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Warned iAmCaffeine Bigot/hateful sexual remarks in gamechat [BG]

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iAmCaffeine Bigot/hateful sexual remarks in gamechat [BG]

Postby anonymus on Sat Sep 20, 2014 10:44 am



The accused are suspected of:

Other: Bigot, unprovoked use of sexual slurs in game chat.

Game number(s):

Game 14848835

Comments: Calling players Faggots in game chat may very well be the reason why someone quits a site like this. It's a site where also children play, and bigotry & sexism really shouldn't be tolerated.. I can trash-talk with the best of them and I think most people who know me can attest to that. I can also lose my temper, and even step over some lines at points, but Bigotry & Sexual slurs towards minorities should not be condoned by a family-friendly site like CC. There may be kids out there insecure about their sexuallity and web-bullies like Caffiene, can severely harm their self-confidence & image of self.

Swear all you want at me, but leave the sexism/racism out of game chat please Caffie.. Maybe use the vacation to think about your internet-behaviour..

/ :?:
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Re: iAmCaffeine Bigot/hateful sexual remarks in gamechat

Postby jackal31 on Sat Sep 20, 2014 11:45 am

anonymus wrote:Comments: Calling players Faggots in game chat may very well be the reason why someone quits a site like this. It's a site where also children play, and bigotry & sexism really shouldn't be tolerated.. I can trash-talk with the best of them and I think most people who know me can attest to that. I can also lose my temper, and even step over some lines at points, but Bigotry & Sexual slurs towards minorities should not be condoned by a family-friendly site like CC. There may be kids out there insecure about their sexuallity and web-bullies like Caffiene, can severely harm their self-confidence & image of self.

Swear all you want at me, but leave the sexism/racism out of game chat please Caffie.. Maybe use the vacation to think about your internet-behaviour..


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Re: iAmCaffeine Bigot/hateful sexual remarks in gamechat

Postby anonymus on Sat Sep 20, 2014 11:56 am

jackal31 wrote:
anonymus wrote:Comments: Calling players Faggots in game chat may very well be the reason why someone quits a site like this. It's a site where also children play, and bigotry & sexism really shouldn't be tolerated.. I can trash-talk with the best of them and I think most people who know me can attest to that. I can also lose my temper, and even step over some lines at points, but Bigotry & Sexual slurs towards minorities should not be condoned by a family-friendly site like CC. There may be kids out there insecure about their sexuallity and web-bullies like Caffiene, can severely harm their self-confidence & image of self.

Swear all you want at me, but leave the sexism/racism out of game chat please Caffie.. Maybe use the vacation to think about your internet-behaviour..


bullying, harassment or anything that leads to such should not be tolerated.

Finally someone understands it, thanks Jackal..

after about one hour discussing this in global chat, its not about me being personally offended here, or about how people talk at x-box live, or Louis CK's standup-material.. but its about not tolerating hateful remarks towards minorities, on a family-friendly site..

/ :?:
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Re: iAmCaffeine Bigot/hateful sexual remarks in gamechat

Postby Lord Arioch on Sat Sep 20, 2014 1:34 pm

Cant people be would be nice:)
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Re: iAmCaffeine Bigot/hateful sexual remarks in gamechat

Postby Agent 86 on Sat Sep 20, 2014 2:34 pm

Yep, Caff and I have had our differences agreed. This time he used the wrong word and will be punished. He was probably drinking and made an error of judgement..vacation coming up!!
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Re: iAmCaffeine Bigot/hateful sexual remarks in gamechat

Postby IcePack on Sat Sep 20, 2014 2:42 pm

Major/Severe Infractions follow a shortened vacation escalation scale of:
One Month Vacation,
Permanent Vacation.

He'll only get a vacation if he has a previous major infraction

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Re: iAmCaffeine Bigot/hateful sexual remarks in gamechat

Postby anonymus on Sat Sep 20, 2014 2:43 pm

IcePack wrote:Major/Severe Infractions follow a shortened vacation escalation scale of:
One Month Vacation,
Permanent Vacation.

He'll only get a vacation if he has a previous major infraction

well, i thought so also until i got my 30-day ban with no prior warning a couple of months ago, so i thought that rule was out the window?
or does it just depend how popular you are with the mods?

/ :?:
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Re: iAmCaffeine Bigot/hateful sexual remarks in gamechat

Postby IcePack on Sat Sep 20, 2014 2:55 pm

anonymus wrote:
IcePack wrote:Major/Severe Infractions follow a shortened vacation escalation scale of:
One Month Vacation,
Permanent Vacation.

He'll only get a vacation if he has a previous major infraction

well, i thought so also until i got my 30-day ban with no prior warning a couple of months ago, so i thought that rule was out the window?
or does it just depend how popular you are with the mods?

/ :?:

Has nothing to do with the popularity, I would re read the Community Guidelines and you'll see why yours did not come with a warning.

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Re: iAmCaffeine Bigot/hateful sexual remarks in gamechat

Postby anonymus on Sat Sep 20, 2014 2:58 pm

Well, ok a warning would be good if that is where he is on the offender-scale maybe he stops this behaviour at least.. Im no judge here, im just looking out for everyones gaming-experience here..

/ :?:
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Re: iAmCaffeine Bigot/hateful sexual remarks in gamechat

Postby iAmCaffeine on Sun Sep 21, 2014 2:58 am

anonymus wrote:Well, ok a warning would be good if that is where he is on the offender-scale maybe he stops this behaviour at least.. Im no judge here, im just looking out for everyones gaming-experience here..

/ :?:

I have never received any infractions so I expect it will be a warning, but if it was a popularity contest as you suggest then I'd be permanently banned instantly, so don't worry about that.

Regarding the underlined statement, this is one of the most hypocritical things I've ever read! You deadbeated games to get your score low, just to come back and get a medal in the most improved scoreboard, and now you're CC's holy guardian?

:lol: =D>

Yes I let one word slip this time, oh well. I think you should learn to expect it anonymus, since you complain in a game when you dropped two bonuses, complained when I won 12v10 and said nothing when you won 13v16, and you joined a 2000+ game with a score around 1800. They're a handful of many things that happened in our games, and whilst I don't really care it obviously bothers you enough to make a feeble report and pretend it's for the good of the site, when really it's just a personal vendetta because your little butt is hurting.

Also, web-bully? Please learn the definition of bullying before throwing that term around. I realise English isn't your first language, but maybe you should double check before using words you don't fully understand.

For the record Agent, I wasn't drinking.
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Re: iAmCaffeine Bigot/hateful sexual remarks in gamechat

Postby anonymus on Sun Sep 21, 2014 4:54 am

iAmCaffeine wrote:
I have never received any infractions so I expect it will be a warning...
...feeble report and pretend it's for the good of the site, when really it's just a personal vendetta because your little butt is hurting...

..For the record Agent, I wasn't drinking.

Well it doesn't seem like you regret your behaviour very much, or even take this seriously.. I still think you clearly where in the wrong throwing words like that around on a site like this, personally I can take it, but whom else have you/will you treat(ed) similar?

/ :?:
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Re: iAmCaffeine Bigot/hateful sexual remarks in gamechat

Postby MagnusGreeol on Sun Sep 21, 2014 5:55 am

- Went to this war and read chat, First I'd like to say that usually complaining about dice-luck or drops is usually considered lame unless Your complaining to a Friend who will console You. We all get the ups and downs in each category so its pointless to complain in chat Your downs because 99% of the time You'll get a back-lash from the other player. Though Caff should of used a word like puss or wuss, I'd like to add that "fag" in Great Britain is a slang for a cigarette. I first heard that when My great buddy from Great Britain said he had to step out to smoke a fag. But in Caff's defense, faggot for the most part these days means wuss, I doubt He used it in a derogatory way meaning anonymus is a homosexual. Caff made 1 bad remark but didn't go on a rampage like a certain other person I know here in CC,, Slap on the wrist and call it a day.
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Re: iAmCaffeine Bigot/hateful sexual remarks in gamechat

Postby Lord Arioch on Sun Sep 21, 2014 6:54 am

The chat is pretty lame .... ive seen way worse... and they werent even reported. Well mods will decide but i personally dont think this warrant anything else than a: plz dont use that word in the future or think about what u write...people may read it" :)
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Re: iAmCaffeine Bigot/hateful sexual remarks in gamechat

Postby Serbia on Sun Sep 21, 2014 7:12 am

MagnusGreeol wrote:- Went to this war and read chat, First I'd like to say that usually complaining about dice-luck or drops is usually considered lame unless Your complaining to a Friend who will console You. We all get the ups and downs in each category so its pointless to complain in chat Your downs because 99% of the time You'll get a back-lash from the other player. Though Caff should of used a word like puss or wuss, I'd like to add that "fag" in Great Britain is a slang for a cigarette. I first heard that when My great buddy from Great Britain said he had to step out to smoke a fag. But in Caff's defense, faggot for the most part these days means wuss, I doubt He used it in a derogatory way meaning anonymus is a homosexual. Caff made 1 bad remark but didn't go on a rampage like a certain other person I know here in CC,, Slap on the wrist and call it a day.

This is pathetic. I've been reading a lot of your commentary in C&A recently, and can't remember you stepping up to defend a bigoted word before. What's up with that? I know the difference between the word "fag" in the States and in the UK; I'm married to a Brit, so I'm well aware. Caff didn't call the guy a "fag" though. And really, while I've heard people call their cig a fag, I've never heard them call someone else a fag, and mean that they were calling them a cig. That's asinine.

You then go on to defend the use of the word faggot. LMAO. Seriously dude? You go all out crusading against others, and then attempt to defend this usage. Caff used a homosexual slur on a site that, if nothing else, is clear that homosexual slurs will register on their punishment scale. He used it, he was caught, he'll receive the first level punishment. It's indefensible. If I had called you that, MagGree, you would have opened a report against me.

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Re: iAmCaffeine Bigot/hateful sexual remarks in gamechat

Postby MagnusGreeol on Sun Sep 21, 2014 7:12 am

- And to add to this, without starting a bickering contest, I visited Your ( anonymous) first war page and curiously stepped in to a handful of Your losses - war #s 14853921,,14863712,,14852783,,14848639. and found that in these wars You constantly complain about dice- luck and drops. I'm sure if I looked further there's more. My point is when You complain like that it could make the opposing player feel like his/her skills are sidelined. Constant complaining in war chat about dice-luck-drops could be considered flaming, no one wants to hear it except maybe Your close friends here. I say Caff should apologize for his remark, and You apologize for Your complaining, and fight the rest of the wars You have together civil. Live and let live.GL guys.")
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Re: iAmCaffeine Bigot/hateful sexual remarks in gamechat

Postby MagnusGreeol on Sun Sep 21, 2014 7:24 am

Serbia wrote:
MagnusGreeol wrote:- Went to this war and read chat, First I'd like to say that usually complaining about dice-luck or drops is usually considered lame unless Your complaining to a Friend who will console You. We all get the ups and downs in each category so its pointless to complain in chat Your downs because 99% of the time You'll get a back-lash from the other player. Though Caff should of used a word like puss or wuss, I'd like to add that "fag" in Great Britain is a slang for a cigarette. I first heard that when My great buddy from Great Britain said he had to step out to smoke a fag. But in Caff's defense, faggot for the most part these days means wuss, I doubt He used it in a derogatory way meaning anonymus is a homosexual. Caff made 1 bad remark but didn't go on a rampage like a certain other person I know here in CC,, Slap on the wrist and call it a day.

This is pathetic. I've been reading a lot of your commentary in C&A recently, and can't remember you stepping up to defend a bigoted word before. What's up with that? I know the difference between the word "fag" in the States and in the UK; I'm married to a Brit, so I'm well aware. Caff didn't call the guy a "fag" though. And really, while I've heard people call their cig a fag, I've never heard them call someone else a fag, and mean that they were calling them a cig. That's asinine.

You then go on to defend the use of the word faggot. LMAO. Seriously dude? You go all out crusading against others, and then attempt to defend this usage. Caff used a homosexual slur on a site that, if nothing else, is clear that homosexual slurs will register on their punishment scale. He used it, he was caught, he'll receive the first level punishment. It's indefensible. If I had called you that, MagGree, you would have opened a report against me.


- I'm not defending the word Caff used, I just said I doubt he meant it as homophobic,, I still think it was a bad remark as I mentioned above, just not to the extent of purposely calling the guy gay. I know he didn't call him a.tag (cig), But I also don't believe Caff's intent of faggot meant homo., Don't let this get Your panties wet.
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Re: iAmCaffeine Bigot/hateful sexual remarks in gamechat

Postby iAmCaffeine on Sun Sep 21, 2014 7:26 am

Serbia wrote:
MagnusGreeol wrote:- Went to this war and read chat, First I'd like to say that usually complaining about dice-luck or drops is usually considered lame unless Your complaining to a Friend who will console You. We all get the ups and downs in each category so its pointless to complain in chat Your downs because 99% of the time You'll get a back-lash from the other player. Though Caff should of used a word like puss or wuss, I'd like to add that "fag" in Great Britain is a slang for a cigarette. I first heard that when My great buddy from Great Britain said he had to step out to smoke a fag. But in Caff's defense, faggot for the most part these days means wuss, I doubt He used it in a derogatory way meaning anonymus is a homosexual. Caff made 1 bad remark but didn't go on a rampage like a certain other person I know here in CC,, Slap on the wrist and call it a day.

This is pathetic. I've been reading a lot of your commentary in C&A recently, and can't remember you stepping up to defend a bigoted word before. What's up with that? I know the difference between the word "fag" in the States and in the UK; I'm married to a Brit, so I'm well aware. Caff didn't call the guy a "fag" though. And really, while I've heard people call their cig a fag, I've never heard them call someone else a fag, and mean that they were calling them a cig. That's asinine.

You then go on to defend the use of the word faggot. LMAO. Seriously dude? You go all out crusading against others, and then attempt to defend this usage. Caff used a homosexual slur on a site that, if nothing else, is clear that homosexual slurs will register on their punishment scale. He used it, he was caught, he'll receive the first level punishment. It's indefensible. If I had called you that, MagGree, you would have opened a report against me.


In the UK "fag" can be used as a homophobic term, but it's generally used as an alternative word for weak or wuss, as Magnus said. If I get warned or whatever for saying it then fine, although I've seen the word used, reported and nothing happened.

I have gay friends who wouldn't be offended if I said the word fag to describe someone as weak.
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Re: iAmCaffeine Bigot/hateful sexual remarks in gamechat

Postby owenshooter on Sun Sep 21, 2014 8:17 am

sorry... he didn't call the user a name... he said stop whining like one... this is what literate people would call a clever use of semantics... he did not call the user what the user found offensive, he stated he was acting in that manner... semantics, period... (read my whole post, before you go Wicked crazy on me!!)


the branch of linguistics and logic concerned with meaning. There are a number of branches and subbranches of semantics, including formal semantics, which studies the logical aspects of meaning, such as sense, reference, implication, and logical form, lexical semantics, which studies word meanings and word relations, and conceptual semantics, which studies the cognitive structure of meaning.

i think you foe him and move on... but, that is just me... i already know which way this is going, because of the word used... perhaps if he had asked, "are you done whining like a $2 whore on dollar day?", he would have gotten away with it... but, with that F****t bomb thrown in there and the number of numerous recent complaints concerning the accused, he'll probably get a little ban... this is interesting...-Jésus noir

i can't even say another word...
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Re: iAmCaffeine Bigot/hateful sexual remarks in gamechat

Postby clangfield on Sun Sep 21, 2014 9:13 am

iAmCaffeine wrote:
Serbia wrote:
MagnusGreeol wrote:- Went to this war and read chat, First I'd like to say that usually complaining about dice-luck or drops is usually considered lame unless Your complaining to a Friend who will console You. We all get the ups and downs in each category so its pointless to complain in chat Your downs because 99% of the time You'll get a back-lash from the other player. Though Caff should of used a word like puss or wuss, I'd like to add that "fag" in Great Britain is a slang for a cigarette. I first heard that when My great buddy from Great Britain said he had to step out to smoke a fag. But in Caff's defense, faggot for the most part these days means wuss, I doubt He used it in a derogatory way meaning anonymus is a homosexual. Caff made 1 bad remark but didn't go on a rampage like a certain other person I know here in CC,, Slap on the wrist and call it a day.

This is pathetic. I've been reading a lot of your commentary in C&A recently, and can't remember you stepping up to defend a bigoted word before. What's up with that? I know the difference between the word "fag" in the States and in the UK; I'm married to a Brit, so I'm well aware. Caff didn't call the guy a "fag" though. And really, while I've heard people call their cig a fag, I've never heard them call someone else a fag, and mean that they were calling them a cig. That's asinine.

You then go on to defend the use of the word faggot. LMAO. Seriously dude? You go all out crusading against others, and then attempt to defend this usage. Caff used a homosexual slur on a site that, if nothing else, is clear that homosexual slurs will register on their punishment scale. He used it, he was caught, he'll receive the first level punishment. It's indefensible. If I had called you that, MagGree, you would have opened a report against me.


In the UK "fag" can be used as a homophobic term, but it's generally used as an alternative word for weak or wuss, as Magnus said. If I get warned or whatever for saying it then fine, although I've seen the word used, reported and nothing happened.

I have gay friends who wouldn't be offended if I said the word fag to describe someone as weak.

For completeness, 'fag' is a also term used at public schools and refers to a junior boy who essentially acts as a slave (or P.A. if you prefer) for a senior boy.
It can also be used to refer to something which is onerous or tiring.
Faggot can also refer to a meat product (akin to a meatball) and a block of kindling used to start a fire.

The issue is whether there was homophobic intent behind the insult and I think it's pretty clear that there was, which is deemed as rule-breaking. Whether the evolution of the language takes it to a point where it's no longer seen that way, one can't know, but I don't think it's got there yet.
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Re: iAmCaffeine Bigot/hateful sexual remarks in gamechat

Postby BoganGod on Sun Sep 21, 2014 10:24 am

Was it a bigoted statement and a homosexual slur? Yes.
Was the accused trying to call another player a cigarette? Not fucking likely

The accuser speaks more languages than the disingenuous accused has scruples. The accuser lived in the UK for years, is university educated and more than capable of understanding the definite homosexual slur being directed at him.

iAmCaffeine wrote:
anonymus wrote:Well, ok a warning would be good if that is where he is on the offender-scale maybe he stops this behaviour at least.. Im no judge here, im just looking out for everyones gaming-experience here..

/ :?:

I have never received any infractions so I expect it will be a warning, but if it was a popularity contest as you suggest then I'd be permanently banned instantly, so don't worry about that.

Regarding the underlined statement, this is one of the most hypocritical things I've ever read! You deadbeated games to get your score low, just to come back and get a medal in the most improved scoreboard, and now you're CC's holy guardian?

:lol: =D>

Yes I let one word slip this time, oh well. I think you should learn to expect it anonymus, since you complain in a game when you dropped two bonuses, complained when I won 12v10 and said nothing when you won 13v16, and you joined a 2000+ game with a score around 1800. They're a handful of many things that happened in our games, and whilst I don't really care it obviously bothers you enough to make a feeble report and pretend it's for the good of the site, when really it's just a personal vendetta because your little butt is hurting.

Also, web-bully? Please learn the definition of bullying before throwing that term around. I realise English isn't your first language, but maybe you should double check before using words you don't fully understand.

For the record Agent, I wasn't drinking.

Nice condensing reply coffeekid, along with a flame. anonymus unlike yourself is an adult. Anon like myself is a small business owner, being self employed sometimes CC is not the top priority. Was an unfair penalty handed to anon, based on incredibly faulty "logic" coupled with criminally stupid levels of mathematical illiteracy by those judging and punishing.
Moving along, so you were sober. A sober bigot, what a pleasant change. A clear case of bullying here as well. Just look at the victim blaming. No amount of self justification, "he complained too much", "he cried about the dice", etc will take back what you said, and what you still stand by.
You are using the rapist and short skirt faulty logic loop. She had a short skirt, she had it coming.... What was I supposed to do? Walk by without raping her. It is her fault..... Own your actions, stop making excuses. Unless of course you feel you don't have a case to answer
Where does the gay rage come from? Did a gay guy refuse a date with you? Gay guy living the life you wish you had the courage to?
A lot of workers in the hospitality industry are gay(I'm a chef), the only homophobes I've encountered were
- mentally delayed
- in the closet
- had suffered sexual abuse
- had been wronged/embarrassed by a homosexual, and were very skilled at holding a grudge.

<phew, wipes brow. Not used to dropping the silly persona.>

A man walks into a bar, "ouch".

<aaaaahhhh, that is better, normality online for my alter ego is restored>
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Re: iAmCaffeine Bigot/hateful sexual remarks in gamechat

Postby BoganGod on Sun Sep 21, 2014 10:33 am

owenshooter wrote:sorry... he didn't call the user a name... he said stop whining like one... this is what literate people would call a clever use of semantics... he did not call the user what the user found offensive, he stated he was acting in that manner... semantics, period... (read my whole post, before you go Wicked crazy on me!!)


the branch of linguistics and logic concerned with meaning. There are a number of branches and subbranches of semantics, including formal semantics, which studies the logical aspects of meaning, such as sense, reference, implication, and logical form, lexical semantics, which studies word meanings and word relations, and conceptual semantics, which studies the cognitive structure of meaning.

i think you foe him and move on... but, that is just me... i already know which way this is going, because of the word used... perhaps if he had asked, "are you done whining like a $2 whore on dollar day?", he would have gotten away with it... but, with that F****t bomb thrown in there and the number of numerous recent complaints concerning the accused, he'll probably get a little ban... this is interesting...-Jésus noir

i can't even say another word...

Owen, not like you good sir. Missing the point like this. He stated that homosexuals(f bomb.....) are contemptible because of their orientation. semantics for ya. I may hate you because of your personality, foe and move on. If I state that I hate you because of your sexual orientation, gender, disability, or race. Then I have crossed the line. Even if I say you are acting like, rather than saying you are.
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Re: iAmCaffeine Bigot/hateful sexual remarks in gamechat

Postby owenshooter on Sun Sep 21, 2014 11:26 am

BoganGod wrote:Owen, not like you good sir. Missing the point like this. He stated that homosexuals(f bomb.....) are contemptible because of their orientation. semantics for ya. I may hate you because of your personality, foe and move on. If I state that I hate you because of your sexual orientation, gender, disability, or race. Then I have crossed the line. Even if I say you are acting like, rather than saying you are.

no i didn't.. he is going to get a little ban... shouldn't have used the word, period...-Jésus noir
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Re: iAmCaffeine Bigot/hateful sexual remarks in gamechat

Postby jackal31 on Sun Sep 21, 2014 11:49 am

MagnusGreeol wrote:
- I'm not defending the word Caff used, I just said I doubt he meant it as homophobic,, I still think it was a bad remark as I mentioned above, just not to the extent of purposely calling the guy gay. I know he didn't call him a.tag (cig), But I also don't believe Caff's intent of faggot meant homo., Don't let this get Your panties wet.

That would be the same as misusing the word "retarded." These terms are misused every day because of the lack of empathy in the world today. Let's not misunderstand the word as it is. It's usage is misdirected and the word should not have been used ..... period. Defending the "supposed" usage of the word doesnt help justify the situation, it only makes people more prone to using it with less sensitivity to the population that it's actually affected by.

Maybe you (and others using these words) should just stop using them with the wrong intent. Then these things wouldnt be such an issue.
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Re: iAmCaffeine Bigot/hateful sexual remarks in gamechat

Postby anonymus on Sun Sep 21, 2014 12:05 pm

BoganGod wrote: I may hate you because of your personality, foe and move on. If I state that I hate you because of your sexual orientation, gender, disability, or race. Then I have crossed the line.

Yes I know that I may get a bit whiney at times when im winey.. Sure, but as Bogan states above, this is not the point.. Call me a 2dollar whore, I won't mind, hell Ive payed people to talk to me like that (its legal here in Germany so don't get on your high horses now) although being high is basically legal here in berlin aswell, drugging horses are still considered animal abuse, so stop that shit right away..

anyhow, I also got sidetracked there a bit, but also THIS
owenshooter wrote:shouldn't have used the word, period...-Jésus noir

and THIS
jackal31 wrote:Maybe you (and others using these words) should just stop using them with the wrong intent. Then these things wouldnt be such an issue.

And as Bogan stated, even if English isn't my first language, I lived in the UK for years, I handle most of my business in english, and anyone claiming caffie was calling me a cigarette or for that matter a bassoon if you involve italian and french into the language-mix, is just lowering the standard of a pretty important discussion here..

I may not get suicidal from caffie calling me what he did, but what if I had been called that all day every day in school, already troubled, and when I log into CC for some relaxation is met with the same treatment..
Or if im insecure about my sexuality (and as Bogan can attest im pretty secure about what I like) and constantly is reminded about societies intolerance against gay men, I may end up repressing my sexuality and living out my days unhappy..

It has been said so many things in this thread.. This is not about Louis CK's standup-routine, not about youtube-commenters & x-box-live peoples language (and the day we hold these groups as out intellectual measuring-stick for whats ok to say is indeed a sad one). Its a bout hateful remarks against a minority-group on what is a gaming-site with rules against that kind of behaviour..

anon out

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show: BoganGod speaks the truth
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Re: iAmCaffeine Bigot/hateful sexual remarks in gamechat

Postby Shannon Apple on Sun Sep 21, 2014 12:45 pm

MagnusGreeol wrote:- Went to this war and read chat, First I'd like to say that usually complaining about dice-luck or drops is usually considered lame unless Your complaining to a Friend who will console You. We all get the ups and downs in each category so its pointless to complain in chat Your downs because 99% of the time You'll get a back-lash from the other player. Though Caff should of used a word like puss or wuss, I'd like to add that "fag" in Great Britain is a slang for a cigarette. I first heard that when My great buddy from Great Britain said he had to step out to smoke a fag. But in Caff's defense, faggot for the most part these days means wuss, I doubt He used it in a derogatory way meaning anonymus is a homosexual. Caff made 1 bad remark but didn't go on a rampage like a certain other person I know here in CC,, Slap on the wrist and call it a day.

Hahaha! I am happen to be from Ireland where the use of the word "fag" is commonplace to refer to a cigarette. It's almost never used toward gay people. However, we all consider the word faggot in the same way as Americans do, even if it's not widely used. And in this part of the world, my grandmother's generation used the word "faggot" to refer to a bitchy woman, so yeah, never means "wuss."

Why do people have to throw nasty words around, especially ones that have become a negative towards minorities.
00:33:53 ‹riskllama› will her and i ever hook up, LLT???
00:34:09 ‹LiveLoveTeach› You and Shannon?
00:34:20 ‹LiveLoveTeach› Bahahahahahaha
00:34:22 ‹LiveLoveTeach› I doubt it
00:34:30 ‹LiveLoveTeach› I don't think she's into farm animals
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