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Cleared Alchemistery & ke_rassa [DCR]

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Alchemistery & ke_rassa [DCR]

Postby Klipche on Mon Aug 25, 2014 5:01 pm


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The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Other: Straight up team play.

Game number(s):

Game 14781841


So as soon as this game started, a comment was made from blue to green that they had to stop meeting up this way. I did not think anything of it at the time. Now I know these two are old buddies and they completely acted as team mates in a non team match. I understand going after the dude in the lead, but they were giving each other suggestions on where to reinforce from, where to attack and so forth. What they did was well beyond two players playing individually to secure a victory. If that is not cheating then i am going to find a friend, real fast to play all my games with.
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Re: Alchemistery & ke_rassa for team play in game 14781841

Postby ke_rassa on Mon Aug 25, 2014 5:20 pm

If by buddies you mean someone who i've played multiple games with and know in the context of game chat then yes we are indeed old buddies. I did make the comment since this was the 3rd or 4 Batlic Crusades map we have played on in the last week or so. Just so you all know this is a pure and simple case of "sore loser". It started out as a 4 person game and until yellow decided to dead beat at which point the accusor had something like 22 regions and was getting 17 some troops per turn, not to mention auto deploy. While green and i combined had 25 regions and i think 13 troops per turn. Yes it did turn into 2 on 1 and yes we did make suggestions to each other, all in game chat I might add. At which point red accused us of cheating and db himself. Going by the troop numbers of neutrals left in the game and how red was acting he probably still could have beat the 2 of us if he had tried. Instead he had to make this report and intentionally dead beat and throw away some points. Not that I'm complaining given it worked out the best for me.
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Re: Alchemistery & ke_rassa for team play in game 14781841

Postby Edric Wolfswift on Mon Aug 25, 2014 6:03 pm

If they were making these comments openly in the chat, as you say, how can it be "secret" ?
Truces are allowed if clearly stated in the chat, which they both did:
2014-08-25 17:16:59 - ke_rassa: i have no desire to fight you green
2014-08-25 17:21:03 - Alchemistery: ok move back i will consolidate where i am

This is clearly just sour grapes from a deadbeat. Perhaps you did not realize it, but intentionally deadbeating is against the rules, and you are guilty of doing that Klipche:
2014-08-25 18:04:37 - Klipche was kicked out for missing too many turns
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Re: Alchemistery & ke_rassa for team play in game 14781841

Postby MagnusGreeol on Mon Aug 25, 2014 6:35 pm

Edric Wolfswift wrote:If they were making these comments openly in the chat, as you say, how can it be "secret" ?
Truces are allowed if clearly stated in the chat, which they both did:
2014-08-25 17:16:59 - ke_rassa: i have no desire to fight you green
2014-08-25 17:21:03 - Alchemistery: ok move back i will consolidate where i am

This is clearly just sour grapes from a deadbeat. Perhaps you did not realize it, but intentionally deadbeating is against the rules, and you are guilty of doing that Klipche:
2014-08-25 18:04:37 - Klipche was kicked out for missing too many turns

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Re: Alchemistery & ke_rassa for team play in game 14781841

Postby Edric Wolfswift on Mon Aug 25, 2014 6:39 pm

let's not post too many thing MagnusGreeol... You and I wouldn't want to get another thread locked :-) Hmmm...wonder if/when they will act on that?
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Re: Alchemistery & ke_rassa for team play in game 14781841

Postby MagnusGreeol on Mon Aug 25, 2014 6:42 pm

I'm outty- zip---
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Re: Alchemistery & ke_rassa [DCR]

Postby iAmCaffeine on Thu Aug 28, 2014 8:19 am

Alchemistry is a horrendous player and ke_rassa only loses because of the dice, just avoid them.
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Re: Alchemistery & ke_rassa [DCR]

Postby BoganGod on Thu Aug 28, 2014 9:06 am

iAmCaffeine wrote:Alchemistry is a horrendous player and ke_rassa only loses because of the dice, just avoid them.

iAmCaffeine makes broad sweeping comments and pontificates too much. He/she/it is a journeyman player who would rather speak and not contribute by doing so, than not speak at all. Though in my experience he/she/it is generally an amiable sincere young person showing some promise of future sentient development.

Oops DCR your honour, I was doing an iAmCaffeine and commenting on the players rather than the purported legality of their actions...... As a returning C&A watcher would I be right in guessing that intentionally deadbeating is still against the rules or severely frowned upon? As horrible as iAmCaffeine suggests the two accused to be, their game play seems logical, though by joining multiple games against each other maybe they have left themselves open to some suggestion of collusion. However with so few premium players and public games on offer can you really blame them?
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Re: Alchemistery & ke_rassa [DCR]

Postby ke_rassa on Thu Aug 28, 2014 9:42 am

iAmCaffeine adding useless comments to C&A threads since 2013.
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Re: Alchemistery & ke_rassa [DCR]

Postby Klipche on Thu Aug 28, 2014 3:21 pm

Was not intentional dead beating. I was just busy posting my report and it took longer then I thought it would. Glad to see they are rally troops to come here and beat that dead horse. Sound like liberals trying to get the admin to focus not on the issue at hand but else where. Want to make big deal about me missing turns while posting my report, than start your own report topic and allow the admins to handle it. Don't hijack my thread.
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Re: Alchemistery & ke_rassa [DCR]

Postby iAmCaffeine on Thu Aug 28, 2014 3:32 pm

BoganGod wrote:
iAmCaffeine wrote:Alchemistry is a horrendous player and ke_rassa only loses because of the dice, just avoid them.

iAmCaffeine makes broad sweeping comments and pontificates too much. He/she/it is a journeyman player who would rather speak and not contribute by doing so, than not speak at all. Though in my experience he/she/it is generally an amiable sincere young person showing some promise of future sentient development.

Oops DCR your honour, I was doing an iAmCaffeine and commenting on the players rather than the purported legality of their actions...... As a returning C&A watcher would I be right in guessing that intentionally deadbeating is still against the rules or severely frowned upon? As horrible as iAmCaffeine suggests the two accused to be, their game play seems logical, though by joining multiple games against each other maybe they have left themselves open to some suggestion of collusion. However with so few premium players and public games on offer can you really blame them?

I've missed you.

ke_rassa wrote:iAmCaffeine adding useless comments to C&A threads since 2013.

ke_rassa, being useless at virtually everything since birth.
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Re: Alchemistery & ke_rassa [DCR]

Postby ke_rassa on Thu Aug 28, 2014 8:56 pm

ke_rassa wrote:iAmCaffeine adding useless comments to C&A threads since 2013.

ke_rassa, being useless at virtually everything since birth.[/quote]

how dare you make my comment true! nobody makes my comments true but me.
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Re: Alchemistery & ke_rassa [DCR]

Postby deathcomesrippin on Wed Sep 03, 2014 7:13 am

Alchemistery and ke_rassa are Cleared of Secret Diplomacy.
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