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Closed coon

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Postby Guyver007 on Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:12 pm

The accused are suspected of:


Offensive Name

i do not want this member banned, but I am quite offended by this name. I didnt know where to post this but i do feel 'coon' is an offensive name. I appreciate that it can also be short for raccoon but i'd like to know does anyone moderate the user names. Surely if a name also has a HIGHLY offensive meaning as well you would ask it to be changed? This person could not naming themselves this purposely to make offence, but other people could take great offense at this.
I've enjoyed playing on this website for years but seeing that has shocked me. Would you allow killthejews as a username? or other racist statements?
i'm genuinely interested to know what the procedure is when it comes to usernames. This person 'coon' has not done anything to me other than having an offensive name. I think the player shouldn't be kicked, but a name change should be required.

anyway, sorry if this posted in the wrong place. would greatly appreciate some feedback on this sour subject on an otherwise amazing website

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Re: coon

Postby MagnusGreeol on Thu Mar 06, 2014 2:22 pm

- Look it up, It is obv. a racial slur, but also refers to the Whig Party in 1737 for wearing raccoon pelt hats, A type of cat ( Maine coon cat ), it also is a term used for an undignified person ( not necccasarily black), and of course it an abreviate for raccoon, If he is naming himself coon, how about take it as raccoon or he's an undignified person cause he's calling himself that? I wouldn't read too much into it unless the guy is acting racial in war chat, He might be a cool racoon. ")
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Re: coon

Postby Anarkistsdream on Thu Mar 06, 2014 2:50 pm

There are people named hitler on here and all sorts of other names... Hell, I met a Phuck Dong one time... Should I tell him that he should call himself George while in America so he doesn't offend? Hah
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Re: coon

Postby MagnusGreeol on Thu Mar 06, 2014 6:09 pm

Anarkistsdream wrote:There are people named hitler on here and all sorts of other names... Hell, I met a Phuck Dong one time... Should I tell him that he should call himself George while in America so he doesn't offend? Hah

- Ya, I've come across some names that are like wow?, and really?, and even OMG You serious., names that make coon sound like You'll name Your first born Watermelon. And who knows, maybe his last name is Cooney, his friends call him Coon dawg? Unless he acts out racially or inappropriate to CC guidelines, I see nothing wrong here.
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Re: coon

Postby Shannon Apple on Thu Mar 06, 2014 6:31 pm

I didn't even know that was a racial slur until now. I had to go "urbandictionary" it.

Did you ask him what the meaning behind his name was before making the report? It probably wasn't intended to offend anyone.
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Re: coon

Postby Koganosi on Thu Mar 06, 2014 6:57 pm

Shannon Apple wrote:I didn't even know that was a racial slur until now. I had to go "urbandictionary" it.

Did you ask him what the meaning behind his name was before making the report? It probably wasn't intended to offend anyone.

Must be cartman, from southpark, the coon!! The hero the city needs!


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Re: coon

Postby MagnusGreeol on Thu Mar 06, 2014 6:59 pm

Koganosi wrote:
Shannon Apple wrote:I didn't even know that was a racial slur until now. I had to go "urbandictionary" it.

Did you ask him what the meaning behind his name was before making the report? It probably wasn't intended to offend anyone.

Must be cartman, from southpark, the coon!! The hero the city needs!



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Re: coon

Postby Evil Semp on Thu Mar 06, 2014 8:22 pm

When I look at potentially offensive user names I look to see if they are intentionally, commonly or deeply personally offensive. He has been on this site for around 7 years and there have not been any other complaints [that I am aware of] about his user name. I looked at some of his game chats and didn't see any signs of him being offensive.

I am going to mark this CLOSED.
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Re: coon

Postby coon on Fri Mar 07, 2014 12:20 am

It is not meant as a slur, it is my last name,(slightl spelling variation) Since high school I've been called coon, coonster and the more specific "the coon" after those soutpark episodes titles "the coon"came out. lighten up people
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Re: coon

Postby demonfork on Fri Mar 07, 2014 1:45 am

coon wrote:It is not meant as a slur, it is my last name,(slightl spelling variation) Since high school I've been called coon, coonster and the more specific "the coon" after those soutpark episodes titles "the coon"came out. lighten up people

Don't worry only the retards think your name is offensive.
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Re: coon

Postby Shannon Apple on Fri Mar 07, 2014 7:31 am

demonfork wrote:
coon wrote:It is not meant as a slur, it is my last name,(slightl spelling variation) Since high school I've been called coon, coonster and the more specific "the coon" after those soutpark episodes titles "the coon"came out. lighten up people

Don't worry only the retards think your name is offensive.


I don't smoke, but if I was to say "brb, I'm going out to smoke a fag" I sure as hell wouldn't be talking about killing a gay person, but smoking a cigarette. I never heard the term "coon" before as a racist remark lol. I have a cousin that people call "the coon" as well because it's at the start of his surname. XD There are people from all over the world here and we use words differently. If everyone was to take offense, then I think half of CC would be banned XD.
00:33:53 ‹riskllama› will her and i ever hook up, LLT???
00:34:09 ‹LiveLoveTeach› You and Shannon?
00:34:20 ‹LiveLoveTeach› Bahahahahahaha
00:34:22 ‹LiveLoveTeach› I doubt it
00:34:30 ‹LiveLoveTeach› I don't think she's into farm animals
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Re: coon

Postby Guyver007 on Wed Apr 23, 2014 5:02 am

thanks for all the replys.@ shannon apple I should have asked him first actually the meaning behind it and got it straight from the horses mouth. Basically what I get from this is that you can use names that are offensive as long as you aren't offensive in game chat, etc. Ok cool, its no biggie I was just curious as I play a lot of online games and there is usually a block on inappropriate names regardless of wheteher its yr nickname, surname or whatever. I don't want to start a racist row but demonfork I don't think you know what you're talking about. I've been called a coon as a slur so am I a retard for thinking the word is offensive? If you really think that then you're an idiot.
Anyway case is closed and thanks for all the sensible responses, always interesting to see what people think.
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Re: coon

Postby Agent 86 on Wed Apr 23, 2014 5:22 am

It was an offensive name in Australia as it was a racial slur against Aborigines. We had a local brand cheese named coon and was very popular but ran into problems with their brand name. Fortunately the word coon is now accepted and not racial anymore. Enjoy your games coonster ;)
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Re: coon

Postby Guyver007 on Thu Apr 24, 2014 3:48 am

maybe where you come from. Not in my country mate. I suggest you find the biggest black man and call him a coon to his face. see what happens.
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