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Noted Secret Diplomacy & others betiko/smegal69 [ka]

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Secret Diplomacy & others betiko/smegal69 [ka]

Postby smegal69 on Sun Nov 02, 2014 5:38 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 10003655
Game 10003656
Game 10003657
Game 10034378
Game 10043928
Game 10043940
Game 10043946
Game 10044080
Game 10056311
Game 10057991
Game 10060740
Game 10066367
Game 10066394
Game 10066442
Game 10070701
Game 10074871
Game 10074873
Game 10074874
Game 10074982
Game 10076743
Game 10076747
Game 10079854
Game 11683365

Comments: the above Accused used a messenger service to coordinated attacks/plan deployment/ and throw games to each other in the quest of getting unique kill to forward there medal counts

Point Dumping & Deliberately benefiting from thrown games

Game 11688848
Game 11688853

Comments: in game Game 11688853 you can read in game chat what betiko wrote: "i just wanted to give you back the points i owe you since a year mate" (he had been keeping a score on points in our games so we were even in points

I would like to say sorry to all the player we cheated and to CC for what in my 8 years of playing CC has been my lowest point of sportsmanship. I do not know what punishment i will recive from CC but i have already punished myself and handed in my positions of a clan leader and as a teacher.

Since we did it to get medals, maybe a Medal Reset will be fitting punishment
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Re: Secret Diplomacy & others

Postby betiko on Sun Nov 02, 2014 6:00 pm

Yes this is an ugly thing we did over 3 years ago when i was pretty new to the site. Basically, the problem with assassin games with little players, if you have a friend playing the game with you it is very easy to break the balance by over attacking your target so that your friend gets the game.
This is something that can t be proved normally, but in this case we are both admitting that we purposely played in the optic of having either one of us winning.
We did that very stupid thing during a few days in 2011 when I joined the site, and I m really not proud of it. Hopefully we stopped doing it forever ever since as we both knew it was very stupid, and we kept it under the rug....

I prefer admitting it, even if I know that the logs can t prove it as we were both hitting our target. The question is how to prevent other people from doing it... I have had often this problem against other players breaking balance of games by over attacking and giving away games to a third player, but it can never be proved.

I just want to point out that poor old gollum is too but hurt because he got his ass kicked in clan war (i beat him 6-0 in our games) and he has been hating me for the last 2 years. I guess his best answer is to take both of us down (and i perfectly knew what he was going to do as he is a very predictable primate). I was clanmate in the pack with him at the time.

Anyway, I will let authorities take their decision. I hope that the fact that this happened 3 years ago when I was a newcomer on the site, that it happened during a very short period of time and that we stopped doing it ever since because we knew it was plain wrong will be taken into consideration.
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Re: Secret Diplomacy & others betiko/smegal69

Postby DoomYoshi on Sun Nov 02, 2014 6:05 pm

They should both be forced to play in all the monthly challenges now.
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Re: Secret Diplomacy & others betiko/smegal69

Postby smegal69 on Sun Nov 02, 2014 6:33 pm

I just want to make a few things clear,

1, i am not quitting CC or my clan even thought that is what betiko is saying, i have stood down as a Clan leader because of my action with betiko

2, even though both of us were in "The Pack" this action was not known or condoned by any other clan member or the leadership of the pack

3, the last time was 2 years ago not 3

4, yes i did lose 6 games to betiko in the recent war we just have had, but this has nothing to do with losing games, but as you can see from my quote below i had no problem losing the war but i did have a problem with betiko calling me a sore loser and bad sport, him calling me a bad sport is like the kettle calling the pot black

smegal69 wrote:thank for the war LHDD, Nice win and Congrats. =D>

only thing that has left a bad taste in my mouth was betiko accusing me of dragging out games that i have been losing, maybe he should get a life and not spend all day and night on CC, i have been busy in my life at the moment and been playing my games when i have time ..... and all the games i missed turns in were not losers at the time i missed my turns(sorry team mates) so my turn were not dragged out because i was losing.

you seem to have no life apart from CC betiko, so why not go look at all my games and see when i have been taking my turns and show me examples of me dragging losing games out
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Re: Secret Diplomacy & others betiko/smegal69

Postby betiko on Sun Nov 02, 2014 6:41 pm

oh and by the way: i just went through a few games and smegal has over inflated the amount of dodgy games. the 1v1 were legit games, and what he quotes was a joke. those games are from 2012 and you can see that we were already not getting along in the chat. in the rest of the list he has also added all he could to have the biggest list possible including legit games.
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Re: Secret Diplomacy & others betiko/smegal69

Postby betiko on Sun Nov 02, 2014 6:52 pm

smegal69 wrote:I just want to make a few things clear,

1, i am not quitting CC or my clan even thought that is what betiko is saying, i have stood down as a Clan leader because of my action with betiko

2, even though both of us were in "The Pack" this action was not known or condoned by any other clan member or the leadership of the pack

3, the last time was 2 years ago not 3

4, yes i did lose 6 games to betiko in the recent war we just have had, but this has nothing to do with losing games, but as you can see from my quote below i had no problem losing the war but i did have a problem with betiko calling me a sore loser and bad sport, him calling me a bad sport is like the kettle calling the pot black

smegal69 wrote:thank for the war LHDD, Nice win and Congrats. =D>

only thing that has left a bad taste in my mouth was betiko accusing me of dragging out games that i have been losing, maybe he should get a life and not spend all day and night on CC, i have been busy in my life at the moment and been playing my games when i have time ..... and all the games i missed turns in were not losers at the time i missed my turns(sorry team mates) so my turn were not dragged out because i was losing.

you seem to have no life apart from CC betiko, so why not go look at all my games and see when i have been taking my turns and show me examples of me dragging losing games out

funny thing is that you are accusing yourself as well as me, so the fact that you feel offended for calling you bad sport is rather double funny...

2014-10-25 15:00:33 - smegal69 received 3 troops for 6 regions
2014-10-25 15:01:02 - smegal69 deployed 3 troops on ?
2014-10-25 15:01:11 - smegal69 assaulted ? from ? and conquered it from Momo33
2014-10-25 15:01:33 - smegal69 assaulted ? from ? and conquered it from betiko
2014-10-25 16:00:06 - smegal69 ran out of time

2014-10-29 13:07:49 - smegal69 received 3 troops for 4 regions
2014-10-29 13:07:56 - smegal69 deployed 3 troops on ?
2014-10-29 13:08:03 - smegal69 assaulted ? from ? and conquered it from Momo33
2014-10-29 13:08:42 - smegal69 assaulted ? from ? and conquered it from General_Tao
2014-10-29 14:07:49 - smegal69 ran out of time

2014-10-31 15:34:23 - smegal69 received 3 troops for 3 regions
2014-10-31 15:35:20 - smegal69 deployed 1 troops on ?
2014-10-31 15:35:30 - smegal69 deployed 2 troops on ?
2014-10-31 16:34:23 - smegal69 ran out of time

anyway, I don't want to have anything else to do with you; and no, the fact that we were both in the pack at that time has nothing to do with the rest of the clan (nor the game throwings you did with simmons4 to get medals and the freestyle unlimited team games)
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Re: Secret Diplomacy & others betiko/smegal69

Postby Extreme Ways on Sun Nov 02, 2014 7:03 pm

One sec guys let me get my popcorn.
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Re: Secret Diplomacy & others betiko/smegal69

Postby aad0906 on Sun Nov 02, 2014 7:25 pm

Wow, 2 people I would never have suspected of any cheating, I must say I am shocked. My first thought when I started reading this was, well, at least kudo's for coming clean, but it appears the confession was based on a grudge match. But what worries me is that this could ultimately end up involving a lot more people than just 2... there'll be some overtime for the mods....
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Re: Secret Diplomacy & others betiko/smegal69

Postby betiko on Sun Nov 02, 2014 7:44 pm

aad0906 wrote:Wow, 2 people I would never have suspected of any cheating, I must say I am shocked. My first thought when I started reading this was, well, at least kudo's for coming clean, but it appears the confession was based on a grudge match. But what worries me is that this could ultimately end up involving a lot more people than just 2... there'll be some overtime for the mods....

Definitely a grudge match! Smegal hates my guts ever since I didn t back him up in the C&A incident involving pack members regarding unlimited freestyle team games.

Anyway, we all do mistakes and this is definitely a big one I did when I was new to this site. Including being friends with that smegal guy who has proved throughout time to be someone you'd rather not stick around with, a real cancer. And yes, this thread proves the type of person he is.... Butthurt for losing a clan war, losing 100% of his games against me, so the desperate man had nothing better to do than this. If at least it was to remove a weight from his concience by confessing a mistake we did 3 years ago, but no, he just wants revenge, and he knows he s not good enough to get it playing the game so this is the only thing this desperate man has left. I truely feel sorry for him.

Worst part is that he adds disputed 1v1 games played in 20 rounds that are obviously legit to try and make it look as bad as possible with a huge list of games were at least half of them are legit games. Blah.
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Re: Secret Diplomacy & others betiko/smegal69

Postby Major.Bossman on Sun Nov 02, 2014 8:07 pm

Whatever the motive may be for coming forward, does not really matter. Both of you appear to be guilty of secret diplomacy and point dumping. However this dispute started is probably not going to make a difference as it seems both of you view the other with disgust or indifference. I am not too sure what you two have done recently but it looks like it is time to go your separate ways, foe each other, and wait for the verdict.
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Re: Secret Diplomacy & others betiko/smegal69

Postby betiko on Sun Nov 02, 2014 8:13 pm

Major.Bossman wrote:Whatever the motive may be for coming forward, does not really matter. Both of you appear to be guilty of secret diplomacy and point dumping. However this dispute started is probably not going to make a difference as it seems both of you view the other with disgust or indifference. I am not too sure what you two have done recently but it looks like it is time to go your separate ways, foe each other, and wait for the verdict.

We went our separate way a long time ago, even when we were still clanmates we were not really talking to each other towards the end. We happen to have both our clans that were facing each other in the CC5, he got severly beaten that s what happened recently and that makes him pull out this old skeleton out of the closet.
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Re: Secret Diplomacy & others betiko/smegal69

Postby jltile1 on Sun Nov 02, 2014 8:14 pm

Major.Bossman wrote:Whatever the motive may be for coming forward, does not really matter. Both of you appear to be guilty of secret diplomacy and point dumping. However this dispute started is probably not going to make a difference as it seems both of you view the other with disgust or indifference. I am not too sure what you two have done recently but it looks like it is time to go your separate ways, foe each other, and wait for the verdict.

Will have to agree with you. Those two will have to wait as too the punishment they will receive. This is not and will not be a Pack thing, But a Betiko and Smegal thing. I have not discussed this much and don't plan too, yes there is bad blood, but actions are actions and they both will pay for them.
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Re: Secret Diplomacy & others

Postby Edric Wolfswift on Sun Nov 02, 2014 8:23 pm

betiko wrote:Yes this is an ugly thing we did over 3 years ago when i was pretty new to the site (

By the time the first game on this list occured, you had been playing for more than six months. You should have known (and probably did know) that what you were doing was cheating.
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Re: Secret Diplomacy & others betiko/smegal69

Postby Evil Semp on Sun Nov 02, 2014 8:24 pm

Overtime, I love overtime. Going to take a look at this. Off the top of my head I think they should hold hands with each other while hitting the attack button.
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Re: Secret Diplomacy & others betiko/smegal69

Postby jltile1 on Sun Nov 02, 2014 8:29 pm

Evil Semp wrote:Overtime, I love overtime. Going to take a look at this. Off the top of my head I think they should hold hands with each other while hitting the attack button.

Their doing that for now :lol:
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Re: Secret Diplomacy & others

Postby betiko on Sun Nov 02, 2014 8:33 pm

Edric Wolfswift wrote:
betiko wrote:Yes this is an ugly thing we did over 3 years ago when i was pretty new to the site (

By the time the first game on this list occured, you had been playing for more than six months. You should have known (and probably did know) that what you were doing was cheating.

I have never said the opposite. What I meant is that when you are new you are more subject to do those kind of stupid things; and that this is not something recurrent in time, but that only happened on a very specific timeframe many years ago. Or is it the same thing if we had been doing such thing for the last 3 years? or if this was something that just happened?
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Re: Secret Diplomacy & others

Postby jltile1 on Sun Nov 02, 2014 8:38 pm

betiko wrote:
Edric Wolfswift wrote:
betiko wrote:Yes this is an ugly thing we did over 3 years ago when i was pretty new to the site (

By the time the first game on this list occured, you had been playing for more than six months. You should have known (and probably did know) that what you were doing was cheating.

I have never said the opposite. What I meant is that when you are new you are more subject to do those kind of stupid things; and that this is not something recurrent in time, but that only happened on a very specific timeframe many years ago. Or is it the same thing if we had been doing such thing for the last 3 years? or if this was something that just happened?

Agreed don't think evilsemp needs to look at anything but more what will be done. You both admit to it and I don't think there are others involved. Does time mean anything ? Kinda sucks to bring up the past, but if you cheated on your wife 15 times 2-3 years ago does that make it less of a issue for your wife, or a bigger issue as you have been walking around as a cheater for 2-3 years?
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Re: Secret Diplomacy & others betiko/smegal69

Postby Edric Wolfswift on Sun Nov 02, 2014 8:38 pm

The matter of "when" is irrelevant. The fact is that you both knew you were cheating, obviously chose to do so more than once, and no one really knows yet whether you both have cheated on other occasions.
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Re: Secret Diplomacy & others

Postby betiko on Sun Nov 02, 2014 8:47 pm

jltile1 wrote:
betiko wrote:
Edric Wolfswift wrote:
betiko wrote:Yes this is an ugly thing we did over 3 years ago when i was pretty new to the site (

By the time the first game on this list occured, you had been playing for more than six months. You should have known (and probably did know) that what you were doing was cheating.

I have never said the opposite. What I meant is that when you are new you are more subject to do those kind of stupid things; and that this is not something recurrent in time, but that only happened on a very specific timeframe many years ago. Or is it the same thing if we had been doing such thing for the last 3 years? or if this was something that just happened?

Agreed don't think evilsemp needs to look at anything but more what will be done. You both admit to it and I don't think there are others involved. Does time mean anything ? Kinda sucks to bring up the past, but if you cheated on your wife 15 times 2-3 years ago does that make it less of a issue for your wife, or a bigger issue as you have been walking around as a cheater for 2-3 years?

well yes; i do think it's totally different if you have cheated on your wife 15 times during a month with a same chick early in your relationship and you have never done it again, compared to being cheating on your wife throughout your entire relationship. One is a temporary mistake behaviour you moved on with; the other is a real problem.
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Re: Secret Diplomacy & others betiko/smegal69

Postby Mike22 on Sun Nov 02, 2014 8:49 pm

wow, ruins the integrity of the games.........there's no fun in winning when you cheat...immature
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Re: Secret Diplomacy & others

Postby jltile1 on Sun Nov 02, 2014 8:53 pm

betiko wrote:
jltile1 wrote:
betiko wrote:
Edric Wolfswift wrote:
betiko wrote:Yes this is an ugly thing we did over 3 years ago when i was pretty new to the site (

By the time the first game on this list occured, you had been playing for more than six months. You should have known (and probably did know) that what you were doing was cheating.

I have never said the opposite. What I meant is that when you are new you are more subject to do those kind of stupid things; and that this is not something recurrent in time, but that only happened on a very specific timeframe many years ago. Or is it the same thing if we had been doing such thing for the last 3 years? or if this was something that just happened?

Agreed don't think evilsemp needs to look at anything but more what will be done. You both admit to it and I don't think there are others involved. Does time mean anything ? Kinda sucks to bring up the past, but if you cheated on your wife 15 times 2-3 years ago does that make it less of a issue for your wife, or a bigger issue as you have been walking around as a cheater for 2-3 years?

well yes; i do think it's totally different if you have cheated on your wife 15 times during a month with a same chick early in your relationship and you have never done it again, compared to being cheating on your wife throughout your entire relationship. One is a temporary mistake behaviour you moved on with; the other is a real problem.

Well I think different if my wife cheated on me five years ago there would be problems. But lets let them decide i have no problems with either of you, but i cannot stand on anyone's side as you both are guilty.
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Re: Secret Diplomacy & others betiko/smegal69

Postby nietzsche on Sun Nov 02, 2014 9:02 pm

Edric Wolfswift wrote:The matter of "when" is irrelevant. The fact is that you both knew you were cheating, obviously chose to do so more than once, and no one really knows yet whether you both have cheated on other occasions.

I cheated too when I just arrived to the site. With my first account, not with this one ;)

I think it does matter because I believe at first we don't take this as a community, we sort of think this is another website to waste a couple of hours and move on. Then we realize there's something here, and we start to build a reputation.

betiko may be french, but he has gained some sort of reputation here. I mean, I don't think I could do volunteer work ever, so training idiots how to play, organizing tournaments, it has to have some value.

The warning is gonna stay, but I think that he has proven he's a top player after those days.
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Re: Secret Diplomacy & others betiko/smegal69

Postby Mishalex on Mon Nov 03, 2014 4:57 am

jltile1 wrote:I have not discussed this much and don't plan too

jltile1 wrote:Their doing that for now :lol:

jltile1 wrote:Agreed don't think evilsemp needs to look at anything but more what will be done. You both admit to it and I don't think there are others involved. Does time mean anything ? Kinda sucks to bring up the past, but if you cheated on your wife 15 times 2-3 years ago does that make it less of a issue for your wife, or a bigger issue as you have been walking around as a cheater for 2-3 years?

jltile1 wrote:Well I think different if my wife cheated on me five years ago there would be problems. But lets let them decide i have no problems with either of you, but i cannot stand on anyone's side as you both are guilty.

I'm wondering what you would have done if you were planning to discuss it !

Moreover the fact that Smegal69 is a sore loser and prefer kill himself and put a bad image on his clan that accept to be defeated, IMO, this story is 3 years old, it was a mistake in order to take the assassin medal and Betiko is clean since that shit story... Who cares now ?

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Re: Secret Diplomacy & others betiko/smegal69

Postby smegal69 on Mon Nov 03, 2014 7:33 am

this is a C&A REPORT about players betiko & smegal69, it has nothing to do with there clans or clan wars

Postby betiko on Mon Nov 03, 2014 11:44 am

Definitely a grudge match! Smegal hates my guts ever since I didn t back him up in the C&A incident involving pack members regarding unlimited freestyle team games.

Lmao, it was not that you didn't back us betiko, it was the fact that you were begging us to get in on them unlimited freestyle team games, and when the C&A report comes out you are saying oh how wrong it was, so when did you change your mind, it was not when you were begging us to get in on them games.
other clan members didn't agree with what we did, and i have never had a problem with them,
but that showed me what kind of character you are

just like this C&A report, instead of just standing up and saying, "yes what i did was wrong and i'm sorry"
you bombard the post with stuff that got nothing to do with the fact that we cheated

betiko on Mon Nov 03, 2014 10:41 am

oh and by the way: i just went through a few games and smegal has over inflated the amount of dodgy games. the 1v1 were legit games, and what he quotes was a joke. those games are from 2012 and you can see that we were already not getting along in the chat. in the rest of the list he has also added all he could to have the biggest list possible including legit games.

please feel free to list the so called legit games, also are you in denial about keeping a tally on points we got from our rigged games?

betiko on Mon Nov 03, 2014 10:52 am

anyway, I don't want to have anything else to do with you; and no, the fact that we were both in the pack at that time has nothing to do with the rest of the clan (nor the game throwings you did with simmons4 to get medals and the freestyle unlimited team games)

please feel free to post a C&A, i can't wait to see it, but please make sure you have your facts correct..... and the freestyle unlimited team games that you were begging to get in on.....or did you forget about asking to get in on them?

let me address some of what you have tried to cloud this report with

2014-10-25 15:00:33 - smegal69 received 3 troops for 6 regions
2014-10-25 15:01:02 - smegal69 deployed 3 troops on ?
2014-10-25 15:01:11 - smegal69 assaulted ? from ? and conquered it from Momo33
2014-10-25 15:01:33 - smegal69 assaulted ? from ? and conquered it from betiko
2014-10-25 16:00:06 - smegal69 ran out of time

2014-10-29 13:07:49 - smegal69 received 3 troops for 4 regions
2014-10-29 13:07:56 - smegal69 deployed 3 troops on ?
2014-10-29 13:08:03 - smegal69 assaulted ? from ? and conquered it from Momo33
2014-10-29 13:08:42 - smegal69 assaulted ? from ? and conquered it from General_Tao
2014-10-29 14:07:49 - smegal69 ran out of time

2014-10-31 15:34:23 - smegal69 received 3 troops for 3 regions
2014-10-31 15:35:20 - smegal69 deployed 1 troops on ?
2014-10-31 15:35:30 - smegal69 deployed 2 troops on ?
2014-10-31 16:34:23 - smegal69 ran out of time

yes i did take up all of my 24 hours to take those turns, but that was after you accused me of dragging out my turns, you should get your facts right before you open your mouth and say things that are not true.
check the time line on your post below...... was that before or after i decide to take all my 24 to take my turn?

by betiko on Mon Oct 20, 2014 4:14 am
so what's up with gambler? I used to be pretty friends with him and I see he removed me from skype, he's doing the jghost/smegal thing of waiting for the final hour to play turns when they know they'll lose and never say once GG in spite of having about a dozen ocasions to do so during the war.... I would definitely tell him GG but didn't have the ocasion during this war ;)
Anyway, all this kind of crap didn't happen with ex-afos nor griff and tec.

for the rest of you.... suck it up! have fun waiting for the 23rd hour each time and being such sore losers, it won't change the result!

betiko on Mon Nov 03, 2014 11:44 am

aad0906 wrote:
Wow, 2 people I would never have suspected of any cheating, I must say I am shocked. My first thought when I started reading this was, well, at least kudo's for coming clean, but it appears the confession was based on a grudge match. But what worries me is that this could ultimately end up involving a lot more people than just 2... there'll be some overtime for the mods....

Definitely a grudge match! Smegal hates my guts ever since I didn t back him up in the C&A incident involving pack members regarding unlimited freestyle team games.

Anyway, we all do mistakes and this is definitely a big one I did when I was new to this site. Including being friends with that smegal guy who has proved throughout time to be someone you'd rather not stick around with, a real cancer. And yes, this thread proves the type of person he is.... Butthurt for losing a clan war, losing 100% of his games against me, so the desperate man had nothing better to do than this. If at least it was to remove a weight from his concience by confessing a mistake we did 3 years ago, but no, he just wants revenge, and he knows he s not good enough to get it playing the game so this is the only thing this desperate man has left. I truely feel sorry for him.

Worst part is that he adds disputed 1v1 games played in 20 rounds that are obviously legit to try and make it look as bad as possible with a huge list of games were at least half of them are legit games. Blah.

1, you say "we all do mistakes and this is definitely a big one I did when I was new to this site." so after 9 months and 900+ games you were still a newbie ?

2, "Smegal hates my guts ever since I didn t back him up in the C&A incident involving pack members regarding unlimited freestyle team games" hate your guts is pretty strong, yes i don't like you but if i hated your guts i would not have voted to let you back in the pack after you were dropped from TOFU,
i was happy to give you another chance even though when you were in the pack you did several things that were wrong and that why nearly all the senior members voted No

3, "Butthurt for losing a clan war" why? it's not our first one we have lost or will it be our last, the sun will still come up tomorrow so it's not the end of the world.

"Worst part is that he adds disputed 1v1 games played in 20 rounds that are obviously legit to try and make it look as bad as possible with a huge list of games were at least half of them are legit games. Blah."

still waiting to see your list of games that were legit, and sometimes trench games take a while to finish

Mishalex on Mon Nov 03, 2014 8:57 pm
Moreover the fact that Smegal69 is a sore loser and prefer kill himself and put a bad image on his clan that accept to be defeated, IMO, this story is 3 years old, it was a mistake in order to take the assassin medal and Betiko is clean since that shit story... Who cares now ?

Since when is this to do with either of our clans?, this is about Betiko and me(smegal69), this is not a 3 year old story, and it was not a one off mistake.... was more like a planed operation coordinated in chat on a messenger service and for more than just an assassin medal,
and you must care,because you are here adding you 2 cents worth even though it has nothing to do with the C&A report,
Mishalex, please show me where i was a bad sport in our games that you and i have played in, sorry you feel that way..... i did try to say GG to you but like i do all the time i forgot to click that bloody box
2014-10-22 08:00:51 - Mishalex: gg
2014-10-22 08:11:47 - gambler21210 [team]: snapshot round 5
2014-10-22 20:00:50 - smegal69 [team]: GG
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Re: Secret Diplomacy & others betiko/smegal69

Postby betiko on Mon Nov 03, 2014 8:26 am

to answer your question:

Game 10003655 11/11 we played making sure either of us would win
Game 10003656 11/11 we played making sure either of us would win
Game 10003657 11/11 we played making sure either of us would win
Game 10034378 11/11 we played making sure either of us would win
Game 10043928 11/11 we played making sure either of us would win
Game 10043940 11/11 we played making sure either of us would win
Game 10043946 11/11 we played making sure either of us would win
Game 10044080 11/11 we played making sure either of us would win
Game 10056311 11/11 we played making sure either of us would win (and failed lol)
Game 10057991 11/11 we played making sure either of us would win
Game 10060740 11/11 we played making sure either of us would win
Game 10066367 11/11 we played making sure either of us would win
Game 10066394 11/11 we played making sure either of us would win
Game 10066442 11/11 we played making sure either of us would win
Game 10070701 11/11 we played making sure either of us would win
Game 10074871 11/11 we played making sure either of us would win
Game 10074873 11/11 we played making sure either of us would win
Game 10074874 11/11 we played making sure either of us would win
Game 10074982 11/11 we played making sure either of us would win
Game 10076743 11/11 we played making sure either of us would win
Game 10076747 11/11 we played making sure either of us would win
Game 10079854 11/11 we played making sure either of us would win
Game 11683365 10/12 absolutely not the case we were long done with that crap. We thought we were joining a dubs game and we realized it was a singles game. We knew each other was the biggest threat so we started attacking the crap out of each other; at some point we were going to let the cook win by doing that so we had to both go for him before it was too late. I then seized the best oportunity to attack you when the cook stopped being a threat as you would've won otherwise. Just a typical game with nothing fishy other than you feeling butthurt as I attacked first taking your strategic positions before you would do it to me.

Game 11688848 09/12 100% legit game. you can see that there was already bad blood between us, and I did all I could to win the game
Game 11688853 09/12 100% legit game. Typical 1v1 manual deployment where the guy who gets the first move wins. The chat comment is obviously out of jest, refering to our november 2011 games, but I did all I could to win it. 1v1 manual is just almost impossible to win if you start second.

Bottom line; we played 22 shamefull games during a week exactly 3 years ago. We were in the same clan and used to skype team & clan turns every day. During that particular week after some jokes and comparing how are medal counts were going, we had this very stupid idea. We did it once, twice... then it got a bit out of hands and I see there is a total of 22 games during that week. We completely stopped doing it as we knew we did something wrong; and we decided to never do it or talk about it again.
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