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Cleared Intentional suicide and throwing a game - RKCVED [ka]

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Intentional suicide and throwing a game - RKCVED [ka]

Postby Steve The Mighty on Tue Apr 22, 2014 9:23 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Intentional suicide - knowing he could not win and I was clearly in the stongest position intentioanlly committed suicide. This had not only cost me the game but also the possible elimination from the next round of the tournement. Not the conduct I would expect from this player

Game number(s):

Game 14265947

Private 1st Class Steve The Mighty
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Re: Intentional suicide and throwing a game - RKCVED(SN)

Postby BoganGod on Fri Apr 25, 2014 3:54 pm

Have played against both of you. Have found you both to be honourable players. Is it against the rules to play for a longer term strategic goal? For example if he was already through to the next round, and you winning would have prevented that. In my drunker moments, I've just said f*ck it and kept on going, even when getting completely dice shafted. Sometimes folks be doing that. say it is/isn't so RKCV
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Re: Intentional suicide and throwing a game - RKCVED(SN)

Postby Gabriel13 on Fri Apr 25, 2014 5:03 pm

BoganGod wrote:Have played against both of you. Have found you both to be honourable players. Is it against the rules to play for a longer term strategic goal? For example if he was already through to the next round, and you winning would have prevented that. In my drunker moments, I've just said f*ck it and kept on going, even when getting completely dice shafted. Sometimes folks be doing that. say it is/isn't so RKCV

The thing is though, killing him DIDN'T help him in the long run. In fact, if he had let him win, he would've actually had a better chance at making it into the next round.
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Re: Intentional suicide and throwing a game - RKCVED(SN)

Postby Steve The Mighty on Sat Apr 26, 2014 4:20 am

The fact remains that he could not win which allowed Red to capitalize and take the game. I do expect players to play in an honourable way - I can understand Bogans point and many times felt like doing it myself but it the spirit of fair play didn't. I played a good game strategically and it is a shame he felt he would throw the game. Just alienates himself from other players when they see this sort of conduct.
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Re: Intentional suicide and throwing a game - RKCVED(SN)

Postby JOHNNYROCKET24 on Sat Apr 26, 2014 3:22 pm

Steve The Mighty wrote:Accused:


The accused are suspected of:

Intentional suicide - knowing he could not win and I was clearly in the stongest position intentioanlly committed suicide. This had not only cost me the game but also the possible elimination from the next round of the tournement. Not the conduct I would expect from this player

Game number(s):

Game 14265947

funny thing is, I have you on ignore for the exact same thing. You suicide me in every game in a tournament.
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Re: Intentional suicide and throwing a game - RKCVED(SN)

Postby Steve The Mighty on Sat Apr 26, 2014 6:10 pm

JR - I do not intentionally suicide any game - if I appear to have done it to you then believe me it was poor strategy/dice on my behalf and there is a difference between 1 v 1 and tournement games. Besides which this is about what happened in this game and not what I may or may not have done to you in a previous game. Additionally, this is a case of I can't win so I will stop you. This is a tournement and there should be some form of honour amongst players - you can't win them all.
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Re: Intentional suicide and throwing a game - RKCVED(SN)

Postby Tenebrus on Fri May 02, 2014 4:12 am

You're just annoyed you didn't make it to the next round. You survived for a long time after the "suicide", looks like the game was just made more balanced by RKCVED and he was hoping to survive a bit longer. He probably saw you had him prepped for a take-out (which you did next round). He also didn't "hand" the game to anyone - as you can see by you mis-reading the game in the chat when you said he'd "handed" it to yellow but it was red who ended up winning.

Report is total rubbish. I wish people got punished for cluttering up C&A with sore loser whinging.
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Re: Intentional suicide and throwing a game - RKCVED(SN)

Postby Steve The Mighty on Wed May 07, 2014 2:36 pm

At that point in the game Yellow would have won. This is not about winging - somegames by deploy or dice you cannot win and you should except the fact - this was blatant but what the heck - I am currently laid low in intensive care so have other priorities - as you said this valis complamint might be cluttering up the box so forget it
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Re: Intentional suicide and throwing a game - RKCVED(SN)

Postby Tenebrus on Thu May 08, 2014 10:00 am

Steve The Mighty wrote:The fact remains that he could not win which allowed Red to capitalize and take the game.

Steve The Mighty wrote:At that point in the game Yellow would have won.

Your accusation isn't even internally consistent. And you have enough medals to know that the statement "at that point in time" someone would win is just gibberish. You also didn't address the fact that you clearly had him set up for an elimination and so he had a perfectly reasonable reason to hit you hard.

Is this a clan thing? I'm not even into clanwanking but that stuff clogs up far too much of the C&A threads.

Sorry to hear you're in intensive care, get well soon =).
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Re: Intentional suicide and throwing a game - RKCVED(SN)

Postby king achilles on Thu May 08, 2014 9:18 pm

Intentional suicide - knowing he could not win and I was clearly in the stongest position intentioanlly committed suicide.

- this is very objective. We've had complaints where people get accused for secret diplomacy (or see it as an unfair move) because they didn't attack the alleged strongest player. Then there are reports like this when if someone attacks the alleged strongest player, he gets accused for game throwing or for secret alliance as well.

For this game, I can see on the 19th round, red and green didn't hold a bonus, yellow had Oceania, you had SA and Africa. Green's last move was to break your bonus on Africa. After that, you got to eliminate him when it was your turn. Green's move is reasonable rather than avoid attacking you or just sit and wait to get killed because as you say, he has no chance in winning.
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