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Warned IILWUHAS- Offensive wall posts and chat

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Re: IILWUHAS- Offensive wall posts and chat

Postby Edric Wolfswift on Sun Aug 24, 2014 2:39 pm

My last post was just to provide further proof of the player's offensive behavior. I have done my best to resist sharing my true feelings for that guy.
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Re: IILWUHAS- Offensive wall posts and chat

Postby Evil Semp on Sun Aug 24, 2014 3:17 pm

Children I am locking this for obvious reasons.
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Re: IILWUHAS- Offensive wall posts and chat

Postby Evil Semp on Sat Sep 06, 2014 7:00 pm

IILWUHAS has been WARNED for bigotry.

I am sorry I left this open for so long. He was given his warning a week ago.
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Re: IILWUHAS- Offensive wall posts and chat

Postby MagnusGreeol on Sun Sep 07, 2014 8:52 am

- I don't think this is the last We'll see from him, hopefully he sees a bright light and changes his attitude. GL2 him.
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Re: IILWUHAS- Offensive wall posts and chat

Postby Edric Wolfswift on Sun Sep 07, 2014 9:05 am

If anyone cares to look at Game 14814001, it is plain to see that he has repeated his abuse since he was warned. I think by doing so he has shown a blatant disregard for standard protocol, and shown no respect whatsover for a simple warning. I think it is time for at least a 1-month vacation.
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Re: IILWUHAS- Offensive wall posts and chat

Postby Evil Semp on Sun Sep 07, 2014 9:13 am

Edric Wolfswift wrote:If anyone cares to look at Game 14814001, it is plain to see that he has repeated his abuse since he was warned. I think by doing so he has shown a blatant disregard for standard protocol, and shown no respect whatsover for a simple warning. I think it is time for at least a 1-month vacation.

In this thread he was warned for bigotry. He has been just been warned also for flaming. We have a process we have to follow.

The one month vacation is for a major guideline violation. flaming is a minor violation. Both those infractions follow different ladders of punishment.

If his game chat bothers you foeing is an option. You won't be able to read his chat or forum posts. If he repeats any of the offenses he has been warned for he will eventually get that vacation you want him to receive.
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Re: IILWUHAS- Offensive wall posts and chat

Postby Edric Wolfswift on Sun Sep 07, 2014 9:19 am

I understand that, and respect what you are saying. However, I think that calling someone a F****** in a chat after being warned for bigotry is a repeat of the offense.

In addition to that, the warning for flaming obviously is not being heeded, as evidenced by his latest wall post.
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Re: IILWUHAS- Offensive wall posts and chat

Postby MagnusGreeol on Sun Sep 07, 2014 5:00 pm

- I've been getting hate pm's from him, I just got another today, He's flaming the wrong guy, I could easily tease him into a rubber room, he's that easy to get going, but I've been ignoring him. The deck of cards he's playing with has 52 jokers in it, And he's playing solitaire, Uh coo-coo Uh coo-coo ")
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Re: IILWUHAS- Offensive wall posts and chat

Postby IILWUHAS on Mon Sep 08, 2014 3:22 am

when are you at c.c going to stop allowing magnus and edric to constantly keep this thing going? they are actually INFLAMING it by continued harassment, look at all my games apparently , and if anything at all off sorts, run right to you and report, whether they know anything actually or not. well, if you want to punish me, you must punish them also... magnum and edric both have called me a douchebag, asshole, etc, and are constantly in touch with nearly all of my opponents and stirring shit up...I want the idiots to just go away, but it doesn't appear they will, and you at c.c are obviously not looking into their posts and ratings and mouthing off, etc...magnum and edric ARE NO ANGELS BY ANY MEANS, AND THEY HAVE CONSTANTLY GIVEN ME SHIT ON HERE...BUT ITS ONLY IILWUHAS, RIGHT?? YEA, OK
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Re: IILWUHAS- Offensive wall posts and chat

Postby IILWUHAS on Mon Sep 08, 2014 3:27 am

magnum wants me to have a free month vaca huh? I could care less what magnus wants... he is as full of it as edric...remember, edric also initially accused me of cheating by having multis, falsely of course, and seems these two have nothing better to do than accuse other members, like they c.c 's own gaming police....and IN THE FIRST PLACE, I HAVE NEVER EVEN PLAYED A GAME AGAINST GREEOL, SO EXACTLY WHY DID HE EVER FEEL THE NEED TO INSERT HIMSELF ANYWAY?? I GOT PM'S FROM BOTH THESE CLOWNS, AND MORE FROM THEIR FRIENDS WHO THEY SEEM TO SET UPON ME....TELL THEM TO BACK OFF EVIL, AND MAYBE THIS DAMN BS WILL STOP!!!!!
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Re: IILWUHAS- Offensive wall posts and chat

Postby IILWUHAS on Mon Sep 08, 2014 3:31 am

and magnus, you are being DISHONEST pm'd me FIRST of all, I never contacted you til you did that, so WHO IS ACTUALLY STIRRING THE POT??? you and edric , and anyone else you can get to message me..and if c.c wants to track the timeline of pms, that's easily proven that YOU contacted ME first . what for?? if not to stir bs?? maybe if you piss off and leave me the hell alone in first place, we can stop this stupidity once and for all.. I don't want to make enemies here, and truly just want to play, but when you have other friends pm me, kinda gets old...and your wall rants with ebauches is just more of the same...go have him remove your comments b4 c.c catches up with ya. just stop magnus, and I wont bother any of you
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Re: IILWUHAS- Offensive wall posts and chat

Postby IILWUHAS on Mon Sep 08, 2014 3:42 am

and its very clear that people like edric are NOT providing a service by this all day tattletelling they seem to do...if someone complains about me to c.c , then that's their choice...when I have edric blocked, as magnus is, as foes, they cannot play what is actually happening is edric and magnum got nothing better to do than follow all my games apparently, look for any discrepancy , and run to report it to c.c??? BUT THEY ARENT ACTUALLY INFLAMING AN " ISSUE" NEVER APPARENTLY COMPLAINED ABOUT HUH Evil?? two sides to every coin....maybe YOU need to instruct THEM to stop following me around and stirring bs?? think maybe THAT will put an end to the bs games being instigated by these two?? like I said Evil...magnus PM'd me FIRST...something he SEEMS TO HAVE NEGLECTED BRINGING FORTH, AYE MAGNUS??
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Re: IILWUHAS- Offensive wall posts and chat

Postby MagnusGreeol on Mon Sep 08, 2014 4:40 am

.- Hello!! I never pmd You? Hello! I'll show the 4 PMS You sent Me, I saved them, I never called You a douchebag?? I'm flaming? Produce the pms I've sent You,, obv You would of saved them, I saved the 4 You sent me, that I ignored. W-o-w.
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Re: IILWUHAS- Offensive wall posts and chat

Postby MagnusGreeol on Mon Sep 08, 2014 4:44 am

- And I'm not going back and forth with You anymore, Promised King Achilles I wouldn't. Just do Your best to be a good guy and stay out of the abuse forum. GL2U in Life ")
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Re: IILWUHAS- Offensive wall posts and chat

Postby Masli on Mon Sep 08, 2014 4:55 am

Locked for obvious reasons...
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