The foggy game I was playing with TSWillis86 and Commander Cosmo is over. The fog was lifted and I can prove easily that they were cheating. This is the link:
Game 14627477Commander Cosmo, in his first move, deployed 3 on Ealing, didn’t attack anyone and reinforced Ealing from with 2 troops from Brent, leaving it with a single troop, undefended. Why? Cause TSWillis86 was the next one to play.
TSWillis86, in his turn (only 4 minutes later then Commander), deployed 3 troops on Hammersmith and attacked undefended Brent. He reforced Brent with 2 troops from Hounslow, leaving it with a single troop.
Why? Because he knew that only Commander Cosmo could take it. He was controlling Richmond and Ealing, the only territories that have borders with Hounslow (besides Hammersmith, that TSWillis86 had then got, and Hillingdon, which was neutral).
How can I know he had those territories? Easy, because in his next round, Commander Cosmo attacked Hounslow from Ealing and reforced it with 2 just from Richmond.
In his next movement, TSWillis86 attacked from Brent and got Camden, Harrow and Hillingdon, assuming the control of a whole bonus region (Northwest), which gives +3 troops per round. He could do that because he knew that the only one who could attack him on Hillingdon or Brent was Commander Cosmo and he wouldn’t. So, I he left those territories with a single troop (it was the second round, he couldn’t have a lot of troops…) and concentrated his armies in Candem, where he could be attacked by other players.
In his 3rd turn, Commander Cosmo knew that TSWillis86 had Northwest. He didn’t take it from him, but attacked another player and got Hammersmith from TSWillis86, in the West. Even trying to take control over “West”, he didn’t care that TSWillis86 got and maintained the bonus in Northwest.
Playing in sequence, TSWillis86 got his Northwest bonus. He should defend his region and didn’t show any fear from Commander Cosmo. On the contrary, he attacked just another player (Raybaer) and me.
It was a foggy game, and when I saw TSWillis86 got a bonus in Northwest, I attacked him and took Brent from him.
Commander Cosmo, in his round, attacked Kensington and Westminster from me and another player, conquering the whole West. He also took Brent from me. Why? To give it back to TSWillis86, so TSWillis86 could have Northwest back.
It really happened some minutes later: TSWillis86 got Brent back from Commander Cosmo.
At that time, they both had two regions, which were neighbor regions.
If they were fair players (which is quite clear they are not) in his next turn, Commander Cosmo would probably attack the Northwest, to prevent a rival (TSWillis86) from receiving his bonus. Obviously, that didn’t happen.
What did he do?
He decided to attack me in City and then Tower Hamlets.
Because he knew that I had just got the East.
But how could he know that, if he wasn’t there and it was a foggy game?
Because TSWillis was in the North, and could see my progress there.
It was this attack that made me suspicious…
… and now, with the fog of war lifted, I can be sure that I was right.
Well, I believe I don't need to go on. I could, be it is enought, isn't it?
It is completely proven that, multi or relatives/friends playing together, he (they) is(are) trickster(s).