Currently my "job" here on CC is as leader of the Newsletter's Artist Commune. We are currently planning a redesign of the site's newsletter. The CC Dispatch is a fairly important part of the site, so the redesign will require careful consideration and collaboration between the artists and designers involved to come up with something that looks professional and clean. We plan to go with a sort of visual rebrand, so that everything related to the newsletter will follow the same visual style. Both of the past designs were successful because they kept the same theme throughout and this is what we are planning to achieve again.
There is no payment as the newsletter is run by volunteers, but you will have the satisfaction of helping out, and getting to know the other people involved. Personally, I joined as a member of the Artist's Commune, and it's been fun. I have met some great people that I didn't know before. Those who actively contribute will receive a medal for their contributions every few months as a "thank you."
If you are an artist or designer and you feel that you have some time to give something back to the community, please send me a PM, or alternatively, post in this thread.