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Noted suspected multi mawa10524 [ka]

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suspected multi mawa10524 [ka]

Postby pascalleke on Fri Aug 29, 2014 6:49 am



The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis

Game number(s):

Game 14771782

Comments:just read game chat :mrgreen:
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Re: suspected multi mawa10524

Postby iAmCaffeine on Fri Aug 29, 2014 7:34 am

Surely bW will do something about then..
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Re: suspected multi mawa10524

Postby Major.Bossman on Fri Aug 29, 2014 3:37 pm

It is possible that the other player in the game did not think of the accused as a multi. Normally multis play together so one can get more wins. It is possible that the accused played on a different site before this one. Also just for curiousity reasons since players who report cheating are normally involved in a game with the accused what alerted you to this one?
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Re: suspected multi mawa10524

Postby jackal31 on Fri Aug 29, 2014 3:43 pm

I think the real question should be, since this game ended a week ago, is why that person still has a premium account after admitting to the owner its a multi account.

What does that say about the owner?
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Re: suspected multi mawa10524

Postby ke_rassa on Fri Aug 29, 2014 3:47 pm

There almost needs to be a different term for someone who used to play on this site on one email, stopped playing, and then started back up on another.

As to why pascalleke is reporting from someone elses game Major my guess would be because they are playing the accused in 4 different 1 vs 1 poly games right now.
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Re: suspected multi mawa10524

Postby iAmCaffeine on Fri Aug 29, 2014 6:18 pm

Major.Bossman wrote:It is possible that the other player in the game did not think of the accused as a multi. Normally multis play together so one can get more wins. It is possible that the accused played on a different site before this one. Also just for curiousity reasons since players who report cheating are normally involved in a game with the accused what alerted you to this one?

The other player in the game owns Conquer Club; did you read the chat?
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Re: suspected multi mawa10524

Postby king achilles on Fri Aug 29, 2014 6:27 pm

We are still investigating what is his old account. This was already brought up to us before this report was made.
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Re: suspected multi mawa10524 [ka]

Postby pascalleke on Fri Aug 29, 2014 7:15 pm

he indeed joined 4 games against me ..and he knows his play, to much experience for a player with those stats that made me curious about him. And as i am also not allowed to make several accounts , so does he ...right ?
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Re: suspected multi mawa10524 [ka]

Postby Major.Bossman on Fri Aug 29, 2014 8:23 pm

Well to answer your questions I did not look at bW's profile and it was posted in the chat that bW was the owner after I posted my response. Second I can understand being suspicious of another player's skill level especially if it is a new player but it seems that it would have made more sense if you posted that information earlier. However that is probably me just nitpicking. It probably does not matter since they already have an internal investigation going on so they will probably reach a verdict soon.
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Re: suspected multi mawa10524 [ka]

Postby random21 on Sun Aug 31, 2014 2:29 pm

i too would like to add to this.

he has also joined my usa 2.1 games.

playing fog trench escalating etc.

anyways. he is playing pretty good id say as well.

can we get a resolution for this?
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Re: suspected multi mawa10524 [ka]

Postby random21 on Sun Aug 31, 2014 7:00 pm

he joined the site very quickly and became a member. he didn't test out the site as freemium. his first game started very closely to his join date.

in part he is doing well with good dice. but he is playing trench fog etc fairly well. this is something from new player? is play isn't perfect,

i think it is a safe bet he's played here before.

i notice in the one game he admitted to having taken a year off, and getting used to the new format here.

i don't believe its that he played on an alternate risk site, he played here. took a year off, and came back...

what is time estimation for this 'pending' inquest?

he played speed with me, not in the game setting. but played rt. obviously new players can play rt. but i dunno. playing as fast as he did, it seems to me he knows what he's doing.

after that comment to big wham, and questioning him (masa), its just silence. there is no attempt to mediate what he said about being here and take a year off and coming back to it again. no explanation. and he did respond when i asked him about being multi etc. then when i explained what it was. silence.

this seems like fairly clear case

: it is disappointing that he was able to join my game at all if there was already a case against him before this one, and now even with this one, it is taking days more. and he joins other people's games as well.
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Re: suspected multi mawa10524 [ka]

Postby Edric Wolfswift on Sun Aug 31, 2014 7:10 pm

Two days is not a long time. I filed a report a week ago, the evidence is rather clear, yet it is still open.
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Re: suspected multi mawa10524 [ka]

Postby random21 on Sun Aug 31, 2014 7:20 pm

well. that's what i mean. two days, a week whatever.

considering whats been said. it seems its not a case that need still be open
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Re: suspected multi mawa10524 [ka]

Postby king achilles on Sun Aug 31, 2014 7:39 pm

As of now, we still can not link him to another account. We may have to note this report and let him be until or if new developments comes up.
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Re: suspected multi mawa10524 [ka]

Postby random21 on Sun Aug 31, 2014 7:43 pm

so his very own statement means nothing??

it just means he isn't using his old account... how would you track it then

if he never logs on to it, then he just goes on ahead?
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Re: suspected multi mawa10524 [ka]

Postby king achilles on Sun Aug 31, 2014 8:17 pm

Sometimes we can track things even if people do not say anything or if the person has not used the old account, etc. Sometimes, only time can tell.
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Re: suspected multi mawa10524 [ka]

Postby pascalleke on Wed Sep 03, 2014 8:32 am

2 questions , oh no 3 ;

first this player gets fremium , then 2 days later i see he is banned ( kicked because of violating ...) so what the deal here ?? because in poly games he only gets 1 player kicked and keeps the rest ?
and also this ...look at who s turn it is Game 14790858

so please some answers , because this is pretty ... :roll:
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Re: suspected multi mawa10524 [ka]

Postby ooge on Thu Sep 04, 2014 3:20 pm

pascalleke wrote:2 questions , oh no 3 ;

first this player gets fremium , then 2 days later i see he is banned ( kicked because of violating ...) so what the deal here ?? because in poly games he only gets 1 player kicked and keeps the rest ?
and also this ...look at who s turn it is Game 14790858

so please some answers , because this is pretty ... :roll:

same for me,polly doubs only 1 color kicked out of the game,he missed his turn but if he decides to take it he could easily win the game.
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Re: suspected multi mawa10524 [ka]

Postby king achilles on Thu Sep 04, 2014 4:46 pm

Players in poly games are still treated separately. Even when someone deadbeats from a poly game, you would have to wait for each color to miss those 3 consecutive turns for each of the player to get kicked out. It's a known issue that is not easy to fix. When someone is busted and he is in a poly game, you would have to wait for the other player spots to deadbeat.
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