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Warned Kschame1 (warned)es

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Kschame1 (warned)es

Postby Kschame1 on Sat Jul 19, 2014 11:40 am



The accused are suspected of:

Point dumping

Game number(s):

All speed up now


Need to find myself a new hobby waste too much time here a Permaban would do just fine.
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Re: Kschame1 (point dumping)

Postby Major.Bossman on Sat Jul 19, 2014 12:42 pm

So you are trying to get yourself banned or just wasting time? If you are trying to get banned why not just leave and do something else.
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Re: Kschame1 (point dumping)

Postby JamesKer1 on Sat Jul 19, 2014 1:11 pm

Kschame1 wrote:Comments:

Need to find myself a new hobby waste too much time here a Permaban would do just fine.

You could go out so much better than just reporting yourself for point dumping, of all things... :lol:
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Re: Kschame1 (point dumping)

Postby MagnusGreeol on Sun Jul 20, 2014 5:49 am

- You belong to a clan, Your wall suggests You have friends here, Your a Captain and then this? How about finishing up Your wars with dignity, then take a break? Point dumping and reporting Yourself seems a tad bit psychotic, or in a really bad depression, I hope Your ok, I never like to see people lose it. Grab hold of Yourself and take better control K-man.
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Re: Kschame1 (point dumping)

Postby j1mathman on Sun Jul 20, 2014 11:51 am

MagnusGreeol wrote:- You belong to a clan, Your wall suggests You have friends here, Your a Captain and then this? How about finishing up Your wars with dignity, then take a break? Point dumping and reporting Yourself seems a tad bit psychotic, or in a really bad depression, I hope Your ok, I never like to see people lose it. Grab hold of Yourself and take better control K-man.

little bit of a jump there straight to mental illness. slow your roll magnus, not everyone likes the long-term payouts you get on the site.
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Re: Kschame1 (point dumping)

Postby Frox333 on Sun Jul 20, 2014 1:33 pm

Douschey way to go down. Why do it. Nice job embarrassing yourself and your clan XD
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Re: Kschame1 (point dumping)

Postby MagnusGreeol on Sun Jul 20, 2014 1:56 pm

j1mathman wrote:
MagnusGreeol wrote:- You belong to a clan, Your wall suggests You have friends here, Your a Captain and then this? How about finishing up Your wars with dignity, then take a break? Point dumping and reporting Yourself seems a tad bit psychotic, or in a really bad depression, I hope Your ok, I never like to see people lose it. Grab hold of Yourself and take better control K-man.

little bit of a jump there straight to mental illness. slow your roll magnus, not everyone likes the long-term payouts you get on the site.

- Come on, If it were something serious like health or family I would never suggest mental state of mind, But here is a guy who's in a clan and has friends here, And he suddenly decides to accuse himself of point dumping and hopes for a perma band because he says its a waste of time?? Please..Sorry friends I've made and had fun with, but fck yas I'm hopefully perma band and this is a waste of time. Find a new hobby,, know Your roll and do the math, Mathman.
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Re: Kschame1 (point dumping)

Postby j1mathman on Sun Jul 20, 2014 2:30 pm

MagnusGreeol wrote:
j1mathman wrote:
MagnusGreeol wrote:- You belong to a clan, Your wall suggests You have friends here, Your a Captain and then this? How about finishing up Your wars with dignity, then take a break? Point dumping and reporting Yourself seems a tad bit psychotic, or in a really bad depression, I hope Your ok, I never like to see people lose it. Grab hold of Yourself and take better control K-man.

little bit of a jump there straight to mental illness. slow your roll magnus, not everyone likes the long-term payouts you get on the site.

- Come on, If it were something serious like health or family I would never suggest mental state of mind, But here is a guy who's in a clan and has friends here, And he suddenly decides to accuse himself of point dumping and hopes for a perma band because he says its a waste of time?? Please..Sorry friends I've made and had fun with, but fck yas I'm hopefully perma band and this is a waste of time. Find a new hobby,, know Your roll and do the math, Mathman.

You really have no idea what you are talking about magnus when it comes to health, good that you aren't bringing it up again.

I'm pretty sure kschame didn't actually dump points, he gets frustrated after speed game runs. The only thing he is guilty of is making this report and wasting time.
Last edited by j1mathman on Sun Jul 20, 2014 2:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kschame1 (point dumping)

Postby MagnusGreeol on Sun Jul 20, 2014 2:30 pm

- Since this post is still relatively fresh, I would motion this to be stricken, and issue a warning to Kshame never to accuse himself again. Get this into archives fast to give him time to reflect, and give The Royal Galaxy clan time to engage Kshame into either taking a break peacefully with hopes of coming back, or had time to think of how silly this was and regroup. My vote is to put this away fast. GL Everyone '')
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Re: Kschame1 (point dumping)

Postby Evil Semp on Sun Jul 20, 2014 2:32 pm

Kschame1 has received a 24 hour website vacation for his second minor infraction. His spurious reports in the C&A forum will not be tolerated. If he is looking for a web site ban he will eventually receive it.

I don't understand why he doesn't take the high road and just change his password to something random.

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Re: Kschame1 (warned)es

Postby MagnusGreeol on Sun Jul 20, 2014 2:37 pm

- And that's that '')
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Re: Kschame1 (warned)es

Postby ZornSlayer on Sun Jul 20, 2014 5:19 pm

Seriously, Kschame.... a compulsive addictive obsession will just translate into some kind of other obsessive addictive obsession. Kudos in recognizing your weakness. The mods have helped you one step, but you need to take a more serious look at your overall pattern and condition and find the real help you need out there. :)
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