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Closed SonOfAPrich (& The Prichanator)[ka]

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SonOfAPrich (& The Prichanator)[ka]

Postby smartin23 on Wed Mar 26, 2014 5:36 pm


The Prichanator

SonOfAPrich are suspected of:
Other: Using very offensive language in the game chat in game 13917395 and 14094923
and Conducting Secret Diplomacy with The Prichanator in Game 13917395.

Game number(s):

13917395 and 14094923

Best regards
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Re: SonOfAPrich (& The Prichanator)

Postby Symmetry on Wed Mar 26, 2014 5:45 pm

smartin23 wrote:Accused:

The Prichanator

SonOfAPrich are suspected of:
Other: Using very offensive language in the game chat in Game 13917395 and Game 14094923
and Conducting Secret Diplomacy with The Prichanator in Game 13917395.

Game number(s):

Game 13917395 and Game 14094923

Best regards

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Re: SonOfAPrich (& The Prichanator)

Postby smartin23 on Wed Mar 26, 2014 6:09 pm

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Re: SonOfAPrich (& The Prichanator)

Postby Symmetry on Wed Mar 26, 2014 8:37 pm

smartin23 wrote:Thanks

No problem.
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Re: SonOfAPrich (& The Prichanator)

Postby king achilles on Wed Mar 26, 2014 10:25 pm

SonOfAPrich has been warned for his homophobic remark.

As for the secret diplomacy, again, if this is because they are as what they claim, cousins, if this is the big factor why we suspect that they are in a secret diplomacy, we would need a lot more than just that.

I don't think this is the right way to influence an opponent for a truce:
2014-02-05 16:34:47 - adban: Something is not right with this game...look at the games Prichanator has joined? Would a rookie join these games and the same games with the same players????
2014-02-05 16:38:00 - adban: There's a conflict of interest here that needs to be sorted....
2014-02-05 16:46:44 - adban: ..and I assume Prichanator, that you are going to truce and fight red?
2014-02-05 16:48:00 - adban: as in your red cousin???
2014-02-05 16:54:29 - adban: Otherwise there's gonna be one hell of a fishy smell round here....

You were pressuring a player to work with you or else?

Maybe there was some favoritism, maybe there was none, but if the game chat is going to be like that, if you are one of the accused, whether you are guilty or not guilty of the accusation, I won't be surprised if you reacted negatively because of that.
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Re: SonOfAPrich (& The Prichanator)

Postby smartin23 on Thu Mar 27, 2014 1:14 am

I don't know anything about the secret diplomacy and to be honest I don't care much about it. And in the game with adnan, adnan surely had his part of the trash talking, but in the other game, I think it is all sonofaprich. And I think he ratings show a clear history.
But I think sonofaprich have a very offensive language towards everybody, which is for sure spoiling the fun for other players.
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Re: SonOfAPrich (& The Prichanator)[ka]

Postby adban on Thu Mar 27, 2014 3:36 pm

If I could throw in my ten pence worth. I just found it unusual that SonOfAPrich played so many games with the same players (they are either friends or family). I'm not suggesting anything sinister in this but I believe it is, at the very least, a conflict of interest. This is what I pointed out in chat in the game in question which resulted in the game chat spiralling out of control. This was on my part very regrettable and wont be repeated. However SonOfAPrich's game play seems to rely on trash talking anyone that opposes him and truces with players he knows, which I assume is allowed but again is it right?
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Re: SonOfAPrich (& The Prichanator)[ka]

Postby king achilles on Thu Mar 27, 2014 7:48 pm

We are getting too subjective with this regarding the possibility of secret diplomacy. If other players make similar reports against them in the future, then maybe there is something to look at. Feel free to report them should we have more confirmation of their secret alliance. i will consider this report closed.
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Re: SonOfAPrich (& The Prichanator)[ka]

Postby smartin23 on Fri Mar 28, 2014 12:03 pm

The main objective in this report was the language SonOfAPrich use is the game forums.

All this is from game 14094923 (link is earlier in this topic.):
eleni is an idiot i wouldnt rely on her.
why dont you fucking watch and learn you smart ass f*ck
psycho stalker
HAHHAHA you are such a dumb ass
you fucker
and Massive use of the f-word.

Is language like this accepted at CC?
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Re: SonOfAPrich (& The Prichanator)[ka]

Postby TheForgivenOne on Fri Mar 28, 2014 12:26 pm

smartin23 wrote:The main objective in this report was the language SonOfAPrich use is the game forums.

All this is from game 14094923 (link is earlier in this topic.):
eleni is an idiot i wouldnt rely on her.
why dont you fucking watch and learn you smart ass f*ck
psycho stalker
HAHHAHA you are such a dumb ass
you fucker
and Massive use of the f-word.

Is language like this accepted at CC?

He was Warned already for this.
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Re: SonOfAPrich (& The Prichanator)[ka]

Postby smartin23 on Fri Mar 28, 2014 12:35 pm

And he continue anyway.
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Re: SonOfAPrich (& The Prichanator)[ka]

Postby TheForgivenOne on Fri Mar 28, 2014 1:44 pm

What he said after his warning is fine. Trash talking is perfectly fine in game chat, when Bigotry is involved, that is when punishment is given out.

If you don't like what he's saying, Foe him, and you won't have to see what he says.
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Re: SonOfAPrich (& The Prichanator)[ka]

Postby adban on Fri Mar 28, 2014 3:46 pm

So why did i get a warning for calling The Prichanator a nobswallower, anyone can swallow nobs I didn't know if he was a girl or a boy so how can that be bigotry? LOL. If i'd used SonOfAprick's language and called him a cocksucker, would that be ok?
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Re: SonOfAPrich (& The Prichanator)[ka]

Postby adban on Fri Mar 28, 2014 4:20 pm

Also faggots are a delicacy in Yorkshire, Uk does that mean they would be warned for bigotry? I quite like faggots with onion gravy as it happens.
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Re: SonOfAPrich (& The Prichanator)[ka]

Postby adban on Fri Mar 28, 2014 6:13 pm

and please don't mention context.....
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Re: SonOfAPrich (& The Prichanator)[ka]

Postby TheForgivenOne on Fri Mar 28, 2014 7:58 pm


Yes, context is exactly what we use. Also, remember, common sense prevails.
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