Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team
saxitoxin wrote:Serbia is a RUDE DUDE
may not be a PRUDE, but he's gotta 'TUDE
might not be LEWD, but he's gonna get BOOED
Man from Modesto wrote:ignoring the post from magnuscreole, and responding to a wall post from whydelilah:
This player chose the name Free Syrian Army before the birth of the current abomination raping, maiming and generally embodying Satan's will. So, with consideration of that (and assuming the news reports that the current FSA is different from the one imagined by our fellow CC player) then:
I retract my submission to CC mods for action. Instead, I appeal to the common sense of the player known as "Free Syrian Army" to change his monicker. It is often wise to avoid the appearance the evil. And, this is a case where it is certainly easily going to be taken as the current headliner, and not some fictitious group imagined by the player.
Flying the banner of this name is very much in step with support of the worst kind of murder, or as the Arabs call it, red death.
Serbia wrote:How about simply foeing this player, so you don't have to look at the name? He should not be forced to change anything simply because an individual finds it offensive.
owenshooter wrote:Serbia wrote:How about simply foeing this player, so you don't have to look at the name? He should not be forced to change anything simply because an individual finds it offensive.
well see, now that just doesn't work... they are going to have to decide one way or the other... and i just don't see how they can deem it offensive, since it was set up before the current state of affairs.. what if mexico suddenly turns into a terrorist state and one of america's largest foes... does that mean that all usernames with Mexico will then be considered offensive and all names must be changed and the mexican flag eliminated from maps and user profiles and avatars, sigs, etc? he set it up years before what is going on, i don't see how they can logically make him change it...-Jésus noir
saxitoxin wrote:Serbia is a RUDE DUDE
may not be a PRUDE, but he's gotta 'TUDE
might not be LEWD, but he's gonna get BOOED
Man from Modesto wrote:A nun from an area under FSA control shares stories of evil committed by the FSA.
The cut off a man's fingers, decapitated him, then chopped his body to pieces and dropped it in the road. Christians are treated as bottom-class people without rights.
saxitoxin wrote:The U.S. funded the Syrian "rebels" without any thought of exactly what alternative to Dr. Bashar al-Assad might emerge out of the desert. But the people who have fought to hold the line against the darkness the last 50 years knew exactly what was coming. When Saif al-Islam was captured in Libya, he said, "You people have no idea what you have unleashed. Within a year or two you will learn but, on that day, do not say Saif al-Islam did not warn you." And he was right. The U.S. has single handidly set-out about the end of the world. The unfortunate reality is that ISIS is unstoppable and unbeatable. What's going to happen next is set in stone and will be horrible beyond anyone's imagination.
In 2010, Wikileaks shows, that Syria offered to cooperate with the U.S. in hunting down these takfiri but the U.S. decided "no." Why? Salafists are the #1 threat to the U.S., but the Syrian Arab Republic is the #1 threat to Israel. And the U.S. does what is in Israel's interest, even if it means its own suicide. ... HB6RB6UCDN
Man from Modesto wrote:A nun from an area under FSA control shares stories of evil committed by the FSA.
The cut off a man's fingers, decapitated him, then chopped his body to pieces and dropped it in the road. Christians are treated as bottom-class people without rights.
Serbia wrote:How about simply foeing this player, so you don't have to look at the name? He should not be forced to change anything simply because an individual finds it offensive.
Major.Bossman wrote:This is turning into a political debate. This thread is probably going to be locked as it will probably go on a tangent. However in light of all the information presented by both sides it should be noted that the rebel group Free Syrian army has committed both good and evil. In this modern age we are presented with a continual flux of information and disinformation which can warp our views from reality. We may tend to label a group a group good or evil when we are only presented with the actions of a few of its individuals. We are all aware that the governments of the world past and present whether American, British, Syrian, Egyptian, Chinese, or Russian have committed infamous atrocities through either covert or overt actions. In this seemingly never ending ebb and flow of events, we must remember that our views are normally subjective instead of objective.
Dukasaur wrote:I can't stand in the path of the local zeitgeist about the Hitlers, with its strong lobby and well-established precedent, but I can stand in the path of adding new and exciting names to the pariah list.
Man from Modesto wrote:In any event, it is not really germane to the point: At this time, whatever the intention, whoever really backed it or is currently backing it... the FSA is a violent group which does not respect the law of land warfare or of morality. It is a burning ember in the eye of civilians and Christians in Syria.
To clarify the complaint, I am not making allegations against the player, his skills, or any other personal thing. I am specifically addressing the inappropriate choice of Free Syrian Army as a player name.
Doctor Spin wrote:Ban the name "Piers Morgan" just because some people are offended by him?
Free Syrian Army wrote:May I have my say ?
The Free Syrian Army was established by deserters from the Syrian regular army. Soldiers and officers deserted from the Syrian army because they were unwilling to fire upon peacefully protesting civilians from their own cities and neighbourhoods. The Free Syrian Army was established to protect civilians from Bashar Assad's army which has for four years been waging war upon it's own population.
The Free Syrian Army does not kill Christians or civilians. These accusations are completely false and the Free Syrian Army in fact has Christian soldiers within its ranks.
With many thanks for hearing me out.
Man from Modesto wrote:ignoring the post from magnuscreole, and responding to a wall post from whydelilah:
This player chose the name Free Syrian Army before the birth of the current abomination raping, maiming and generally embodying Satan's will. So, with consideration of that (and assuming the news reports that the current FSA is different from the one imagined by our fellow CC player) then:
I retract my submission to CC mods for action. Instead, I appeal to the common sense of the player known as "Free Syrian Army" to change his monicker. It is often wise to avoid the appearance the evil. And, this is a case where it is certainly easily going to be taken as the current headliner, and not some fictitious group imagined by the player.
Flying the banner of this name is very much in step with support of the worst kind of murder, or as the Arabs call it, red death.
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