. This is even AFTER I have made it clear to him in chat that I am there for the finishing. Meanwhile, that is one game slot that is now being choked.

Game number(s): 14987102

Comments: How about adding a 'withdraw from game'or 'surrender' button as an option?
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Re: hostage-taking - garcesico in game 14987102

Postby demonfork on Sat Nov 01, 2014 1:27 pm

That's fucked up! This shouldn't be tolerated
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Re: hostage-taking - garcesico in game 14987102

Postby Major.Bossman on Sat Nov 01, 2014 3:36 pm

Just to answer some of your questions the withdraw or surrender button has been suggested many times before and has been repeatedly denied because of previous players abusing it. The game you pointed out appears to show that the accused has not attacked you for two rounds and instead has decided to take neutral territories. While you may consider this hostage taking some other people may wish to see a longer duration as an example. Also your opponent appears to be a cook from Spain so it is possible that the player does not really have much of a strategy, or understands English. It could even be possible that the accused has some desire that requires him or her to completely conquer the board.
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Re: hostage-taking - garcesico in game 14987102

Postby owenshooter on Sat Nov 01, 2014 4:24 pm

Major.Bossman wrote:Just to answer some of your questions the withdraw or surrender button has been suggested many times before and has been repeatedly denied because of previous players abusing it.

wait... how can something be abused if it has never been implemented... *chuckles*...-Jésus noir™

p.s.-i hate when people do this.
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Re: hostage-taking - garcesico in game 14987102

Postby Major.Bossman on Sun Nov 02, 2014 7:45 pm

I should have clarified from what I can gather there used to be a surrender button but it was removed after repeated abuse by some players. I am not too sure how long ago this was but it was probably many years ago. Since then the suggestion to reintroduce a surrender or withdraw button has come up time and time again but has been repeatedly denied because of past abuses.
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Re: hostage-taking - garcesico in game 14987102

Postby Deli on Mon Nov 03, 2014 12:35 pm

Doesn't look like it is isolated either.

Game 14987102 - Original reported game.

Game 14987100

Game 14989162

Game 14915360

Game 14901470
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Re: hostage-taking - garcesico in game 14987102

Postby owenshooter on Mon Nov 03, 2014 3:25 pm

Major.Bossman wrote:I should have clarified from what I can gather there used to be a surrender button but it was removed after repeated abuse by some players. I am not too sure how long ago this was but it was probably many years ago. Since then the suggestion to reintroduce a surrender or withdraw button has come up time and time again but has been repeatedly denied because of past abuses.

damnit... now i have to use the search engine to make sure this never existed...-Jésus noir™
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Re: hostage-taking - garcesico in game 14987102

Postby Razorvich on Tue Nov 04, 2014 6:19 am

This was reported by sleepykarly on Sat Nov 01, 2014 8:59 pm (by my time)

It is now Tuesday 4 Nov 7:14pm (by my time)... and he is still killing neutrals.

Has anyone asked him to finish this game? 3 days, and 3 turns of hitting neutrals seems to be a bit extreme considering the troop count
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Re: hostage-taking - garcesico in game 14987102

Postby Mojo2222 on Tue Nov 04, 2014 12:51 pm

Pretty much the same thing happening with Cargo Airships. I was forced to deadbeat versus playing as many turns as he felt like playing. Game 15009070 if you would like to see the history.
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Re: hostage-taking - garcesico in game 14987102

Postby Donelladan on Thu Nov 06, 2014 3:03 am

2014-11-05 19:48:02 - sleepykarly missed a turn
2014-11-05 19:48:02 - sleepykarly was kicked out for missing too many turns

OP had to deadbeat to finish the game.
A freemium just had to deadbeat.
Case seems so obvious I am surprised you guys needed time to do smthg about it ?

If something was done being the scene, accept my apologies.
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Re: hostage-taking - garcesico in game 14987102

Postby king achilles on Sun Nov 09, 2014 10:21 pm

This report has been noted and he has been contacted about the rule regarding this.
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