by shickingbrits on Tue Aug 19, 2014 9:24 am
I'm in a 1 minute speed game using an ipad or some other awkward device. At the moment, I need to hit start turn, and then the cashable cards appear. I click the tiny boxes to cash my cards on my ipad and it costs me 10-20 seconds in some cases.
This suggestion is to allow me to click prior to hitting start. In this case, while the other person is taking their turn. The cash will be the same, ie if you had a bonus on a territory, it will still be there, and if that bonus was lost while the other player is taking the turn you won't get it. You haven't actually cashed, you are just pre-setting a cash. If you have been eliminated, the cards will still go to the other player.
It is similar to a texas hold'em game where you can pre-click fold, raise or call or you could do it once it is your turn.
The idea is to limit the handicap of using more awkward devices when playing.