The accused are suspected of:
Being Multis
Game number(s):
Game 14771782
Comments:just read game chat

Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team
Major.Bossman wrote:It is possible that the other player in the game did not think of the accused as a multi. Normally multis play together so one can get more wins. It is possible that the accused played on a different site before this one. Also just for curiousity reasons since players who report cheating are normally involved in a game with the accused what alerted you to this one?
pascalleke wrote:2 questions , oh no 3 ;
first this player gets fremium , then 2 days later i see he is banned ( kicked because of violating ...) so what the deal here ?? because in poly games he only gets 1 player kicked and keeps the rest ?
and also this ...look at who s turn it is Game 14790858
so please some answers , because this is pretty ...
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