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Closed Aalmedia17 game chat abuse [ka]

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Aalmedia17 game chat abuse [ka]

Postby demonfork on Sat Aug 02, 2014 1:41 pm



The accused are suspected

Other: game chat abuse

Game number(s):

Game 14647209

Comments: said that he hopes that I die of aids and cancer.

I got site named for 1 month for saying the same thing. Is this type of chat allowed again? If so, cool then I'll start up again. If not he should receive the same vacation that I did.
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Re: Aalmedia17 game chat abuse

Postby MagnusGreeol on Sat Aug 02, 2014 4:38 pm

demonfork wrote:Accused:


The accused are suspected

Other: game chat abuse

Game number(s):

Game 14647209

Comments: said that he hopes that I die of aids and cancer.

I got site named for 1 month for saying the same thing. Is this type of chat allowed again? If so, cool then I'll start up again. If not he should receive the same vacation that I did.

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Re: Aalmedia17 game chat abuse

Postby Agent 86 on Sat Aug 02, 2014 4:41 pm

MagnusGreeol wrote:
demonfork wrote:Accused:


The accused are suspected

Other: game chat abuse

Game number(s):

Game 14647209

Comments: said that he hopes that I die of aids and cancer.

I got site named for 1 month for saying the same thing. Is this type of chat allowed again? If so, cool then I'll start up again. If not he should receive the same vacation that I did.

- Sad / Shameful / Disgusting - Three words that describe that it takes rules and vacations to prevent one from speaking blaspheme. Diseases that are Our ( Human-Race ) arch enemies should never be rooted for. Loved ones every day are taken, Men / Women / Children, No one is 100% safe or exempt from enemies You can't see or feel, enemies that sneak in and attempt to take that which is most precious-- Life--

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Re: Aalmedia17 game chat abuse

Postby Aalmeida17 on Sat Aug 02, 2014 10:19 pm

i do apologize for my language, of course i didn't mean what i wrote , i also am very happy with the fact that he knows why i got so upset.
thank you
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Re: Aalmedia17 game chat abuse

Postby Shannon Apple on Sun Aug 03, 2014 5:15 am

He might know the reason, but I also hope that you also know why it's vile and disgusting to use such "wishes" against another human being even if you don't mean it. Many of us have lost loved ones especially to cancer, other members playing here are survivors of cancer. Regardless of how angry a game makes you, there is no excuse for this. It's only a game. There are way worse things that can happen in life than losing a few points at CC.
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Re: Aalmedia17 game chat abuse

Postby Frox333 on Sun Aug 03, 2014 1:50 pm

Aalmeida17 wrote:i do apologize for my language, of course i didn't mean what i wrote , i also am very happy with the fact that he knows why i got so upset.
thank you

Then why don't you hold your tongue about that kind of thing you idiot? So many of our fellow humans are dying because of those simple things, and you being lucky and taking that for granted is just ridiculous. And if you haven't had any relatives or friends that have died from it, just look up the stats of how many people die a day in Africa from that kind of thing. Try to get that through your thick head of yours next time.

And demonfork, don't joke about "oh I guess ill just start using that kind of language again". I don't know what kind of guy you are, but if you're that low to even use those kinds of things on a regular basis, then keep it out of here where the humans who aren't desensitized are yet, ok?
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Re: Aalmedia17 game chat abuse

Postby MagnusGreeol on Sun Aug 03, 2014 2:40 pm

Frox333 wrote:
Aalmeida17 wrote:i do apologize for my language, of course i didn't mean what i wrote , i also am very happy with the fact that he knows why i got so upset.
thank you

Then why don't you hold your tongue about that kind of thing you idiot? So many of our fellow humans are dying because of those simple things, and you being lucky and taking that for granted is just ridiculous. And if you haven't had any relatives or friends that have died from it, just look up the stats of how many people die a day in Africa from that kind of thing. Try to get that through your thick head of yours next time.

And demonfork, don't joke about "oh I guess ill just start using that kind of language again". I don't know what kind of guy you are, but if you're that low to even use those kinds of things on a regular basis, then keep it out of here where the humans who aren't desensitized are yet, ok?

- Who has the balls to argue with that! +10 Frox
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Re: Aalmedia17 game chat abuse

Postby Vid_FISO on Sun Aug 03, 2014 4:48 pm

Not your finest moment A17, if you are punished for it then accept it with good grace, some things should never be said, being angry is never an excuse.

Games come and go, are won and lost, points go up and down, you can't win them all. There really is nothing to gain by losing it when one doesn't go your way, but getting your name in here does you no favours at all in the long run.
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Re: Aalmedia17 game chat abuse

Postby Aalmeida17 on Sun Aug 03, 2014 5:55 pm

Frox333 wrote:
Aalmeida17 wrote:i do apologize for my language, of course i didn't mean what i wrote , i also am very happy with the fact that he knows why i got so upset.
thank you

Then why don't you hold your tongue about that kind of thing you idiot? So many of our fellow humans are dying because of those simple things, and you being lucky and taking that for granted is just ridiculous. And if you haven't had any relatives or friends that have died from it, just look up the stats of how many people die a day in Africa from that kind of thing. Try to get that through your thick head of yours next time.

And demonfork, don't joke about "oh I guess ill just start using that kind of language again". I don't know what kind of guy you are, but if you're that low to even use those kinds of things on a regular basis, then keep it out of here where the humans who aren't desensitized are yet, ok?

Even though I'm wrong you lost your argument the second you called me idiot. And if you don't understand why then your words have no meaning.
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Re: Aalmedia17 game chat abuse

Postby king achilles on Sun Aug 03, 2014 8:54 pm

Aalmeida17, let this report be a warning to you to stay away from that kind of talk. You admit to being wrong so learn from this so you won't do this again. Expect that you will still encounter players who will make moves that you do not approve or understand.

demonfork, you were given a disciplinary action not from just one game chat abuse but also many of the past game chat abuse reports were also given into consideration that you managed to accumulate in the C&A prior to that report.
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Re: Aalmedia17 game chat abuse

Postby demonfork on Sun Aug 03, 2014 9:48 pm

king achilles wrote:Aalmeida17, let this report be a warning to you to stay away from that kind of talk. You admit to being wrong so learn from this so you won't do this again. Expect that you will still encounter players who will make moves that you do not approve or understand.

demonfork, you were given a disciplinary action not from just one game chat abuse but also many of the past game chat abuse reports were also given into consideration that you managed to accumulate in the C&A prior to that report.


I was cleared in every single past game chat abuse report.

f*ck you for giving me disciplinary action based on past reports that I was cleared on.
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