- Spreading the spoils checkbox elements out horizontally is a crap user experience and a pain in the ass to use.
- The Later button is full-width to the right and the Play (set) button is under checkboxes. Again, this is less than ideal UI/UX.
- xxxxxxx
How this will benefit the site and/or other comments:
- There have been some improvements to CC over the past several months, but the changes to the Action form are not among them. Reading checkbox options left-right instead of up-down is a very bad user experience. Readability is reduced and clickability of the checkboxes is made more difficult. UI/UX is difficult, but there are many usability standards and best practices to reference. It would be beneficial to CC if you picked a couple good references sources and made use of them prior to making dramatic UI changes. I am quite certain your user base would appreciate it.