by flexmaster33 on Mon Sep 22, 2014 12:48 am
The top google link will send you to the season schedule...just click the first four tabs across the bottom to search by league. The only minor change is that Sacramento State is a deadbeat, so those games will be adjusted as necessary as we go.
Week 1 is wrapped up...week 2 is under way.
Also, ignore the top-10 records for the most part...they are inaccurate to help with the regular-season RPI...they will reflect accurate W-L records for the top-10 by midseason.
Current tourneys -- USA 2.1 Poly Best of 5, 2024 NCAA basketball season, NCAA football playoffs, 2024 NFL season, Luxembourg Best of 5, The Floor, Punch Out Boxing, Mayor of Woodboro
High rank: Major. Place: 1,056. Points: 2,093