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Closed Offensive Name{sn}

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Offensive Name{sn}

Postby Donelladan on Fri Sep 19, 2014 4:28 pm

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Re: Offensive Name{sn}

Postby ZornSlayer on Fri Sep 19, 2014 5:39 pm

I understand that might stir bad feelings for some. But would you also then want to ban names like Nero, Caligula, Napoleon, all of our WWII maps, Stalin, General Mau, General Custer, Cromwell, Robespierre. . . .
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Re: Offensive Name{sn}

Postby Doctor Spin on Sat Sep 20, 2014 1:09 am

Exactly! Some people need to get real and stop pretending to be "offended" by everything. It's this pseudo-political-correctness and feigned offence that the world is displaying now that is causing many of the problems in society and the wider globe. Everyone knows Hitler was an evil, murdering, deluded tyrant. But he existed. He was real. We should not wipe him from our memories by never mentioning his name, or by throwing our arms up in horror when someone else dares to utter his name. Get real. And this is a fucking war game!!! Jesus!! (Or aren't I allowed to say that through fear of offending a Christian???) FFS
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Re: Offensive Name{sn}

Postby Doctor Spin on Sat Sep 20, 2014 1:17 am

Of have we got the wrong end of the stick here? Is Donelladan actually offended because a Canadian is using the prefix "German"? Or that the name implies Hitler was German, when in fact any 12 year old would know that Hitler was Austrian?
I think Donelladan needs to clarify why he/she is offended.
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Re: Offensive Name{sn}

Postby Donelladan on Sat Sep 20, 2014 1:20 am

No, I wouldn't.
I do not even know why Nero and Caligula made it to your list, their were emperor, maybe not the best, but that's it.
Napoleon was a general and an emperor, he is responsible for death of people during battles, but that's it. I do not know of any slaughtering we could put on him.

I guess General Mau is previous leader of China. With Stalin they are the only names that are maybe comparable to Hitler. Because they are on your list the only one that we can make responsible for millions of people. And also because of the proximity in time - which does matter.

But the real problem with Hitler is not only that he is responsible for the death of many.
The problem is mainly the genocide. And above all the philosophy, the ideas he developped. You may try to read a bit of what was the ideal of Hitler. None of the people on your list ( honestly I dunno much about Cluster and Cromwell so maybe those one but I don't think so), had the idea that some "race" were superior to other, that some races should be exterminated.
Having his name as a nickname, kind of means you support the man. That's a pb.

Doctor Spin wrote:Exactly! Some people need to get real and stop pretending to be "offended" by everything. It's this pseudo-political-correctness and feigned offence that the world is displaying now that is causing many of the problems in society and the wider globe. Everyone knows Hitler was an evil, murdering, deluded tyrant. But he existed. He was real. We should not wipe him from our memories by never mentioning his name, or by throwing our arms up in horror when someone else dares to utter his name. Get real. And this is a fucking war game!!! Jesus!! (Or aren't I allowed to say that through fear of offending a Christian???) FFS

Sure, 100% agree with you, he existed, and we should not forget him. I have no problem with mentioning the name of Hitler.
I have problem with people chosing avatar or name that remind him though. Your online name or your avatar is what represent you on the internet, on this website. So it either mean you like or admire the one your chose, maybe that you identify to them? It is meaningful.

Doctor Spin wrote:Of have we got the wrong end of the stick here? Is Donelladan actually offended because a Canadian is using the prefix "German"? Or that the name implies Hitler was German, when in fact any 12 year old would know that Hitler was Austrian?
I think Donelladan needs to clarify why he/she is offended.

Nothing to do with the German part of the name.
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Re: Offensive Name{sn}

Postby Doctor Spin on Sat Sep 20, 2014 1:44 am

Perhaps the player in question is a little (a lot!) naive. Perhaps they are quite immature and don't fully realise the monstrous atrocities Hitler was responsible for. But it is still just a name. Just a word. I doubt this player actually supports Hitler's philosophies. But if he does, it's probably best he wastes his time on this website rather than being out in the community!!
And, as I said previously, it is impossible to make a blanket decision on what is offensive and what is not offensive. Individuals vary wildly in their beliefs and tolerances - which makes the world a more interesting place I think. What if someone were to use the name Allah as their profile? That wouldn't offend me, but I'm guessing it would cause major uproar in some circles.
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Re: Offensive Name{sn}

Postby MagnusGreeol on Sat Sep 20, 2014 4:06 am

- The people who identify and support Hitler are called racists,, The Arian Brotherhood does exist, They are against anybody who isn't pure white. We live in a world where group like Nambla is able to exist, There's even a guy on this site who has the words kid rapist in his name?,,Talk about offenssive!!?? People, We live in a world that has the good the bad and the ugly, choose what side Your on, Are You going to be a rational minded person who can determine what's good bad and ugly, or someone who throws all logic and sense out the window to try and be different. Let the Canadian Hitler have his name, and just thank God You are not Him. Being loyal to the human race is hard for some, so much hate in ones life can spur uncanny behavior let's not forget, Being disturbed is a terrible mindset if its a daily procedure. GL2ALL--
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Re: Offensive Name{sn}

Postby MagnusGreeol on Sat Sep 20, 2014 3:21 pm

- BTW- Of course all My above is speculation, If this German Hitler is a 15 year old kid who has a German Sheppard named Hitler, It could pass as innocent, I knew a guy who's dog was named Manson . BUT, If this Canadian German Sheppard Hitler really is a fan of Adolf Hitler, and happens to come here and get excited, Then I predict a locked thread. How about We get him/her here and see which way this goes? Hmmm,,.We can't have an innocent hanging.")
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Re: Offensive Name{sn}

Postby BlackSwallow on Sat Sep 20, 2014 7:19 pm

I will be honest with you all..... I came across this website one night when I wanted to join and I was drunk. I am not the most creative person, so I picked a name that went along with the theme of the games, conquering...... It was not meant to be offensive when I created it. When I woke up the following morning, I wish I hadn't picked it but I did. I have on several occasions tried to change it, but do not know how.
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Re: Offensive Name{sn}

Postby Major.Bossman on Sat Sep 20, 2014 7:33 pm

While the name is of poor taste, I do not think of it as offensive. There have been many other people who have been responsible for mass murder because of their ideas. People such as Pol Pot, the thugi, and Ghengis Khan are considered to have caused over a million deaths. If anything it seems that this maybe an issue because of the over emphasis of Hitler. Contemporaries of Hitler such as Mao or Joseph Stalin who both were responsible for more deaths are not as despised. The people who championed eugenics are not readily remembered or mentioned even though their ideas were used by the Nazis and other race power group. As for this player you may want to contact the site administrators to see what can be done.
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Re: Offensive Name{sn}

Postby Edric Wolfswift on Sat Sep 20, 2014 8:54 pm

If you want to change the name, I am certain in this case the admins will approve it. Open an eticket and request the name change.
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Re: Offensive Name{sn}

Postby ZornSlayer on Sat Sep 20, 2014 9:30 pm

There you have it Donneldan, jumping to conclusions. FWIW I have played GermanHitler and attest they are a good person at least in the game. I get a kick out of beating Hitler.... ;)
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Re: Offensive Name{sn}

Postby a6mzero on Sat Sep 20, 2014 9:56 pm

Doctor Spin wrote:Exactly! Some people need to get real and stop pretending to be "offended" by everything. It's this pseudo-political-correctness and feigned offence that the world is displaying now that is causing many of the problems in society and the wider globe. Everyone knows Hitler was an evil, murdering, deluded tyrant. But he existed. He was real. We should not wipe him from our memories by never mentioning his name, or by throwing our arms up in horror when someone else dares to utter his name. Get real. And this is a fucking war game!!! Jesus!! (Or aren't I allowed to say that through fear of offending a Christian???) FFS

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Re: Offensive Name{sn}

Postby MagnusGreeol on Sun Sep 21, 2014 4:19 am

GermanHitler wrote:I will be honest with you all..... I came across this website one night when I wanted to join and I was drunk. I am not the most creative person, so I picked a name that went along with the theme of the games, conquering...... It was not meant to be offensive when I created it. When I woke up the following morning, I wish I hadn't picked it but I did. I have on several occasions tried to change it, but do not know how.

- I would guess everyone here is very happy to hear that Your not a some skin head dude with a tude walkin around with a shwartstika on Your arm ranting about heil this and heil that ") Though CC wouldn't of made You change it, I for one am glad Your not a fan of it. GL changing it, I'm sure CC will help You.
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Re: Offensive Name{sn}

Postby owenshooter on Sun Sep 21, 2014 8:20 am

the name Hitler is actually banned in most countries now... you can not legally name a child Hitler... i think it is universally deemed offensive... and by universally, i mean in the entire UNIVERSE, not just our solar system or galaxy...-Jésus noir
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Re: Offensive Name{sn}

Postby BoganGod on Sun Sep 21, 2014 11:05 am

GermanHitler, offensive because hitler was from Austria.......... Crimes against geography
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Re: Offensive Name{sn}

Postby Edric Wolfswift on Sun Sep 21, 2014 11:12 am

BoganGod wrote:Crimes against geography
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Re: Offensive Name{sn}

Postby Donelladan on Sun Sep 21, 2014 11:16 am

Just in educationnal purpose because all some of you seem so proud of your knowledge that Hitler was born in Austria, Hitler had the german nationality = He was german.

EDITED because I wouldn't offense the black jesus.
Last edited by Donelladan on Sun Sep 21, 2014 12:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Offensive Name{sn}

Postby owenshooter on Sun Sep 21, 2014 11:25 am

Donelladan wrote:Just in educationnal purpose because you all seem so proud of your knowledge that Hitler was born in Austria, Hitler had the german nationality = He was german.

and by "all", you mean the one poster that posted that and the one user that responded with, " =D> =D> =D> "? or are you lumping us all together... the black jesus is offended...-Jésus noir
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Re: Offensive Name{sn}

Postby MagnusGreeol on Sun Sep 21, 2014 2:01 pm

- I believe We should move this to the Babble on Five section, Lock this up and let GH and administrator's handle this. Obvious this guy is an ok dude ")
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Re: Offensive Name{sn}

Postby ZornSlayer on Sun Sep 21, 2014 3:06 pm

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Re: Offensive Name{sn}

Postby judge_reinhold on Sun Sep 21, 2014 7:46 pm

I think the name [player]GermanHitler[/game] is quite funny, as if to suggest there are non-German Hitlers he could be confused for.

But, funny or not, I guess a name that is synonymous with evil could be considered offensive.
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Re: Offensive Name{sn}

Postby Serbia on Sun Sep 21, 2014 7:54 pm

judge_reinhold wrote:I think the name [player]GermanHitler[/game] is quite funny, as if to suggest there are non-German Hitlers he could be confused for.

But, funny or not, I guess a name that is synonymous with evil could be considered offensive.

Adolf Hitler was not born in Germany, so... there's that!

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Re: Offensive Name{sn}

Postby ZornSlayer on Sun Sep 21, 2014 9:19 pm

His sister Paula Hitler worked in an arts and crafts store in Austria. His nephew, William Patrick Hitler, was born in Liverpool England as a British Citizen, then moved to Germany, then moved to the United States where he enlisted to fight in WWII. His mother was an Irish woman. One of his sons worked as a Criminal Investigator for the IRS until his his 1989 death in a car crash. another is a Social Worker.
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Re: Offensive Name{sn}

Postby jltile1 on Sun Sep 21, 2014 11:57 pm

If a player can call his self the black Jesus, your name is fine.
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