Moderator: Tech Team
ztodd wrote:Just installed this- not working for me in Chrome when using the panels- Game 14098707 and Game 14098709 for example. It shows the new Odds panel, but that panel is empty. Why is this? Can it be fixed?
ztodd wrote:Also, the images are broken in the user's guide. Did photobucket change their policy so that images are not available forever? Or has it always been that way? If so, did the user's guide writer not know about that? Or not care?
ztodd wrote:So many questions... but very few will be answered probably, because people don't know or don't care.(Sorry for my negative attitude- but most of the time it's true. But I really do appreciate the site programmers and script developers.)
// ==UserScript==
// @name Conquer Club Assault Odds
// @namespace
// @version 2.0.0
// @description Calculates available attack routes and odds
// @include http*://**/game.php*
// ==/UserScript==
// Copyright 2009-2012
// All rights reserved
var is_FF = /firefox/.test( navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase() );
var is_panel = document.getElementById('console_bottom')!=null?true:false;
var forumUrl = "";
var scriptUrl = "";
var cMode = "attached";
var version = "2.0.0";
var cast = 1;
var display = 7;
var features=[];
var mapName = document.getElementById('outer-map').style.backgroundImage;
if(mapName.match(/\/(.+?)\./)) {
mapName = RegExp.$1;
var logDiv = document.getElementById('log');
var dashboard = document.getElementById('dashboard');
var armiesarray = new Array();
var owners = new Array();
var path = new Array();
var conq = new Array();
var steps = new Array();
var bds = new Array();
var bmb = new Array();
var terr = new Array();
var copy = new Array();
var qcalcs = new Array();
var owner;
var proto;
var deploy = 0;
var qcalc = 1;
var cols = new Array('#000','#f00','#009a04','#00f','#cc0','#f0f','#0cc','#f92','#7f7f7f');
var attacking = {'11' : 15/36,'12' : 55/216, '21' : 125/216,'22' : 295/1296,'31' : 855/1296,'32' : 2890/7776};
var defending = {'11' : 21/36,'12' : 161/216,'21' : 91/216, '22' : 581/1296,'31' : 441/1296,'32' : 2275/7776};
var splitting = {'11' : 0, '12' : 0, '21' : 0, '22' : 420/1296,'31' : 0, '32' : 2611/7776};
var displays = new Array("Quick Calc", "Pathfinder", "Statistics");
var bombard = 0;
var Stack = [];
var Stats = [];
var compiled;
var qcomps = new Array();
var sref;
var map;
function Survived(size,blanks,duds) {
this._min = new Array(size);
for(var m=0; m<(size); m++) {
this._min[m] = 0;
this._odds = 0;
this._blanks = blanks;
this._duds = duds;
function cleanup() {
Stack = null;
Stats = null;
function defence(des,deduct) {
var newDefs = new Array();
if(deduct > 0) newDefs[0] = des[0] - deduct;
for(var i=1; i<des.length; i++) {
return newDefs;
function formatOdds(odds) {
var prob = odds;
if(!cast) prob = (100 * prob).toFixed(1) + "%";
return prob;
function bubble(parent,ab,dbs,dc,rm) {
var sv = checkStackStats(ab,dbs,dc,rm);
parent._odds += sv._odds * dc;
for(var y=0; y<sv._min.length;y++) {
parent._min[y] += dc * sv._min[y];
function bubbled(parent,abs,dbs,dc,rm) {
var sv = checkStackedStats(abs,dbs,dc,rm);
parent._odds += sv._odds * dc;
for(var y=0; y<sv._min.length;y++) {
parent._min[y] += dc * sv._min[y];
function checkStack(f,c,d) {
if(Stack[f] && Stack[f][c.toString()]) return (d * Stack[f][c.toString()]);
else return (d * conquest(f,c));
function checkStacked(f,c,d) {
if(Stack[f.toString()] && Stack[f.toString()][c.toString()]) return (d * Stack[f.toString()][c.toString()]);
else return (d * overwhelm(f,c));
function checkStackStats(f,c,d,r) {
if(Stats[f] && Stats[f][c.toString()]) return (Stats[f][c.toString()]);
else return (conquestStats(f,c,r));
function checkStackedStats(f,c,d,r) {
if(Stats[f.toString()] && Stats[f.toString()][c.toString()]) return (Stats[f.toString()][c.toString()]);
else return (overwhelmStats(f,c,r));
function conquest(a,ds) {
if(!Stack[a]) Stack[a] = new Array();
var d = ds[0];
var ad = (a>4)? 3:a-1;
var dd = (d>1)?2:d;
var dice = ad + '' + dd;
var loss = (ad<dd)? ad:dd;
var a1 = 0;
if(a - loss > ds.length) a1 += checkStack(a-loss,ds,defending[dice]);
if(d == loss) {
if(ds.length == 1) a1 += attacking[dice];
else a1 += checkStack(a-1,defence(ds,0),attacking[dice]);
else a1 += checkStack(a,defence(ds,loss),attacking[dice]);
if(splitting[dice] && (a-1 > ds.length)) a1 += checkStack(a-1,defence(ds,1),splitting[dice]);
Stack[a][ds.toString()] = a1;
return a1;
function overwhelm(as,ds) {
if(!Stack[as.toString()]) Stack[as.toString()] = new Array();
var a = as[0];
var d = ds[0];
var ad = (a>4)? 3:a-1;
var dd = (d>1)?2:d;
var dice = ad + '' + dd;
var loss = (ad<dd)? ad:dd;
var a1 = 0;
if(loss) {
if(a -1 == loss) {
if(as.length == 2) a1 += checkStack(as[1],ds,defending[dice])
else a1 += checkStacked(defence(as,0),ds,defending[dice]);
else a1 += checkStacked(defence(as,loss),ds,defending[dice]);
if(d == loss) {
if(ds.length == 1) a1 += attacking[dice];
else a1 += checkStack(a - 1,defence(ds,0),attacking[dice]);
else a1 += checkStacked(as,defence(ds,loss),attacking[dice]);
if(splitting[dice]) {
if(a>2) a1 += checkStacked(defence(as,1),defence(ds,1),splitting[dice]);
else {
if(as.length == 2) a1 += checkStack(as[1],defence(ds,1),splitting[dice]);
else a1 += checkStacked(defence(as,0),defence(ds,1),splitting[dice]);
Stack[as.toString()][ds.toString()] = a1;
return a1;
function conquestStats(a,ds,rem) {
if(!Stats[a]) Stats[a] = new Array();
if(!Stats[a][ds.toString()]) Stats[a][ds.toString()] = new Survived(a+rem,ds.length,1);
var d = ds[0];
var ad = (a>4)? 3:a-1;
var dd = (d>1)?2:d;
var dice = ad + '' + dd;
var loss = (ad<dd)? ad:dd;
if(a - loss > ds.length) bubble(Stats[a][ds.toString()],a-loss,ds,defending[dice],rem);
if(d == loss) {
if(ds.length == 1) {
Stats[a][ds.toString()]._odds += attacking[dice];
for(var y=0;y<a+rem; y++) {
Stats[a][ds.toString()]._min[y] += attacking[dice];
else bubble(Stats[a][ds.toString()],a-1,defence(ds,0),attacking[dice],rem+1);
else bubble(Stats[a][ds.toString()],a,defence(ds,loss),attacking[dice],rem);
if(splitting[dice] && (a-1 > ds.length)) bubble(Stats[a][ds.toString()],a-1,defence(ds,1),splitting[dice],rem);
return Stats[a][ds.toString()];
function overwhelmStats(as,ds,rem) {
if(!Stats[as.toString()]) Stats[as.toString()] = new Array();
var atot=0;
for(var cb=0; cb<as.length; cb++) {
atot += as[cb];
if(!Stats[as.toString()][ds.toString()]) Stats[as.toString()][ds.toString()] = new Survived(atot + rem,ds.length,as.length);
var a = as[0];
var d = ds[0];
var ad = (a>4)? 3:a-1;
var dd = (d>1)?2:d;
var dice = ad + '' + dd;
var loss = (ad<dd)? ad:dd;
if(loss) {
if(a -1 == loss) {
if(as.length == 2) bubble(Stats[as.toString()][ds.toString()],as[1],ds,defending[dice],rem+1);
else bubbled(Stats[as.toString()][ds.toString()],defence(as,0),ds,defending[dice],rem+1);
else bubbled(Stats[as.toString()][ds.toString()],defence(as,loss),ds,defending[dice],rem);
if(d == loss) {
if(ds.length == 1) {
Stats[as.toString()][ds.toString()]._odds += attacking[dice];
for(var y=0;y<atot+rem; y++) {
Stats[as.toString()][ds.toString()]._min[y] += attacking[dice];
else bubble(Stats[as.toString()][ds.toString()],a-1,defence(ds,0),attacking[dice],rem +1 + atot - a);
else bubbled(Stats[as.toString()][ds.toString()],as,defence(ds,loss),attacking[dice],rem);
if(splitting[dice]) {
if(a>2) bubbled(Stats[as.toString()][ds.toString()],defence(as,1),defence(ds,1),splitting[dice],rem);
else {
if(as.length == 2) bubble(Stats[as.toString()][ds.toString()],as[1],defence(ds,1),splitting[dice],rem+1);
else bubbled(Stats[as.toString()][ds.toString()],defence(as,0),defence(ds,1),splitting[dice],rem+1);
return Stats[as.toString()][ds.toString()];
function addSelect(tid,eid) {
if(tid) {
var pid = parseInt(eid.split('i')[1]);
path = path.splice(0,pid);
function addPath(ind) {
if(ind) {
var opp = new Array();
for(var s=1; s<steps.length; s++) {
var prob;
if(display & (1 << 2)) {
compiled = checkStackStats(armiesarray[path[0]] + deploy, opp,1,0);
prob = formatOdds(compiled._odds);
else prob = formatOdds(checkStack(armiesarray[path[0]] + deploy, opp,1));
html = "<td><span class=\"player" + owners[path[ind]] + "\">" + path[ind] + " (" + armiesarray[path[ind]] + ")</span></td><td>" + prob + "</td></tr>";
html = "<td><span class=\"player" + owners[path[0]] + "\">" + path[0] + " (" + (armiesarray[path[0]] + deploy) + ")</span></td><td> </td></tr>";
if(bombard) {
html += "<tr><td> </td><td>No More Attacks</td>";
return html;
var uihtml = "<tr><td> </td><td><select id=\"ui" + (ind + 1) + "\"><option value=\"\">To</option>";
var valid = 0;
for(var d=0; d<bds[path[ind]].length; d++) {
if(steps.indexOf(bds[path[ind]][d]) == -1 && owners[bds[path[ind]][d]] != owner) {
var sel = (path.length > ind && bds[path[ind]][d] == path[ind+1]) ? ' selected' : '';
uihtml += "<option" + sel + " style=\"font-weight:bold;color:" + cols[owners[bds[path[ind]][d]]] + "\" value=\"" + terr.indexOf(bds[path[ind]][d]) + "\">" + bds[path[ind]][d] + " (" + armiesarray[bds[path[ind]][d]] + ")</option>";
for(var d=0; d<bmb[path[ind]].length; d++) {
if(steps.indexOf(bmb[path[ind]][d]) == -1 && owners[bmb[path[ind]][d]] != owner) {
var sel = (path.length > ind && bmb[path[ind]][d] == path[ind+1]) ? ' selected' : '';
uihtml += "<option" + sel + " style=\"font-weight:bold;color:" + cols[owners[bmb[path[ind]][d]]] + "\" value=\"" + terr.indexOf(bmb[path[ind]][d]) + "\">" + bmb[path[ind]][d] + " (" + armiesarray[bmb[path[ind]][d]] + ")</option>";
if(sel != '') bombard = 1;
if(valid)html += uihtml + "</select></td>";
else html += "<tr><td> </td><td>No More Attacks</td>";
return html;
function showHide() {
for(var t=0; t<displays.length; t++) {
document.getElementById('dispdiv' + t).style.display = ((display & (1<<t)) ? "" : "none");
function getArmies() {
owners = new Array();
armiesarray = new Array();
var armies;
var spread = document.getElementById('armies').innerHTML;
if(spread) {
armies = eval("(" + spread + ")");
for(var a=0; a<armies.length;a++) {
owners[terr[a]] = parseInt(armies[a]["player"]);
var q = parseInt(armies[a]["quantity"]);
armiesarray[terr[a]] = (q==-1)? 0: q;
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
for(var sx=0; sx<s.length; sx++) {
if(s[sx].innerHTML.match(/armies = (.+?);/)) {
armies = eval("(" + RegExp.$1 + ")");
for(var a=0; a<armies.length;a++) {
owners[terr[a]] = parseInt(armies[a]["player"]);
var q = parseInt(armies[a]["quantity"]);
armiesarray[terr[a]] = (q==-1)? 0: q;
function setStats() {
var shtml = "<table class=\"listing\" border=\"1\" rules=\"all\"><thead><tr><th colspan=\"3\">Statistics</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td># Surviving Attackers</td><td>Exactly This # Survive</td><td>Minimum This # Survive</td></tr>";
var exact,rc;
if(compiled) {
for(var s=(compiled._blanks + compiled._duds - 1); s<compiled._min.length - 1; s++) {
exact = compiled._min[s] - compiled._min[s+1];
rc = (s & 1) ? "<tr class=\"odd\">" : "<tr class=\"even\">";
shtml += rc + "<td>" + (s+1) + "</td><td>" + formatOdds(exact) + "</td><td>" + formatOdds(compiled._min[s]) + "</td></tr>";
rc = ((compiled._min.length-1) & 1) ? "<tr class=\"odd\">" : "<tr class=\"even\">";
shtml += rc + "<td>" + (compiled._min.length) + "</td><td>" + formatOdds(compiled._min[compiled._min.length-1]) + "</td><td>" + formatOdds(compiled._min[compiled._min.length-1]) + "</td></tr>";
shtml += "</tbody></table>";
document.getElementById('dispdiv2').innerHTML = shtml;
function validateQcalc(name,id,min) {
var qc = document.getElementById(id);
var dstring = qc.value.split(',');
var pint = new Array();
for(var g=0; g<dstring.length;g++) {
pint[g] = parseInt(dstring[g]);
if(isNaN(pint[g]) || pint[g] < min) {
pint = new Array();
if(!pint.length) {
qc.value = '';
alert(name + " armies must be one or more numbers > " + (min - 1) + " separated by commas");
return pint;
function setTable() {
var thtml="";
if (is_panel) {
thtml = "<div id=\"panelheader_odds\" class=\"panelheader\">Assault Odds</div>";
thtml += "<div title=\"Move\" id=\"paneltogglewrapper_odds\" onclick=\"togglePanels()\" class=\"settingslinks\" style=\"position:absolute;z-index:999;right:10px;top:-8px;\"><a id=\"paneltoggle_odds\"><img width=\"18\" src=\"/static/icons/button-move2.png\"></a></div>"
thtml += "<div id=\"dispdiv0\"><table class=\"listing\" border=\"1\" rules=\"rows\"><thead><tr><th colspan=\"4\">Quick Calc</th></tr></thead><tbody>";
var valt = ' ';
if(document.getElementById('qtotal')) valt = document.getElementById('qtotal').innerHTML;
for(var q=0; q<qcalc; q++) {
var vala = '';
var vald = '';
var valq = ' ';
if(document.getElementById('qatt' + q) && document.getElementById('qatt' + q).value) vala = " value=\"" + document.getElementById('qatt' + q).value + "\" ";
if(document.getElementById('qdef' + q) && document.getElementById('qdef' + q).value) vald = " value=\"" + document.getElementById('qdef' + q).value + "\" ";
if(document.getElementById('quick' + q)) valq = document.getElementById('quick' + q).innerHTML;
thtml += "<tr><td>Attackers <input size=\"5\" id=\"qatt" + q + "\" width=\"100px\" type=\"text\" " + vala + "/></td><td>Defenders <input id=\"qdef" + q + "\" type=\"text\" size=10 " + vald + "/></td>";
thtml += "<td><input id=\"calc" + q + "\" type=\"button\" value=\"Odds\"/></td><td width=\"150px\" id=\"quick" + q + "\">" + valq + "</td></tr>";
thtml += "<tr><td><input type=\"button\" value=\"Add Calc\" id=\"qadd\" /></td><td><b style=\"font-size:10px\">Separate attacker/defender numbers with commas</b></td><td>Total: </td><td id=\"qtotal\">" + valt + "</td></tr></tbody></table></div>";
thtml += "<div id=\"dispdiv1\"><table class=\"listing\" border=\"1\" rules=\"all\"><thead><tr><th colspan=\"5\">Pathfinder</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Deploy</td><td>Territory</td><td style=\"width:200px;\">Attack Path</td><td style=\"width:100px;\">Odds</td><td> </td></tr>";
thtml += "<tr><td><input size=\"5\" id=\"deploy\" type=text value=\"" + deploy + "\" /></td><td><select style=\"width:200px;\" id=\"ui0\"><option value=\"\">From</option>";
for(var d=0; d<copy.length; d++) {
if(owners[copy[d]] > 0) {
var sel = (path.length && copy[d] == path[0]) ? ' selected' : '';
thtml += "<option" + sel + " style=\"font-weight:bold;color:" + cols[owners[copy[d]]] + "\" value=\"" + terr.indexOf(copy[d]) + "\">" + copy[d] + " (" + armiesarray[copy[d]] + ")</option>";
thtml += "</select></td>";
if(path.length) owner = owners[path[0]];
steps = new Array();
bombard = 0;
for(var p=0; p<path.length; p++) {
thtml +=addPath(p);
thtml += "<td> </td><td> </td><td><input type=\"button\" id=\"pref\" value=\"Refresh\" /></td></tr></tbody></table></div>";
thtml += "<div id=\"dispdiv2\"></div>";
if (!is_panel) {
thtml = "<H3>Assault Odds</H3>" + thtml;
document.getElementById('console_odds').innerHTML = thtml;
document.getElementById('ui0').addEventListener('change', function() {
, true);
document.getElementById('pref').addEventListener('click', function() {
if(owners[path[0]] == owner) {
var valid = 1;
var last = 0;
for(var f=1; f<path.length; f++) {
if(owners[path[f]] == owner && owners[path[f-1]] != owner) {
valid = 0;
if(owners[path[f]] == owner) last = f;
if(valid) {
if(last > 0) {
for(var r=0; r<last; r++) {
else path = new Array();
else path = new Array();
, true);
document.getElementById('deploy').addEventListener('change', function() {
if(isNaN(this.value)) this.value = 0;
deploy = parseInt(this.value);
, true);
document.getElementById('qadd').addEventListener('click', function() {
, true);
for(q=0; q<qcalc; q++) {
document.getElementById('qatt' + q).addEventListener('keypress', function(event) {
, false);
document.getElementById('qatt' + q).addEventListener('keyup', function(event) {
, false);
document.getElementById('qdef' + q).addEventListener('keypress', function(event) {
, false);
document.getElementById('qdef' + q).addEventListener('keyup', function(event) {
, false);
document.getElementById('calc' + q).addEventListener('click', function() {
var ind ='alc')[1];
var aint = validateQcalc("Attacking", 'qatt' + ind,2);
var dint = validateQcalc("Defending", 'qdef' + ind,1);
if(aint.length && dint.length){
var total = 1;
if(aint.length == 1) {
if(display & (1<<2)) {
compiled = checkStackStats(aint[0],dint,1,0)
qcalcs[ind] = compiled._odds;
else qcalcs[ind] = (checkStack(aint[0],dint,1));
else {
if(display & (1<<2)) {
compiled = checkStackedStats(aint,dint,1,0)
qcalcs[ind] = compiled._odds;
else qcalcs[ind] = (checkStacked(aint,dint,1));
for(var qr=0; qr<qcalc; qr++) {
total *= qcalcs[qr];
document.getElementById('quick' + ind).innerHTML = formatOdds(qcalcs[ind]);
document.getElementById('qtotal').innerHTML = formatOdds(total);
else document.getElementById('quick' + ind).innerHTML = '';
, true);
for(p=1;p<path.length+1;p++) {
if(document.getElementById('ui' + p)) {
document.getElementById('ui' + p).addEventListener('change', function() {
, true);
function showMenu() {
var gmMenu = document.createElement('div');"ass";
var html = "<h3><b>Assault Odds <span style='font-size:7pt;' ><a href='" +forumUrl+"'>" + version + "</a></span></b></h3>";
gmMenu.innerHTML = html;
ul = document.createElement ('ul'); = "1px 1px 0px 1px";
var inner = "<li><a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onclick=\"document.getElementById('castopt').style.display=(document.getElementById('castopt').style.display == ''? 'none':'');\"><span>Options</span></a></li>";
inner += "<div id=\"castopt\" style=\"display:none\">";
inner+= "<b>Format</b><br />";
inner += "<input id=\"casting1\" type=\"radio\" name=\"casting\"" + ((cast)? " checked":"") + ">Decimal<br />";
inner += "<input id=\"casting2\" type=\"radio\" name=\"casting\"" + ((cast)? "":" checked") + ">Percentage<br />";
inner += "<li></li><b>Display</b><br />";
for(var t=0; t<displays.length; t++) {
inner += "<input id=\"disp" + t + "\" type=\"checkbox\" value=\"" + t + "\"" + ((display & (1<<t)) ? " checked":"") + " />" + displays[t] + "<br />";
inner += "<li></li></div>";
ul.innerHTML = inner;
document.getElementById('casting1').addEventListener("click" , function () {
cast = (this.checked == true)? 1:0;
}, true);
document.getElementById('casting2').addEventListener("click" , function () {
cast = (this.checked == true)? 0:1;
}, true);
for(var t=0; t<displays.length; t++) {
document.getElementById('disp' + t).addEventListener("click" , function () {
for (var u=0; u< displays.length; u++){
if (document.getElementById('disp' + u).checked==true)
display |= 1 << document.getElementById('disp' + u).value;
display &= ~( 1 << document.getElementById('disp' + u).value);
}, true);
function checkForUpdate() {
var lastversion = GM_getValue('lastupdate', 0);
if (lastversion < new Date().getTime() - 60*60*1000) {
GM_setValue('lastupdate', new Date().getTime() + "");
method: 'GET',
url: forumUrl,
onload: updateServerNumber
else {
function updateServerNumber(response) {
try {
var serverVersion = /version\s+(\d+.\d+.\d+)/.exec(response.responseText)[1];
GM_setValue('updateavailable', serverVersion);
function isNewVersion() {
var serverVersion = GM_getValue('updateavailable', false);
if (serverVersion) {
var newVersion = serverVersion.split('.').map(function(string) {
return parseInt(string,10);
var thisVersion = version.split('.').map(function(string) {
return parseInt(string,10);
return (newVersion[0]>thisVersion[0] || (newVersion[0]==thisVersion[0] && (newVersion[1]>thisVersion[1] || (newVersion[1]==thisVersion[1] && newVersion[2]>thisVersion[2]))));
return false;
function updateOptionsMenu() {
var cgMenu = document.getElementById("ass");
var ul = document.createElement('ul'); = "0px 1px 0px 1px";
var source = scriptUrl;
if(isNewVersion()) {
ul.innerHTML = "<li><a id=\"assVersionInfo\" href=" + source + "><span class=\"attention\">New Update Available</span></a></li>";
else {
ul.innerHTML = "<li><a id=\"assVersionInfo\" href=" + source + "><span>Latest Version Installed</span></a></li>";
/*var ftext = features.join("\n");
document.getElementById('cgVersionInfo').addEventListener("click" , function () {
alert('New version features\n' + ftext);
var leftBar = document.getElementById("leftColumn");
if(leftBar) {
var ul = leftBar.getElementsByTagName("ul");
if (ul[0]) {
proto = window.location.protocol;
GM_addStyle("#console_odds {padding: 5px;} #console_odds table {background-color:#eee} #console_odds table {font-weight:bold;text-align:center}");
window.addEventListener("unload" , cleanup, false);
if(document.getElementById('action-form')) {
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
for(var sx=0; sx<s.length; sx++) {
if(s[sx].innerHTML.match(/map = (.+?);/)) {
map = eval("(" + RegExp.$1 + ")");
for(var a=0; a<map["countries"].length;a++) {
for(var a=0; a<map["countries"].length;a++) {
var name = map["countries"][a]["name"];
bds[name] = new Array();
bmb[name] = new Array();
for(var j=0; j<map["countries"][a]["borders"].length; j++) {
for(var j=0; j<map["countries"][a]["bombardments"].length; j++) {
copy = terr.slice();
var div = document.createElement('div'); = "console_odds";
var panelLocation = document.getElementById('console_container');
if (is_panel) { = "relative"; = "auto";"none";
var panelnav = "<li id=\"panel_nav_odds\" class=\"\"><a href=\"javascript:void 0;\" onclick=\"toggle_console('odds');\"><span id=\"panel_nav_text_odds\">Odds</span></a></li>"
document.getElementById('invertedtabs').childNodes[1].innerHTML += panelnav;
GM_addStyle("#dispdiv0 table,#dispdiv1 table,#dispdiv2 table {height:50px;} #console_odds select {width:200px} #dispdiv1 input {valign:middle}");
panelLocation.insertBefore(div, panelLocation.lastChild);
unsafeWindow.panels = ['action','basic','game','map','stats','snapshots','chat','log','settings','odds'];
unsafeWindow.panelnames = ['Action','Overview','Game','Map','Stats','Snapshots','Chat','Log','Settings','Assault Odds'];
var loadValue = GM_getValue("oddsLoc");
if(typeof(loadValue) != "undefined") {
else {
div.innerHTML = "<H3>Assault Odds</H3>";
GM_addStyle("#dispdiv0 table,#dispdiv1 table,#dispdiv2 table {height:50px;width:650px} #console_odds select {width:200px} #dispdiv1 input {valign:middle}");
dashboard.parentNode.insertBefore(div, document.getElementById('action-form').nextSibling);
if (is_panel) {
if (is_FF) {
var oldVersion=unsafeWindow.updatePanels;
unsafeWindow.updatePanels = function() {
var cMode = unsafeWindow.myOptions.panels[9][1];
setTimeout(function() {
return oldVersion();
(function() {
var oldVersion = this.updatePanels;
this.updatePanels = function() {
var result = oldVersion.apply(this, arguments);
if (unsafeWindow.myOptions.panelSelected=="odds") unsafeWindow.toggle_console('odds');
Robespierre__ wrote:Anyone able to get the assault odds to work (using Tampermonkey or whatever)? It has been a long time since I have been able to ... the newest versions of Chrome and Firefox seems to have extensions/scripts on lock down which may be causing the problem.
tomasmk wrote:I just installed it on Firefox with Greasemonkey. I can't see any difference or new interface, besides the "AssaultOdds Options" bar on the left side menu.
Is there any known fix to this?
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