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Noted Abuse followed by moderator threat [ka]

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Abuse followed by moderator threat [ka]

Postby eradicator on Sun Oct 12, 2014 6:44 am


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Re: Abuse followed by moderator threat

Postby eradicator on Sun Oct 12, 2014 6:59 am

After being abused in the chat by IILWUHAS in game 14903833 , and then having other players report that this player is trashing me in other games, my report to CC was ignored . It was then followed by a message from a moderator King achilles, to " end the game or else " . When you say do this or else, you are threatening someone with some unknown action. I would expect better from a moderator.

If by stacking up my troops and inviting a player to miss three turns to end it is against the rules I ask that you show me how this is worse that the abuse I put up with in the chat. You guys have a good game here. Why would you tolerate abusive chat.

I suggest you look at the history of this case and see who the culprit might be. I deserve an apology.

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Re: Abuse followed by moderator threat

Postby Edric Wolfswift on Sun Oct 12, 2014 7:21 am

eradicator wrote: It was then followed by a message from a moderator King achilles, to " end the game or else " . When you say do this or else, you are threatening someone with some unknown action. I would expect better from a moderator.

What I see is "2014-10-11 20:04:06 - king achilles: yellow, please end this game on round 20." I do not see the "threat" from a moderator that you say occured...your accusation directed at KA is baseless.
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Re: Abuse followed by moderator threat

Postby owenshooter on Sun Oct 12, 2014 8:02 am

what you are doing is against the rules. that is called "holding a player hostage"... if you have an issue with his "abuse", start a C&A thread and let the mods handle it accordingly... breaking a rule because you feel as if the other player has broken a rule, is not justification for your actions... furthermore, King A is probably one of the best moderators this site has ever had overall, and he is above reproach and a very fair mensch, overall (don't let that go to your head King A).. his post is far from a threat:

2014-10-11 18:04:06 - king achilles: yellow, please end this game on round 20.

i can see how the word PLEASE could be found to be abusive and threatening, i'll send him a PM about toning down his rhetoric... long post short, you are breaking the rules by holding a player hostage... if you think he has broken a rule, let the mods make that decision. street justice doesn't really work on CC or in real life... have a blessed day...-el Jesus negro
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Re: Abuse followed by moderator threat

Postby Serbia on Sun Oct 12, 2014 8:50 am

While you're busy learning lessons eradicator, you should also learn how to use the form in the C&A report. It's really not difficult, and even children have managed to use it correctly.

A second lesson is that CC takes a rather liberal stance on language, both in the forums and in game chat. Just because someone calls you a poopy-head (or whatever terrible written atrocity they've committed against you), you are not granted license to break the rules yourself by holding someone hostage.

I do hope you appreciate the furthering of your ongoing, life-long education.

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Re: Abuse followed by moderator threat

Postby MagnusGreeol on Sun Oct 12, 2014 9:19 am

- Eradicator - Do yourself a favor, Kill the guy off and foe him, then You apologize to King Achilles for false threat.The End
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Re: Abuse followed by moderator threat

Postby Razorvich on Mon Oct 13, 2014 5:26 am

It is round 21 in the game now, and it seems you have not headed KAs request to end it on round 20, thats poor form mate.

Why would anyone deliberatley deadbeat a game to end it anyway? that in itself is against the rules too, and it also effects the players missed turn ratio.

I would advise that you take on board KAs request and end it in this round (21), to avoid any further actions taken by the head of the Cheating and Abuse team...
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Re: Abuse followed by moderator threat

Postby IILWUHAS on Mon Oct 13, 2014 7:04 am

King has clearly given eradicator time to end this game, I have long since replied and apologized, eradicator deliberately is holding this game hostage after 2 warnings, and clearly should be removed from the game, as under the rules, it is a GROSS violation.I too, have learned the hard way and been punished, appropriately, for my chat notwithstanding, whereupon I have been properly chastised past and present, YOU SIMPLY HAVE NO CONTINUED ARGUMENT TO DISRESPECT KING OR THE RULES... like said, I regret all of my antics, and am desparately trying to behave myself, knowing I am faulty...still , to DELIBERATELY continue to ignore King, who truly is more than fair...well, hell, if eradicator isn't removed from this game now, there truly is no justice for anyone. My apologies to Magnus and Edric, whom I have offended, and regret.
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Re: Abuse followed by moderator threat

Postby IILWUHAS on Mon Oct 13, 2014 7:16 am

Also, sorry owenshooter, you were apologized to in PM.And something else really disturbing here...even myself, in all my antics and misguided notions..NEVER blatently disregarded King or abused him in any way...I respect King, he has proven to be more than fair and has true patience and wisdom, the GUY SIMPLY DOES MOT DESERVE TO BE IGNORED BLATENTLY by me or anyone else, and eradicator is deliberately treating King with disregard. Facts is, both myself and eradicator abused each other, it was foolish and childish, eradicator has stepped over the line and shows no remorse or understanding at all. I am glad at least that I have apologized to all and any I have offended, past and present.This is a priveledge to play here, not a right, I am getting my arse inline. Stop disrespecting King
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Re: Abuse followed by moderator threat

Postby MagnusGreeol on Mon Oct 13, 2014 7:20 am

- Well said ILLWUHAS, Well said, I accept and apologize too for flaming You,. You do seem like You've turned the corner.GL2U in Life & War ")
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Re: Abuse followed by moderator threat

Postby IILWUHAS on Mon Oct 13, 2014 7:28 am

I appreciate that Magnus, I hope Edric accepts my sincere apologies too.I have unfoed you both, but the choice is yours.I really am upset that KA is being ignored, it isn't appropriate, under any circumstance, and not just since concerns me.I have a ways to go , I am trying to be mindful, knowing I have too easily abused and vented on here, I have to stay on guard against myself.I respect King immensely, this is VERY distressing to have Eradicator blatently ignore this..even I never acted so badly when he spoke, and I have been horrible.... cheers all
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Re: Abuse followed by moderator threat

Postby Razorvich on Mon Oct 13, 2014 8:01 am

I have just had a chat with eradicator in the chat rooms, he seems a little confused about this whole process and sounds like a decent sort of guy.

This looks like its a case of.. If you mouth off at me..... I will drag my feet to the end, right or wrong.

The only saving grace eradicator has, is that he is freemium, and is tieing up one of his game spots by dragging this game out. (not that this is an excuse for his actions)

he claims to have recived abusive PMs from other members concerning this game. I have advised on how to report them if he feels they are out of line.

I have the chat if the C&A team feel they need to see it.

Foe each other and move on guys.
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Re: Abuse followed by moderator threat

Postby IILWUHAS on Mon Oct 13, 2014 8:20 am

Raz, the whole thing has gotten out of control, believe me, I apologized and do apologize, I will wait to see what King says. I just think there is no excuse to blatently disrespect King Achilles two warnings, regardless of what your position is....As said, even myself, in all my antics, never disregarded or disrespected King Achilles, who is truly patient and fair...I do see holding this game hostage past round 21 as a lesson needing learned by Eradicator in forfeiting this game, as he simply totally disrespected and disregarded mods warning, and showed no regret at all in doing what King told him to do...then to accuse King??? Im sorry, I just think that's over the top, and coming from me, who has been a complete arse at times...even I just would simply never ignore the mods, especially King, or blatently continue to deliberately violate such a rule..This hostage thing is even worse than just mouthing off...that simply is not acceptable...makes no sense to me, but as said, I will just see what King wants...Ive done all I can..sorry this is an issue all....
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Re: Abuse followed by moderator threat

Postby eradicator on Mon Oct 13, 2014 8:46 am

With all due respect to moderators, the CC team and community.

I am glad to see IILWUHAS apologize to you all and has accepted responsibility for excessive trash talk. I too acknowledge that surrounding and immobilizing him was not in the best spirit of good sportsmanship. However, after making someone a foe, one would expect them to leave it within that game and not go about trashing another, in outside games. This is to explain, not excuse my reaction to this ongoing abuse. Call it frontier justice if you will but at least it has brought the initial abuse to light.

Understanding better, the protocols for reporting said abuse, I shall endeavor to make any future reports, by the book.

I would say that any complaint of abuse should be taken seriously and not simply judged by it's failing to understand a rather unclear process. Especially for those experiencing it for the first time. My apology would be geared to that misunderstanding of the existing process.

For everyones information, I am complying with the moderators instructions and will end the game in question when my opponent finishes his turn.( As he has had many opportunities to do so in the past ).

Thank you king achilles for posting educational information and reminders of good game play and sportsmanship.
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Re: Abuse followed by moderator threat

Postby iAmCaffeine on Mon Oct 13, 2014 9:05 am

What a wankfest.
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Re: Abuse followed by moderator threat

Postby IILWUHAS on Mon Oct 13, 2014 9:10 am

I did finish my turn, as told to by King, then he said wait til after the last round he warned you Eradicator.You should be apologizing to King.Both of us behaved badly, but "frontier justice" is not acceptable in breaking rules wantonly. You went beyond you and I in disrespected King and CC, and you do not have the right to hold a game hostage under any circumstance.I regret my actions, that was clear, you disregarded a direct warning from the moderator twice, that's clear also. I will not participate in this game further , I have left it up to King to decide what is appropriate action, and until he advises me what course he chooses, it is where it is. I have learned the hard way to try and control myself...I honestly feel you need to do the same, but that's your choice. It is more upsetting to see King ignored and disrespected even more than the continued hostage holding of this game, but he is a big boy and I'm sure will not take it personal maybe. If he tells me to act and gives you a third chance by not removing you from the game for the gross rule violation and unheeded warnings, I will respect his wish, otherwise, sorry mate...I too have a exceeded it by accusing King...that's just unfortunate. Cheers to all, I consider it ended awaiting Kings instructions to me.
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Re: Abuse followed by moderator threat

Postby king achilles on Tue Oct 14, 2014 4:06 pm

Game is over. Let's move on.
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