Conquer Club

Closed albiestar [DCR]

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albiestar [DCR]

Postby stealth99 on Thu Mar 13, 2014 7:05 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Other: Multiple violations that are difficult to pinpoint, in the absence of game chat. This guy is silent but is only here for the purpose of causing as much distress and havoc as possible. He joined a quad game and refused all communication. He refused team play and without any explanation or provocation he is now attacking his own team relentlessly.

His feedback rating is 4.1 and attendance is 81%. It is obvious where ever you go in this guy's history, that respect for CC and it's players, is severely lacking. He has played 4400 games, so i'm thinking that is a lot of victims. Please deal with this guy. People who amuse themselves by intentionally being a nuisance to others, don't belong here.

Game number(s):

Game 13901329
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Re: albiestar

Postby betiko on Thu Mar 13, 2014 8:50 pm

he has been banned, permabanned.... he is number 1 on CC foe lists; he has a link on his profile that will give you more viruses than a 2$ hooker.... he is called albiestar!!!!!!

congrats; you've been albied!!!!!
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Re: albiestar [DCR]

Postby deathcomesrippin on Fri Mar 14, 2014 5:42 am

As much as we would all just love to remove certain users from the existence of Conquer Club, this is not something we do on the regular.

There is no real complaint here that points at any violation of the rules. I am going to close this.
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Re: albiestar [DCR]

Postby betiko on Fri Mar 14, 2014 5:47 am

deathcomesrippin wrote:As much as we would all just love to remove certain users from the existence of Conquer Club, this is not something we do on the regular.

There is no real complaint here that points at any violation of the rules. I am going to close this.

Seriously??? This guy has been permabanned in the past because of his multiple abuses. Conquer club then waved all the perma bans to give a second chances. The accused is just doing the same, ruining games for fun and joining a million of the to deadbeat. He is a cancer to conquer club.

You need to look closer into that case and all the precedents involving this user.
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Re: albiestar [DCR]

Postby deathcomesrippin on Fri Mar 14, 2014 6:09 am

He has no precedent in C&A for team killing cases.

Find me more evidence of it in his other games and I will re-open the case.
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Re: albiestar [DCR]

Postby betiko on Fri Mar 14, 2014 6:30 am

easy: go check the comments on his ratings/ratings left. look at all the players pissed because he is a team killer. I bet you won't find anyone on CC with such a record.
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Re: albiestar [DCR]

Postby TeeGee on Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:24 am

deathcomesrippin wrote:He has no precedent in C&A for team killing cases.

Find me more evidence of it in his other games and I will re-open the case.

Game 13585945 -mostly attacked teammates
Game 13585842 -almost half attacks are teammates
Game 13581274 - over half attacks against teammates

In almost all the team games (although he mostly plays individual) I checked there is a deliberate non compliance. Nobody can be that unlucky with the dice.
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Re: albiestar [DCR]

Postby stealth99 on Fri Mar 14, 2014 2:21 pm

Same old, same old....

the users of this site have to fight with staff to keep the place safe, and when you are given clear evidence of abuse, you put the onus back on the user to prove this to you beyond any doubt.

The information that I gave you all by itself, constitutes clear violation of existing rules, you don't need more info. Furthermore, it is you and CC that has the resources to find out everything you need to know about this guy, but you put it back on the user to do what you should be doing!!

Screw it, let him mess with the enjoyment of other users and let him have his fun at our expense. Perhaps you may even grab another membership out of albiestar some time down the road and then all the abuse the rest of us have experienced will be worth it.

Why not create a medal for these ASSHOLES at the very least if you are going to ignore this type of behavior. After they screw up a game for 40 people you get a bronze and 200 for silver.......

This makes me absolutely sick! I can't believe the disgusting policies and attitude this site has towards abusers. I will become just like albie in 3 months....a freemium with unlimited rights on this site.
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Re: albiestar [DCR]

Postby betiko on Fri Mar 14, 2014 8:04 pm

stealth99 wrote:Same old, same old....

the users of this site have to fight with staff to keep the place safe, and when you are given clear evidence of abuse, you put the onus back on the user to prove this to you beyond any doubt.

The information that I gave you all by itself, constitutes clear violation of existing rules, you don't need more info. Furthermore, it is you and CC that has the resources to find out everything you need to know about this guy, but you put it back on the user to do what you should be doing!!

Screw it, let him mess with the enjoyment of other users and let him have his fun at our expense. Perhaps you may even grab another membership out of albiestar some time down the road and then all the abuse the rest of us have experienced will be worth it.

Why not create a medal for these ASSHOLES at the very least if you are going to ignore this type of behavior. After they screw up a game for 40 people you get a bronze and 200 for silver.......

This makes me absolutely sick! I can't believe the disgusting policies and attitude this site has towards abusers. I will become just like albie in 3 months....a freemium with unlimited rights on this site.

Funniest thing is that this guy is the most popular "game troller" of CC ever and he s been permabanned and premium stripped quite a few times.. But since he buys back so often... People were pissed when he was let back in, and there you go, of course he didn t change. This has been left open 10h, and closed as if it was spurious.
I thought that this was called cheating and abuse... When you have 80% attendance over 4000 games, i think you don t even need to look deeper to understand that this guy is doing it on purpose or at least has no consideration for this game. I thought point dumping wasn t allowed?
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Re: albiestar [DCR]

Postby TeeGee on Fri Mar 14, 2014 10:41 pm

betiko wrote:
stealth99 wrote:Same old, same old....

the users of this site have to fight with staff to keep the place safe, and when you are given clear evidence of abuse, you put the onus back on the user to prove this to you beyond any doubt.

The information that I gave you all by itself, constitutes clear violation of existing rules, you don't need more info. Furthermore, it is you and CC that has the resources to find out everything you need to know about this guy, but you put it back on the user to do what you should be doing!!

Screw it, let him mess with the enjoyment of other users and let him have his fun at our expense. Perhaps you may even grab another membership out of albiestar some time down the road and then all the abuse the rest of us have experienced will be worth it.

Why not create a medal for these ASSHOLES at the very least if you are going to ignore this type of behavior. After they screw up a game for 40 people you get a bronze and 200 for silver.......

This makes me absolutely sick! I can't believe the disgusting policies and attitude this site has towards abusers. I will become just like albie in 3 months....a freemium with unlimited rights on this site.

Funniest thing is that this guy is the most popular "game troller" of CC ever and he s been permabanned and premium stripped quite a few times.. But since he buys back so often... People were pissed when he was let back in, and there you go, of course he didn t change. This has been left open 10h, and closed as if it was spurious.
I thought that this was called cheating and abuse... When you have 80% attendance over 4000 games, i think you don t even need to look deeper to understand that this guy is doing it on purpose or at least has no consideration for this game. I thought point dumping wasn t allowed?

I am hoping the triple post was an error betiko ;)

and the C&A mods like myself are not staff, but unpaid volunteers. Anyway I did some ground work myself and found a few games above where albiestar had deliberately set out to kill team mates. I also noticed that in the majority of his teamgames if he isnt killing team mates he just deploys and ends turn..not possible to say he isnt attacking and getting bad dice though, but in every game the probability of that would have to be next to zero.

Anyways, I am siding with the community here, albiestar has had more than enough chances and I am appealing for him to be struck out as being intentionally annoying and destructive to the game in general.
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Re: albiestar [DCR]

Postby universalchiro on Sat Mar 15, 2014 12:56 am

deathcomesrippin wrote:He has no precedent in C&A for team killing cases.

Find me more evidence of it in his other games and I will re-open the case.


The guy killed 11 regions of his teammates in one round. Why ask for more evidence?
Does he need a presidence in C&A of killing teammates to be guilty now?
This seems an easy case. At a minimum verbal reprimand and couple month suspension from team games. Probably should be suspended from team games for 3 months with 6 month probation.
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Re: albiestar [DCR]

Postby BoganGod on Sat Mar 15, 2014 10:17 am

As of a minute ago albiestar was not a guest. Just imagine what would happen if he made a critical post in fora. Then and only then would he be dealt with. After all to say is worse than to cheat or deliberately misplay. COME ON DCR, you can do better than this buddy.
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Re: albiestar [DCR]

Postby rishaed on Sun Mar 16, 2014 6:36 am

BoganGod wrote:As of a minute ago albiestar was not a guest. Just imagine what would happen if he made a critical post in fora. Then and only then would he be dealt with. After all to say is worse than to cheat or deliberately misplay. COME ON DCR, you can do better than this buddy.

Agree. This guy has been banned, repeatedly. Don't know why hes back? And hes ironically on my foe-list, of the total number of maybe two people in all the years I've played here. Hes been banned for point-dumping, deadbeating, and now hes team-killing. I'd say hes had his three strikes.
aage wrote: Maybe you're right, but since we receive no handlebars from the mod I think we should get some ourselves.

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Re: albiestar [DCR]

Postby rishaed on Sun Mar 16, 2014 6:41 am

stealth99 wrote:Accused:


The accused are suspected of:

Other: Multiple violations that are difficult to pinpoint, in the absence of game chat. This guy is silent but is only here for the purpose of causing as much distress and havoc as possible. He joined a quad game and refused all communication. He refused team play and without any explanation or provocation he is now attacking his own team relentlessly.

His feedback rating is 4.1 and attendance is 81%. It is obvious where ever you go in this guy's history, that respect for CC and it's players, is severely lacking. He has played 4400 games, so i'm thinking that is a lot of victims. Please deal with this guy. People who amuse themselves by intentionally being a nuisance to others, don't belong here.

Game number(s):

Game 13901329

In the game above he deadbeated the first/third turn. attacked his teamates on the fourth and fifth. There should be no reason to attack your teammates that much in that large of a map. He has already crippled his team to almost nothing. Why are you saying that there are no violations?
aage wrote: Maybe you're right, but since we receive no handlebars from the mod I think we should get some ourselves.

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Re: albiestar [DCR]

Postby agentcom on Mon Mar 24, 2014 5:05 pm

deathcomesrippin wrote:He has no precedent in C&A for team killing cases.

Find me more evidence of it in his other games and I will re-open the case.

I was about to go crazy after seeing this. But now I see that he has been guested. Good job mods. That is the right decision. The guy is a menace to the CC society. As I know from experience, he constantly attacks teammates to throw games. He lives on the last page of the scoreboard. You have to be throwing games to only win 5% of your games after 4000+ games.

I hope this time it was a permanent perma-ban ...
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