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The Championships - 1v1 - [t4mcr53s2]

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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round 3]

Postby EBConquer on Tue May 20, 2014 4:49 pm

Hi Guys,
I'm afraid that I need to drop out of this 1v1 tournament at this point. I'm so sorry if that creates stress, but RL is crazy for me right now and kinda don't need the added pressure of games. Hopefully this is all good. :(
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round 3]

Postby agentcom on Fri May 23, 2014 4:46 pm

Thanks for sending out the new round. FYI, it looks like the start of the new rounds do not send out a PM for some reason. Same thing is happening with the Dubs Championship. Can we get that feature turned on please?

I think it would be a nice heads up to people to go and get their snaps.
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round 3]

Postby georgizhukov on Fri May 23, 2014 5:21 pm

What a complete joke. In total, round 3, I had 9 first turns and 23 second does that help determine who is better than someone who had 23 first turns and 9 second turns.. I would like to see anyone have more overall wins under those conditions. Just a complete miss with having random first turns. Completely makes this tournament obsolete and a waste of time.
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round 3]

Postby Jurasu on Fri May 23, 2014 5:45 pm

Better than my luck Georgi. I got 3 first turns in the first 15 games, 4 first turns in the second batch.
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round 3]

Postby Namliam on Fri May 23, 2014 7:07 pm

I think sending these games out in the early afternoon on Friday of a 3 day holiday weekend was poor timing.
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round 3]

Postby josko.ri on Fri May 23, 2014 11:15 pm

I am not sure if that is bug, but I have received 14 games now. with 15 games from the first round, it makes 29 instead of 31 required games, as 32 players are in one group.
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round 3]

Postby t4mcr53s2 on Sat May 24, 2014 12:06 am

i have gotten 14 games as well, josko.ri but i see someone dropped out
I wish either my father or my mother, or indeed both of them as they were in duty both equally bound to it, had minded what they were about when....

If 2 player fog game,please allow 12 hour snap courtesy, or post what I could have seen.... Thank you
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round 3]

Postby josko.ri on Sat May 24, 2014 4:05 am

I have determined at least what happened. Players dowian2 and steve monkey did not get invited from group A. Steve monkey is freemium so that may be reason but unsure what about dowian2. Also did not check for group B but can see that there lisbon101 is freemium.
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round 3]

Postby mcshanester29 on Sun May 25, 2014 1:25 am

josko.ri wrote:I have determined at least what happened. Players dowian2 and steve monkey did not get invited from group A. Steve monkey is freemium so that may be reason but unsure what about dowian2. Also did not check for group B but can see that there lisbon101 is freemium.

yes there are 3 players that have gone freemium they were all given a couple days to get premium.
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round 3]

Postby KuchTheWiser on Fri May 30, 2014 2:22 pm

I was in Europe when this latest round of games started and missed pretty much 2 rounds in every game, soooo if you can redo this round that would be great. Thanks 8-)
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round 3]

Postby mcshanester29 on Sat May 31, 2014 12:01 am

KuchTheWiser wrote:I was in Europe when this latest round of games started and missed pretty much 2 rounds in every game, soooo if you can redo this round that would be great. Thanks 8-)

Sorry no redos are going to be happening.
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round 3]

Postby shoop76 on Sun Jun 01, 2014 9:45 am

Looks like 16 wins may not be enough. Would suck having a winning record and being eliminated.
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round 3]

Postby Jurasu on Sun Jun 01, 2014 8:19 pm

I've been thinking the same thing myself, especially since 16 will be my final score this round.

Been trying to do a rough tracking and prediction of other players scores. 17 or more looks to be the for-sure in for the next round. Some players with 16 will make it but it'll come down to tie-breakers it looks like. Right now, there are 25 players who either cannot finish above 15 points at all, or the outcome of their on-going game(s) looks like they will not finish above 15 points. That leaves 7 more players who will not make it to the next round. There are a few more players who are borderline with one or more undecided games and the outcomes of those cannot (yet) be accurately predicted. They may finish below, at or above 16 points, so of course that will be important factoring into who moves on. Again though, I'll stress that this is a rough tracking and only predictions. I've been keeping track several days now and some players are winning/losing games that I thought they would lose/win. Some players miss turns, have lucky sets or extremely lucky/unlucky dice that has turned games around.

At this point, I'm hoping that my horrible luck with going second in 23 out of my 31 games will actually turn out to benefit me in giving me a lot of tie-breaker points with wins going second.
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round 3]

Postby josko.ri on Mon Jun 02, 2014 3:11 am

I think that tie breakers will be only among players with 17 wins. We 'll see.
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round 3]

Postby nicestash on Mon Jun 09, 2014 12:33 am

In please
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round 3]

Postby Mad777 on Mon Jun 09, 2014 8:46 pm

I will not pass the cut this round...was good games and a pleasure to play most of you all! Good luck.

Thanks for the organization as well..... =D>
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round 3]

Postby Leehar on Sat Jun 21, 2014 1:42 pm

I've finished the last active game, so looks like we're in for an 8-way tiebreak for 4 spots in group b?
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round 3]

Postby Jurasu on Sat Jun 21, 2014 7:51 pm

If I understand the rules correctly, there will be a tiebreaker for the 14th position within group A between Benga, Shoop and b0060.

There will also be a tiebreaker for the 13th and 14th positions within group B between lawz21, Jackofalltrades, Graceless_, Leehar, pearljamrox2, Jurasu, JackMaxim, ChrisPond and WPBRJ.

There will then be the remaining 4 spots in which the people who did not clinch a spot in the top 14 in either group will have a tiebreaker which I believe will be based on wins going second.
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round 3]

Postby shoop76 on Sun Jun 22, 2014 3:43 am

Jurasu wrote:If I understand the rules correctly, there will be a tiebreaker for the 14th position within group A between Benga, Shoop and b0060.

There will also be a tiebreaker for the 13th and 14th positions within group B between lawz21, Jackofalltrades, Graceless_, Leehar, pearljamrox2, Jurasu, JackMaxim, ChrisPond and WPBRJ.

There will then be the remaining 4 spots in which the people who did not clinch a spot in the top 14 in either group will have a tiebreaker which I believe will be based on wins going second.

That is the way i read it too. Head to head to break group ties and since that cannot be used for overall ties wins going second will be used to determine last 4 spots.
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round 3]

Postby Jurasu on Sun Jun 22, 2014 1:25 pm

If that truly is the case I believe that I'm in one of those 4 spots for the next round. Think I had something like 10 or 11 wins going second after I got the first move in only 7 games
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round 3]

Postby mcshanester29 on Wed Jun 25, 2014 1:34 am

I will be going through everything as soon as I can
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round 3]

Postby mcshanester29 on Tue Jul 08, 2014 3:13 am

Here is what our lineup looks like:

Junior Bee
general cod
Clanlord Carl

Here is how the tiebreakers worked out:

Group 1:
benga beat b00600
shoop76 beat benga
b00600 beat shoop76

Shoop76 was the only one to start 2nd

Group 2:

each had 6 games won in the head to heads

The remaining 4:
benga - 7 - 2nd starts
lawz21 - 5 2nd starts
Jackofalltrades - 5 2nd starts
ChrisPond - 5 2nd starts
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round 3]

Postby agentcom on Thu Jul 10, 2014 10:43 am

"Shoop76 was the only one to start 2nd "

Do you mean that he is the only one out of the three of them with any wins in the last round while going second? Or are you only doing that within the head-to-head? Because it's "wins going second" not just "games going second."

Then between Jurasu and WPBRJ was there a tie? Looks like they both moved on. I guess I'm just wondering why they are listed there.

And finally for the "remaining 4" same thing: just want to make sure you are looking at "wins going second."

Given that no one else has said anything, I'd guess that you did it right, but I wouldn't want something to come up later after the next round has started.
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round 3]

Postby mcshanester29 on Sat Jul 12, 2014 10:47 pm

agentcom wrote:"Shoop76 was the only one to start 2nd "

Do you mean that he is the only one out of the three of them with any wins in the last round while going second? Or are you only doing that within the head-to-head? Because it's "wins going second" not just "games going second."

Then between Jurasu and WPBRJ was there a tie? Looks like they both moved on. I guess I'm just wondering why they are listed there.

And finally for the "remaining 4" same thing: just want to make sure you are looking at "wins going second."

Given that no one else has said anything, I'd guess that you did it right, but I wouldn't want something to come up later after the next round has started.

Yes sorry shoop was the only one who won starting 2nd out of the group.

With jurasu and WPBRJ there was 2 spots left to be in the top 14 of their group, so they both filled the remaining spots. And yes for the final 4 it is wins going 2nd.

No I am glad you had said something, that is why I posted it and have not asked for the games to be sent out. I wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything :)
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Re: The Championships - 1v1 - [Round 3]

Postby RobbieDub on Tue Jul 15, 2014 10:13 am

My fingers are crossed that games don't go out for another 36 hours when I am back home.

If that can happen can anyone help me get a pony?
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