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Noted Secret Diplomacy: perpetualwar1984 & MAJ Elvis Newton[ka]

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Secret Diplomacy: perpetualwar1984 & MAJ Elvis Newton[ka]

Postby Wizard2010 on Mon Mar 31, 2014 2:42 pm

For the life of me, I couldn't make sense of MAJ Elvis Newton game play in last nights game (14226410) which handed the game to perpetualwar1984, until I took a look at the history of the many games they've played together. Invariably, as the chat seems to reflect, one makes an irrational move, that throws the game to the other. Like anyone else, I don't like losing, but when there is seeming coordination happening behind the scenes, I resent it.

To be clear, I have no actual evidence of secret diplomacy i.e. screen capture, etc. other than the circumstances of the games cited, and the reaction of the players involved via chat.

Accused: perpetualwar1984 & MAJ Elvis Newton

The accused are suspected of: Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):


Thank you for considering this.
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Re: Secret Diplomacy: perpetualwar1984 & MAJ Elvis Newton

Postby Symmetry on Mon Mar 31, 2014 3:36 pm

Wizard2010 wrote:For the life of me, I couldn't make sense of MAJ Elvis Newton game play in last nights Game 14226410 which handed the game to perpetualwar1984, until I took a look at the history of the many games they've played together. Invariably, as the chat seems to reflect, one makes an irrational move, that throws the game to the other. Like anyone else, I don't like losing, but when there is seeming coordination happening behind the scenes, I resent it.

To be clear, I have no actual evidence of secret diplomacy i.e. screen capture, etc. other than the circumstances of the games cited, and the reaction of the players involved via chat.

MAJ Elvis Newton

The accused are suspected of: Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 14226410
Game 14226305
Game 14155332
Game 14118947
Game 14059555
Game 14059128
Game 13862084
Game 13835782
Game 13816693
Game 13789555
Game 13789158
Game 13772952

Thank you for considering this.

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Re: Secret Diplomacy: perpetualwar1984 & MAJ Elvis Newton

Postby king achilles on Sun Apr 06, 2014 9:18 pm

This shall be noted. MAJ Elvis Newton is the main suspect here as he seems to have given the game to green and we can only assume if green was also a participant.
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Re: Secret Diplomacy: perpetualwar1984 & MAJ Elvis Newton[k

Postby perpetualwar1984 on Tue Apr 08, 2014 12:00 am

I've watched tons of people play together ,the wizard just being a little baby , yes I play with the major but your whole clan plays together, so cry me a river, one thing I know for sure, the major tries to beat me. And I can't stand losing to him. So grow a pair wizard, you lost it happens, from what I can see you lose a lot , so quit looking for excuses you lost , get over it. I registered my own complaint I don't like being stalked, so turn about is fair play.
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Re: wizard2010 is a stalker

Postby perpetualwar1984 on Tue Apr 08, 2014 12:56 am

Careful any one that plays the wizard, if you beat him. He will file complaints stalk you, chat in ongoing games to try an ruin them. So if you don't want to deal with a willy whiner just give him the game, apparently he thinks the only way he can be beat is if a team beats him. Which coincidently is his preferred way to play. Whizzy, go ahead an bring your whittle clan on, I play mostly Friday thru Monday after 7:00 pm central. I look forward to the challenge.
Sincerely ,

I like playing against any one
I don't like people who go run an try an get people in trouble over petty bs. There's enough of that in the real world
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Re: wizard2010 is a stalker

Postby perpetualwar1984 on Tue Apr 08, 2014 12:58 am

perpetualwar1984 wrote:Careful any one that plays the wizard, if you beat him. He will file complaints stalk you, chat in ongoing games to try an ruin them. So if you don't want to deal with a willy whiner just give him the game, apparently he thinks the only way he can be beat is if a team beats him. Which coincidently is his preferred way to play. Whizzy, go ahead an bring your whittle clan on, I play mostly Friday thru Monday after 7:00 pm central. I look forward to the challenge.
Sincerely ,

I like playing against any one
I don't like people who go run an try an get people in trouble over petty bs. There's enough of that in the real world
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Re: wizard is a hypocrite

Postby perpetualwar1984 on Tue Apr 08, 2014 1:35 am

You have the nerve to accuse me, when I went back did a bit of my own snooping, your the secret diplomacy guy, like I said in the game you ruined by chatting in it. People who always point there finger at some one else an say, look at them. See what there doing, are almost always doing it themselves. So you been in multiple secret diplomacy along with multiple rating abuses. So would you just quit crying, when you lose swallow your pride an move on. But mostly just quit your own cheating and being a tattle tale. You will realize when you grow up to be a man that being a snitch is the lowest form of life, right below the cheater, you want a rematch is that what it's about? You name the time and board, but don't go crying when I hand you your butt. :|
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