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Closed Closed Ridiculous rating from ILWUHAS [ka]

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Ridiculous rating from ILWUHAS [ka]

Postby Wickerman on Sat Oct 18, 2014 5:02 am



The accused are suspected of:

Other: <Ratings Abuse>

Game number(s):

Game 14906885

Comments: I've just looked at "My Ratings" for the first time as the digits next to my player name had changed significantly. I saw that one player, ILWUHAS, had not only given me "one star" for each of the ratings categories but had also left a comment that I was a "Bully, Coward, Vindictive, Cheap Tactics". I've only played one game with this player. I did eliminate him from the game, but not for any other reason than I was trying to win. I didn't win the game though - it was a 4-player game - but that is probably irrelevant.
I notice in the Cheating & Abuse Forum that there is an offence called Ratings Abuse. I would think that this definitely falls into this category. I don't think there was even any game chat in the game, so I can't imagine why ILWUHAS marked me so low.
In the short time I've been on this site I have seen some very strange comments and behaviour from some other players. But surely this is wrong.
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Re: Ridiculous rating from ILWUHAS

Postby clangfield on Sat Oct 18, 2014 6:44 am

Wickerman wrote:Accused:


The accused are suspected of:

Other: <Ratings Abuse>

Game number(s):

Game 14906885

Comments: I've just looked at "My Ratings" for the first time as the digits next to my player name had changed significantly. I saw that one player, IILWUHAS, had not only given me "one star" for each of the ratings categories but had also left a comment that I was a "Bully, Coward, Vindictive, Cheap Tactics". I've only played one game with this player. I did eliminate him from the game, but not for any other reason than I was trying to win. I didn't win the game though - it was a 4-player game - but that is probably irrelevant.
I notice in the Cheating & Abuse Forum that there is an offence called Ratings Abuse. I would think that this definitely falls into this category. I don't think there was even any game chat in the game, so I can't imagine why IILWUHAS marked me so low.
In the short time I've been on this site I have seen some very strange comments and behaviour from some other players. But surely this is wrong.

Name link fixed.
This player has been reported for various abuses over time - you are not the first, and won't be the last unfortunately. Add him to your foe list (although you may wish to have a laugh at his ratings and ratings left, and the comments, first :) ).
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Re: Ridiculous rating from ILWUHAS

Postby ZornSlayer on Sat Oct 18, 2014 10:48 am

keep playing games and that one or a few bad ratings won't matter so much. I personally would not foe the player because they can't do any more damage to ratings, and just might rate you higher in a future game with them. But a few tips to help you avoid players like this if it bothers you:

1. read the ratings of players before you join games with them. If there's anything below a 4.7 read the comments and see what the bad rating is about, and see how they left ratings for others. If they read like trashers, stay out of their games to avoid them.

2. make it a point to engage people politely in chat. say hello, good luck, or 'good game' when it is nearing the end. They just might respect your humanity and maybe it will make a difference if they are having a bad day.

3. Don't let it bother you. anybody who has played long enough on this game site knows about the quirks of ratings and the decent players are fair minded before judging people based on rating score alone.
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Re: Ridiculous rating from ILWUHAS

Postby IILWUHAS on Sat Oct 18, 2014 11:04 pm

I will withdraw the rating , dunno if was fair or not, will have to check game and chat clang, coulda been mistake. no worries, consider it withdrawn. cheers
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Re: Ridiculous rating from ILWUHAS

Postby IILWUHAS on Sun Oct 19, 2014 2:12 am

I withdrew the rating , also withdrew a few others that were less than stellar, but I don't know if player deserved or not, couldn't locate game yet. I would ask Zorn and clang to please not trash me, some players do deserve lesser ratings from time to time, I think that's point of ratings...nonetheless, I don't want wicker having such a difficult time, so I hope he is happy I withdrew it. please , esp clang, its unnecessary to attempt to humiliate me in forum with comments, send me a private message if you are truly upset or do not understand first. I admit I have issues from time to time, im not trying to make it more difficult, I regret certain behaviours of mine, and have to continue to improve. lets have fun, I would appreciate a chance before an assumption too maybe?? hope we all realize that we make mistakes. im trying guys, but im fallible, and obviously a wee too aggressive at times...working on that sincerely for the betterment of all....okay?? peace please??
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Re: Ridiculous rating from ILWUHAS

Postby clangfield on Sun Oct 19, 2014 5:02 am

I didn't "trash" you - merely pointed out the fact that you had been reported for this in the past, and correctly so, by your own admission. A look at your ratings page suggested that it was still happening, hence my inference that it would continue.
If you have now thought better of it, and resolve to improve, then all well and good.
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Re: Ridiculous rating from ILWUHAS

Postby IILWUHAS on Sun Oct 19, 2014 6:43 am

okay clang, if you say so, no harm...I just thought saying have a laugh at his ratings and ratings left seemed like trash talk lol....hmmmm.... but anyways, no worries...I sent wick a pm, truly dunno why I gave him that, but really wish he had just contacted me first...obviously I coulda solved it same way without needing alerted to forum, etc, or having any others like yourself needlessly being involved...cheers
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Re: Ridiculous rating from ILWUHAS

Postby IILWUHAS on Sun Oct 19, 2014 7:11 am

I have also removed various ratings even though some players truly earned a less than stellar rating for either poor play, intentionally deadbeating, etc etc... some I do remember...but its Christmastime coming all toon soon, so im getting out presents early by removing some ratings lol..... I really wish people wouldn't deadbeat tho...I just concede game and destroy my troops faster so they can finish me off quicker in a hopeless cause...I don't understand the deadbeating tactic at all...why delay it?? lost cause, let em have it lol...well, that's my view anyway... thanks be to Magnus and Edric for alerting me to wick's issue, and thanks to clang and Zorn. cheers all
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Re: Ridiculous rating from ILWUHAS

Postby Edric Wolfswift on Sun Oct 19, 2014 7:23 am

clangfield wrote: A look at your ratings page suggested that it was still happening, hence my inference that it would continue.

Past offenses are not always an indicator of future behavior, and I don't think it was right to trash ILWUHAS.

A look at your own ratings page might give some people reason to believe you are also guilty of a few revenge ratings yourself Clangfield. For example: Game 14446711... the player played what looks like a very good game and beat you, yet you rated him a 2 on gameplay ;)
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Re: Ridiculous rating from ILWUHAS

Postby MagnusGreeol on Sun Oct 19, 2014 7:31 am

- I'm a firm believer that Everyone has the ability to alter Their behavior, and there are situations in Ones life that can turn bad to good or good to bad. We here in this awesome club can easily put aside sometimes that so many people gathered in one place with all having different minds and thoughts come into a melting pot with a large variety of ingredients grown and nurtured in many different ways. Like sand through the hourglass, these are the days of Our lives.

- IILWUHAS is a phenomenon here in CC, Never have I seen such an aggressive short fused person turn 180 degrees and shooting for 360 like I've witnessed him, That he
has admitted his own faults and is trying his best here to be the best he can be shows a lot for inner character. Though my first meeting with him was a torture flame fest for his behavior, He has become a bigger man by identifying and correcting his past faults. And I'm never one for grudge crusades. Salut IILWUHAS and keep up the good work.
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Re: Ridiculous rating from ILWUHAS

Postby Edric Wolfswift on Sun Oct 19, 2014 7:39 am

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Re: Ridiculous rating from ILWUHAS

Postby MagnusGreeol on Sun Oct 19, 2014 7:40 am

-Motion to archive this, damage has been apologized for and reversed.- Salute All------)
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Re: Ridiculous rating from ILWUHAS

Postby clangfield on Sun Oct 19, 2014 9:31 am

Edric Wolfswift wrote:
clangfield wrote: A look at your ratings page suggested that it was still happening, hence my inference that it would continue.

Past offenses are not always an indicator of future behavior, and I don't think it was right to trash ILWUHAS.

A look at your own ratings page might give some people reason to believe you are also guilty of a few revenge ratings yourself Clangfield. For example: Game 14446711... the player played what looks like a very good game and beat you, yet you rated him a 2 on gameplay ;)

Not revenge, merely a judgement that he didn't finish the game off as quickly as he should have, as evidenced by my comment, which I felt indicated less than average game playing skills.
Past offences may not always be an indicator; but one is entitled to extrapolate from a consistent pattern of behaviour, which in my view has been demonstrated hitherto. This is the first indicator that I have seen of regret and a change in attitude from IILWUHAS; let us hope it is the start of more measured judgements and responses from him.
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Re: Ridiculous rating from ILWUHAS

Postby king achilles on Sun Oct 19, 2014 9:24 pm

Let's consider this closed.
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Re: Ridiculous rating from ILWUHAS [ka]

Postby ronsizzle on Mon Oct 20, 2014 12:17 am

foe and move along
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Re: Ridiculous rating from ILWUHAS [ka]

Postby IILWUHAS on Mon Oct 20, 2014 3:00 am

yes, I believe it is closed, and I think wickerman is happy with the outcome, which makes me happy a way, im glad it came up, gave me the opportunity to withdraw some ratings I probably wouldn't have even thought about, whether deserved or not, so I am very much in debt to wickerman for bringing it up! It is good around for all methinks...and Magnus is quite correct...this awesome club just gets better when bad things get corrected, or at very least, attempts to get it right are done. I appreciate all who are taking time and helping me..great kudos to you!! I am on guard , of myself, lol, but am hoping that all soon becomes things of the past.Cheers all, and great thanks as always now to King, Edric, and Magnus!! Salut!
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Re: Ridiculous rating from ILWUHAS

Postby owenshooter on Mon Oct 20, 2014 7:18 am

IILWUHAS wrote:its Christmastime coming all toon soon, so im getting out presents early by removing some ratings lol.....

what a GREAT and IMAGINATIVE way to celebrate my birthday!!!-Jésus noir

p.s.-kid showed class with this move... i think his ratings were justifiable, because they were consistent...
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Re: Ridiculous rating from ILWUHAS

Postby BoganGod on Mon Oct 20, 2014 8:54 am

owenshooter wrote:
IILWUHAS wrote:its Christmastime coming all toon soon, so im getting out presents early by removing some ratings lol.....

what a GREAT and IMAGINATIVE way to celebrate my birthday!!!-Jésus noir

p.s.-kid showed class with this move... i think his ratings were justifiable, because they were consistent...

Owen dear, are you trying to say your Santa Claus?
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Re: Ridiculous rating from ILWUHAS [ka]

Postby jesusfreak16 on Sun Nov 02, 2014 1:21 am

So, I'm curious as to why exactly this was closed?
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Re: Ridiculous rating from ILWUHAS [ka]

Postby Edric Wolfswift on Sun Nov 02, 2014 3:40 pm

jesusfreak16 wrote:So, I'm curious as to why exactly this was closed?

An apology was made and the rating in question was removed, as were several others.
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Re: Ridiculous rating from ILWUHAS [ka]

Postby jesusfreak16 on Mon Nov 03, 2014 1:07 am

And the abusive chat from all of his games has been cleared. I get it now. ;)
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