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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby MudPuppy on Mon Apr 07, 2014 9:54 pm

OK... that's L-1. Let's not lynch 'til we hear from Zivel. I don't think scum would out themselves to hammer him on D1 (if he's town)... but I don't want to see a mistaken mislynch due to someone not realizing he's got 4 votes already.
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby mookiemcgee on Mon Apr 07, 2014 10:00 pm

I'm not ready to jump on board the bandwagon yet, but is that enough votes to ask Zivel to claim? that's L-2 right?

Im unvoting charm it wasn't a serious vote anyway.

So far I'd say the people I have some early gut scummy feelings on are:

Zivel - because mud puppy makes a valid argument. It is a newb game, and maybe he's just trying to message in the spirit of the game but that still looks a little fishy.

Mudpuppy - basically because of the post that makes Zivel look like he's trying to hard. Maybe its not fair, but anyone going after anyone else this early rises some suspicion that they are driving the newbs down the wrong path.

IB - For being a vet, and possibly using it to gain advantage over my/our lack of understanding of the game. I know the MOD post did say it shouldn't have effect on how we view IB, but i am suspicious he will railroad the group without us even knowing about it.

I guess i'm just distrustful of vets lol... Mudpuppy you have some experience also dont you? You handled the multi-quote post masterfully. I can't really get more than one quote in a post without messing it up.

FP by mudpuppy, guess its L-1 already... IB said we dont want to out a power role this early with too many claims, but is there any downside to getting a claim from him if hes this close to a lynch?
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby mookiemcgee on Mon Apr 07, 2014 10:01 pm

lol 0-60 with this group. No posts for two days thenwe are ready to string someone up!
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby MudPuppy on Mon Apr 07, 2014 10:11 pm

mookiemcgee wrote:I guess i'm just distrustful of vets lol... Mudpuppy you have some experience also dont you? You handled the multi-quote post masterfully. I can't really get more than one quote in a post without messing it up.

I'm pretty much a noob. This is my 3rd game but my 1st game ended on D2 & my 2nd game is active and just started D2.
Yeah, I've got the multi-quote post down, lol. I don't always do it this way... but for that one, I had a 2nd tab open and went to each of Zivel's posts I wanted to quote and copied them, one by one, back into the post I was composing in the first tab.
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby degaston on Mon Apr 07, 2014 10:27 pm

mookiemcgee wrote:I'm not ready to jump on board the bandwagon yet, but is that enough votes to ask Zivel to claim? that's L-2 right

No, it's L-1 (MudPuppy, legionnare, degaston (me), and charm). I agree that Zivel should claim at this point, (though I don't know what that gets us) and it would be suspicious if anyone hammered him right now.
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby mookiemcgee on Mon Apr 07, 2014 10:53 pm

degaston wrote:
mookiemcgee wrote:I'm not ready to jump on board the bandwagon yet, but is that enough votes to ask Zivel to claim? that's L-2 right

No, it's L-1 (MudPuppy, legionnare, degaston (me), and charm). I agree that Zivel should claim at this point, (though I don't know what that gets us) and it would be suspicious if anyone hammered him right now.

Yes at the bottom of my post I correct myself about it being L-1 not L-2
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby Zivel on Mon Apr 07, 2014 11:31 pm

degaston wrote:
mookiemcgee wrote:I'm not ready to jump on board the bandwagon yet, but is that enough votes to ask Zivel to claim? that's L-2 right

No, it's L-1 (MudPuppy, legionnare, degaston (me), and charm). I agree that Zivel should claim at this point, (though I don't know what that gets us) and it would be suspicious if anyone hammered him right now.

Wow! This escalated quickly!

I am a Vanilla Townie

legionnare wrote:I vote Zivel purely because he seems to not care who is voted on. Say's he his happy to lynch H8, Joak, charm and IB
leaving Zivel, Mudpuppy and myself out.
So I know I am Townie which leaves Zivel and Mudpuppy?

I care alright about who gets voted out, I do not want to vote out you, mudpuppy or dega at the moment. I can clock the scum reads I have got from them as maybe newb mistakes.

I do care about the lack of conversation we have had here, that is why I would vote for H8 AFK number one. He has honestly said nothing all game, joak and charm have both made posts but have done no scum hunting.

I was considering IB as he made a point that it would be ok to vote a VT out as at least we don't vote a PR.

I think we are have some serious lack of information and that is due a third of our participants making little to no content. joak, H8 and charm together have made 17 posts, compare that to mine of 19 and it obvious they have done very little for this game.

In the games I have played so far the job of town on day one is to interact with others as much as possible and to 'shake a few trees' and that is what I have been trying to do. I have not changed my vote as I don't see anyone else as seriously scummy so far, but we have not had much interaction. Its frustrating to see these guys getting away with putting nothing into the game, and H8 AFK has even said he is here watching but not posting anything:

H8 AFK wrote:I'm here and I'm reading all the posts. Like everyone else, I'm not sure I totally understand what to do. I've only been in 1 other game and I was lynched first night (lol).

I have made up several theories, about legion and IB to see if there was anything there, I am confident in their responses. I feel dega and mookie has been solid with their questioning that then leaves, by process of elimination, H8, charm and joak. I would put money on it one of the scum is them.

I am also a noob, and so would assume that I have something wrong in the above but that is where I sit.
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby degaston on Mon Apr 07, 2014 11:49 pm


I don't feel like I know anything more than before we all jumped on Zivel, so I'm not ready to have him lynched yet. I know that some others haven't posted much, but I think that may not be as much of a tell in a noob game as in one with experienced players.
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby Zivel on Tue Apr 08, 2014 4:25 am

Does anyone else see charms quick vote to put me on L1 with no real reason except 'lets vote someone' a little dodgy?
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby joak on Tue Apr 08, 2014 5:32 am

Hey zivel I suppose its natural to jump on someone who hasn't posted much when you are under pressure but I get on here when I can and with another game on the go its difficult to keep up to scratch but it is the action of a desperate man if thats the best you can come up with, still think that its to early to make a measured vote although I have voted to get a response and my vote wasn't for you
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby charm on Tue Apr 08, 2014 10:04 am

So, Zivel, you're happy with lynching someone and stirring up trouble as long as it's not you to be lynched!

Then you're quick to point to me as scum because I'm not posting much. As for not posting much content, I had food poisoning this weekend. :sick:

I've also been taking this opportunity to learn as much as I can and not post bs stuff, other than joke voting, especially since it is day 1. You are the one that was calling for something quick, which seems very scummy to me. If mafia are known to be quiet in posting, wouldn't it make sense that a mafia would post a lot and then say they are town. :?:

I'm keeping my vote on you until I see someone really scummy show up! Interesting that you can dish it out but can't take it!
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby H8 AFK on Tue Apr 08, 2014 1:46 pm

I'm still watching and not saying very much, one thing I will say though, I'm no scum, just ask my Mum :)
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby Zivel on Tue Apr 08, 2014 2:50 pm

charm wrote:So, Zivel, you're happy with lynching someone and stirring up trouble as long as it's not you to be lynched!

Then you're quick to point to me as scum because I'm not posting much. As for not posting much content, I had food poisoning this weekend. :sick:

I've also been taking this opportunity to learn as much as I can and not post bs stuff, other than joke voting, especially since it is day 1. You are the one that was calling for something quick, which seems very scummy to me. If mafia are known to be quiet in posting, wouldn't it make sense that a mafia would post a lot and then say they are town. :?:

I'm keeping my vote on you until I see someone really scummy show up! Interesting that you can dish it out but can't take it!

I think a no lynch would be bad. You could lynch me, it wouldnt be a bad idea as I am no a power role and you would have the information about who interacts with me.

I was under the understanding that we are suppose to stir up trouble, I like the stirring things up and I see it as pro town as we need as much info as possible. I thought posting BS stuff was really the best way to start conversations and then you can actually learn something from the responses.

Whay I find interesting is that you are very quiet for a couple of weeks and then I call you out and suddenly you come out with the best post you have made so far in the game. You are playing a defensive game, no aggression and that feels scummy to me.
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby joak on Tue Apr 08, 2014 4:42 pm

yup i agree the only way forward is a lynching theres been a comment about me not scum can you scum hunt when the only folk that know each other are scum and the rest of us are just geussing you could write anything here and it wouldnt matter untill someone goes!
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby legionnare on Tue Apr 08, 2014 5:59 pm

Zivel wrote:
legionnare wrote:I vote Zivel purely because he seems to not care who is voted on. Say's he his happy to lynch H8, Joak, charm and IB
leaving Zivel, Mudpuppy and myself out.
So I know I am Townie which leaves Zivel and Mudpuppy?

I care alright about who gets voted out, I do not want to vote out you, mudpuppy or dega at the moment. I can clock the scum reads I have got from them as maybe newb mistakes.

I do care about the lack of conversation we have had here, that is why I would vote for H8 AFK number one. He has honestly said nothing all game, joak and charm have both made posts but have done no scum hunting.

A fair response, unvote for now
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby Zivel on Tue Apr 08, 2014 6:16 pm

legionnare wrote:
Zivel wrote:
legionnare wrote:I vote Zivel purely because he seems to not care who is voted on. Say's he his happy to lynch H8, Joak, charm and IB
leaving Zivel, Mudpuppy and myself out.
So I know I am Townie which leaves Zivel and Mudpuppy?

I care alright about who gets voted out, I do not want to vote out you, mudpuppy or dega at the moment. I can clock the scum reads I have got from them as maybe newb mistakes.

I do care about the lack of conversation we have had here, that is why I would vote for H8 AFK number one. He has honestly said nothing all game, joak and charm have both made posts but have done no scum hunting.

A fair response, unvote for now

Who are you thinking? What do you think about Charm? Do my points make sense or am I on the wrong track here?
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby mookiemcgee on Tue Apr 08, 2014 6:55 pm

i dont think Charm's done anything suspicious personally. Granted I don't really see anyone else as suspicious either, except my paranoia about vets in a newb game. My inclination is to go for fewest posts, which i think is still AFK, however I feel bad voting for him since he went out first in the only other game he played. It was largely for the same reason too...

The only thing we really have so far is two basic townie claims... Am i correct in my understanding it only hurts town if we get more claims this early, because we dont want to out any power rolls?

Oh and Charm! I changed my avatar for you... Do you know Stefon from SNL?
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby charm on Tue Apr 08, 2014 8:54 pm

mookiemcgee wrote:i dont think Charm's done anything suspicious personally. Granted I don't really see anyone else as suspicious either, except my paranoia about vets in a newb game. My inclination is to go for fewest posts, which i think is still AFK, however I feel bad voting for him since he went out first in the only other game he played. It was largely for the same reason too...

The only thing we really have so far is two basic townie claims... Am i correct in my understanding it only hurts town if we get more claims this early, because we dont want to out any power rolls?

Oh and Charm! I changed my avatar for you... Do you know Stefon from SNL?

Yeah Mookie! Are you as fun and silly as Stefon? =D> You must be a townie, just because you went to such measures to change your avatar for me. So sweet.
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby charm on Tue Apr 08, 2014 9:05 pm

Zivel wrote:
legionnare wrote:
Zivel wrote:
legionnare wrote:I vote Zivel purely because he seems to not care who is voted on. Say's he his happy to lynch H8, Joak, charm and IB
leaving Zivel, Mudpuppy and myself out.
So I know I am Townie which leaves Zivel and Mudpuppy?

I care alright about who gets voted out, I do not want to vote out you, mudpuppy or dega at the moment. I can clock the scum reads I have got from them as maybe newb mistakes.

I do care about the lack of conversation we have had here, that is why I would vote for H8 AFK number one. He has honestly said nothing all game, joak and charm have both made posts but have done no scum hunting.

A fair response, unvote for now

Who are you thinking? What do you think about Charm? Do my points make sense or am I on the wrong track here?

Ya Legion-babe what you think of charm?
Or do you prefer the sniveling Zivel and all his antics?
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby mookiemcgee on Tue Apr 08, 2014 9:07 pm

Stefon wrote:New York’s hottest club is Kress.
Club promoter Tranny Oakly, has gone all out.
Inside is just everything. Lights, pyschos, ferbies, screaming babies in mozart wigs, sunburn drifters with soap sud beards.
You know it’s that thing, when a hobo becomes a rich man so they take that big bubble bath.”

Wow cool great tip Stefon!
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby charm on Wed Apr 09, 2014 10:28 pm

Zivel you sure did get quiet...what's up with that?

Btw, I love your Avatar. Do you have a complex about your ying and yang? :lol:
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby Lootifer on Thu Apr 10, 2014 12:05 am

Vote count:

charm (0):
Zivel (2/L-3): MudPuppy, charm
MudPuppy (1/L-4): Iron Butterfly
H8 AFK (1/L-4): Zivel
joak (0):
mookiemcgee (0):
degaston (0):
legionnare (1/L-4): joak
Iron Butterfly (1/L-4): H8 AFK

No Lynch (0):

Not voting: legionnare, mookiemcgee, degaston

With 9 alive it takes 5 to lynch

Deadline is, like, ages away
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby Lootifer on Thu Apr 10, 2014 12:10 am

Prodded degaston, Iron Butterfly and MudPuppy
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby MudPuppy on Thu Apr 10, 2014 12:21 am

Still here... not too much to add at the moment. Don't have a good read on charm. She's been exceedingly, well... charming. Which, has been somewhat suspicious to me... but my thought is that might just be charm being charm.
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby Iron Butterfly on Thu Apr 10, 2014 3:17 am

we have two claims.

either vote to lynch one of the claimed VTs or vote no lynch.

Until we have a better understanding of what format we are playing in its all guesswork.

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