by Doctor Spin on Mon Apr 14, 2014 9:11 am
The whole thing is pretty amusing. Thanks for the general support regarding abusive language. My use of bad language is mainly tongue in cheek - and, as long as words are not racist or homophobic etc, words are JUST WORDS. Thanks guys for pointing this out to the "offended" party!! LOL
In terms of ratings abuse, I accept the warning, but do not accept the charge. I do not rate someone poorly unless I believe it warrants it. The fact is that I admit I tend to post bad ratings rather than good ratings (though not exclusively). This perhaps gives the impression that I conduct ratings abuse - as it gives a skewed picture of my games. Having playede more than 11,000 games and been on the receiving end of ACTUAL ratings abuse, I do not hold much worth to the ratings system. But I do not complain about the ratings abuse I receive - as it would be a completely pointless exercise. I just FOE people that I do not wish to play with. And, when I feel they deserve a poor rating I provide one.
Either way, whatever. Happy to play with the good guys, not so happy to play with the many, many trolls, idiots and pseudo-offended do-gooders. As mentioned in my profile, if you don't have a sense of humour, don't play me. I like a good rant at the (ridiculous and non-random) dice - so get over it! And I really, really dislike the large amount of secret displomacy that goes on (which apparently the mods can do nothing about).
Fancy a game then ZornPlayer???