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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby degaston on Fri Apr 04, 2014 10:18 am

Iron Butterfly wrote:We can what if forever but realize Mafia will always lie about who they are, which is why Town should never lie. There have been exceptions to the rule. Its means nothing if you know you are Town cop or just plain Town. You have to convince your fellow townies you are who you say.

Trust me when i say lying will only help mafia in the long run.

Of course IB, I trust you completely! :lol:

But I notice that you didn't really address my example. :-k
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby mookiemcgee on Fri Apr 04, 2014 12:27 pm

Well this has been a lively debate, however I still dont understand how a claim this early helps us Town folk? How do you catch someone in a lie this early? We have no way to judge the reliability of a claim do we? If we do please explain...

I see how a claim today could pay dividends on a future day, after some actions happen... How many people generally are forced to claim in the first or second day? In my other game by the end of day 2 about 6 people have been asked to and indeed have claimed.
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby Zivel on Fri Apr 04, 2014 2:46 pm

I guess that you are talking about the long term and in this case I will accept your explanation abd respect your experience. I have only played less than a handful of games and in those logic has played less of a role than experience. That last game we played was a farce though, town was always going to lose that bloody setup.

So lets get some pressure going then UNVOTE VOTE:H8 AFK

He has posted the least useful content and seems to be staying under the radar, lets hear some thoughts on the game so far please.
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby Zivel on Fri Apr 04, 2014 2:47 pm

Wow, that was some bad formatting. Can MOD fix for me?
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby Zivel on Fri Apr 04, 2014 2:47 pm

Would love a VC to please.
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby H8 AFK on Fri Apr 04, 2014 5:00 pm

I'm here and I'm reading all the posts. Like everyone else, I'm not sure I totally understand what to do. I've only been in 1 other game and I was lynched first night (lol).
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby Zivel on Fri Apr 04, 2014 5:59 pm

So what do people think we should be doing nere then? I am a little lost. I thought we should be questioning others hard to try and find any slip ups. I am very paranoid when I play this and can see scummy moves where there are probably not any, I guess I just question motives of why people say things like IB claim info and legions first post, but others have not brought up anything. Anyone got anyone they are looking at dubiously? Who are going to lynch?
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby MudPuppy on Fri Apr 04, 2014 6:47 pm

We still have minimally over a week to go... perhaps two... unless a lynch ends it early. I have no real targets yet. I believe IB is town based on his statements after he thought he was lynched....
Iron Butterfly wrote:pretty scummy you come out of the blue and Hammer.

Good luck Town. You now have stuff to work with. Watch Mudpuppy.

It could all be a ruse... but I bought it.

I'd likely lean toward voting for someone who is light in activity if nothing else stands out. I wish there was some flavor (story line) in this game as that helps provide some discussion points. I don't really know how to talk about characters in such a generic setup.
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby degaston on Fri Apr 04, 2014 7:32 pm

MudPuppy wrote:We still have minimally over a week to go... perhaps two... unless a lynch ends it early. I have no real targets yet. I believe IB is town based on his statements after he thought he was lynched....
Iron Butterfly wrote:pretty scummy you come out of the blue and Hammer.

Good luck Town. You now have stuff to work with. Watch Mudpuppy.

It could all be a ruse... but I bought it.

I'm not sure that I bought it, considering he's our "token experienced player" - that seems like a pretty basic mistake. I also don't know if I buy his reasoning (or lack thereof) for always lynching on the first day, always telling the truth, and lynching all liars. But none of that is enough for me to want to lynch him at this point.

That said, I'm going to Vote: joak because he's another one who doesn't seem to be contributing much to the discussion. Very odd, though - his profile says he's made 2 posts total, but if you click on "search user's posts" it shows 50 matches. Anyone know what's up with that?
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby charm on Fri Apr 04, 2014 8:59 pm

I think Posts are in the Forum. not in this game.

Joak has made some comments here - he just doesn't have a pretty picture so he gets lost in the madness.

@Joak - get a pretty picture or I might have to vote for you too.
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby joak on Sat Apr 05, 2014 2:10 am

I've got a pretty picture ...of you in ma heed be honest there's not much anyone has said yet to make think scummy I did think IB but it would be daft to get rid of an experienced person on the first day so I think maybe there you go not much of a story to go on so it's all just guess work just now I could vote randomly just to get a reaction though
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby Iron Butterfly on Sat Apr 05, 2014 6:59 am

Zivel wrote:So what do people think we should be doing nere then? I am a little lost. I thought we should be questioning others hard to try and find any slip ups. I am very paranoid when I play this and can see scummy moves where there are probably not any, I guess I just question motives of why people say things like IB claim info and legions first post, but others have not brought up anything. Anyone got anyone they are looking at dubiously? Who are going to lynch?

The only people who have insight into the game format are those who have PRs. We have several choices.

1) lynch me. I am just a VT. Mafia will work around me anyways.
2) Go for another claim. I do not recommend in a game this small. Our PRs are our strength. Hopefully we have a cop doc game. If we pressure someone else and they claim VT that just makes the pool for mafia smaller, which is why it would be good to lynch. mafia will most likely claim VT depending on format.
3) No lynch. Now we have info on the table.

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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby Lootifer on Sun Apr 06, 2014 12:47 am

VC Incoming.

Sorry guys been away all weekend.
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby Lootifer on Sun Apr 06, 2014 1:05 am

Just a couple of tips since IB, while being helpful, could be scum and selling you guys lies (seriously trust no one!!! except me: nothing in the previous sentence has any bearing on IBs actual alignment)

- IB is right with points 2 and 3, however point three is up for debate (see next point)

- Lynching, even lynching a townie, yields information. It tells you someones alignment (two if theres a night kill). Once you know an alignment you can trust (or not trust if theyre scum) everything the dead had said previously: this is useful because previously you weren't trusting ANYONE! However its up to you if you want this information or not, it might come at the cost of a dead townie.

- Put yourself out there, pose some theories, over think the shit out of someones post. Seriously its just a game and if you want to play mafia long term you better get used to being wrong because it happens often. Part of this game is about shaking the box and seeing what falls out. If you don't do no shaking then nothing will fall out!
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby Lootifer on Mon Apr 07, 2014 3:51 pm

Vote count:

charm (1/L-4): mookiemcgee
Zivel (0):
MudPuppy (1/L-4): Iron Butterfly
H8 AFK (1/L-4): Zivel
joak (1/L-4): degaston
mookiemcgee (0):
degaston (0):
legionnare (0):
Iron Butterfly (2/L-3): charm, H8 AFK

No Lynch (0):

Not voting: MudPuppy, joak, legionnare

With 9 alive it takes 5 to lynch

Deadline is, like, ages away
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby mookiemcgee on Mon Apr 07, 2014 4:18 pm

There isn't much to judge people on when no one posts for 36 hours but the MOD.... Is this game still on? I dont want to vote randomly again but I dont know where to start... Seems like IB has claimed townie and no reason not to trust him at this point. We could vote for fewest posts just to see if they are even reading?

Thoughts.... Anyone? My other game has like 50 posts a day
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby joak on Mon Apr 07, 2014 5:02 pm

I'mvoting legion basically because he's probably holding back to see voting trends to jump on a vote if we make a mistake and vote for a townie person
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby degaston on Mon Apr 07, 2014 5:03 pm

I think this is what you get with a town full of noobs playing. I have no reason to really suspect anyone, and besides, the mafia hasn't even done anything bad yet. Can't we all just get along? \:D/

I already voted for someone who hasn't talked much after voting for a few others for equally trivial reasons. I don't know what else to do here.
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby Zivel on Mon Apr 07, 2014 5:08 pm

Yeah, this is tough here. I think it will pick up after a lynch, this is one of the reasons we are desperate to lynch in this game. I have been trying to get things moving but the scum are going to have an easy time staying quiet in this game, if I was them I would just be loving this quiet time. I will keep my vote on H8 as they have really offered nothing interesting or useful at all, also happy to lynch joak for the same reason and maybe charm. I would also go with IBs idea of voting him off due to him just being a VT but to be honest with this quietness I woukd prefer to keep him round for his input.
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby MudPuppy on Mon Apr 07, 2014 7:19 pm

I'm gonna Vote Zivel for trying really hard to put a town label on himself:

Zivel wrote:I have played one dismal game on this site and a couple more dismal games on another site, always town.
Zivel wrote:I disagree, we as town, need to get conversation started and put pressure on people.
Zivel wrote:I think the fear of voting one of us townies out is low.
Zivel wrote:It seems that this could be clever ruse by the scum to flush out our power roles.
Zivel wrote:I have been trying to get things moving but the scum are going to have an easy time staying quiet in this game, if I was them I would just be loving this quiet time.
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby legionnare on Mon Apr 07, 2014 8:41 pm

joak wrote:I'mvoting legion basically because he's probably holding back to see voting trends to jump on a vote if we make a mistake and vote for a townie person

LOL are you suggesting something joak? 8-)
I like analysing people and their trends and applying some liberal squirm tactics on whoever pops out to see if they slip up. :D
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby legionnare on Mon Apr 07, 2014 8:42 pm

joak wrote:I'mvoting legion basically because he's probably holding back to see voting trends to jump on a vote if we make a mistake and vote for a townie person

LOL are you suggesting something joak? 8-)
I like analysing people and their trends and applying some liberal squirm tactics on whoever pops out to see if they slip up. :D
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby legionnare on Mon Apr 07, 2014 8:46 pm

Zivel wrote:Yeah, this is tough here. I think it will pick up after a lynch, this is one of the reasons we are desperate to lynch in this game. I have been trying to get things moving but the scum are going to have an easy time staying quiet in this game, if I was them I would just be loving this quiet time. I will keep my vote on H8 as they have really offered nothing interesting or useful at all, also happy to lynch joak for the same reason and maybe charm. I would also go with IBs idea of voting him off due to him just being a VT but to be honest with this quietness I woukd prefer to keep him round for his input.

I vote Zivel purely because he seems to not care who is voted on. Say's he his happy to lynch H8, Joak, charm and IB
leaving Zivel, Mudpuppy and myself out.
So I know I am Townie which leaves Zivel and Mudpuppy?
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby degaston on Mon Apr 07, 2014 9:08 pm

I Vote Zivel, because I agree with Mudpuppy. I've noticed a few times when he seemed to be trying too hard to appear to be town. And I thought he jumped the gun with his first post that seemed a little too serious.
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Re: Welcome to Noobsville! Day 1: Have at it! [9/9]

Postby charm on Mon Apr 07, 2014 9:43 pm

I agree with Zivel too - we need to lynch someone to get this game moving and since he put me on his short list :roll: ....

Unvote and vote Zivel!
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