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Pending Getwued and SrsBsns-busted-cleared[es]

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Getwued and SrsBsns-busted-cleared[es]

Postby Donald Fung on Sun Feb 23, 2014 7:23 pm



The accused are suspected of: Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 14055408

Getwued (red) is a new recruit who has only played 9 games, 3 of which were 3 player games with SrsBsns (blue) in it and 2 of which were team games where they were teammates. During my game, both red and blue seemed to be attacking me an awful lot at the start rather than attacking each other. As the game progresses, red had a stack on "The Presidio" where he did not attack blue in "Sausalito" even though it was clear that if he didn't attack blue, blue would win. In addition, the stack blocked my chances of breaking into blue's territories (Marin and Contra Costa) through that route so I had to trade and break a huge stack of 11 on "El Cerrito." The game continues with blue getting increasingly stronger while red continues to focus on me. Then at the end, red finally attacks blue, only to wipe his troops out right before he gets 5 cards so that blue can take him out and use his cards to kill me. After the game ends, instead of saying GG to both of us, blue says "it was fun wrecking you" specifically to me. I think its pretty clear red and blue used secret diplomacy against me.
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Re: Secret Diplomacy: Getwued and SrsBsns[es]

Postby DJPatrick on Tue Feb 25, 2014 4:36 am

You get that all the time in 3-handers either for real or imagined...don't play them...3xplayers account for a disproportionate amount of C&A reports coz someone ALWAYS gets screwed...tis the nature of the beast...
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Re: Secret Diplomacy: Getwued and SrsBsns[es]

Postby Evil Semp on Tue Feb 25, 2014 10:50 am

It's like DJPatrick said. It's a three player game when someone is the the strongest or perceived to be the strongest the other two will attack them.

[quote="Donald Fung"" The game continues with blue getting increasingly stronger while red continues to focus on me. Then at the end, red finally attacks blue, only to wipe his troops out right before he gets 5 cards so that blue can take him out and use his cards to kill me. After the game ends, instead of saying GG to both of us, blue says "it was fun wrecking you" specifically to me. I think its pretty clear red and blue used secret diplomacy against me.[/quote][quote="Donald Fung"]

You say red was focusing on you when in fact red attacked blue more in the last four rounds than you did. You attacked red more then you attacked blue.

Getwued was BUSTED as a multi with USuckButt, ThePanger, PartyPooper, peacesilversonic, buzzliteyea and paulzgey.

Srsbsns is CLEARED of secret diplomacy.
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Re: Getwued and SrsBsns-busted-cleared[es]

Postby Donald Fung on Tue Feb 25, 2014 11:54 pm

lol just looking at the amount of times a player attack another one doesn't really say much. Red was attacking in front of blue's stacks so that blue could easily kill him, meanwhile, I was so weak that I was merely attacking for cards and since red was weaker, he had easier territories to get cards off of. It had nothing to do with the fact that they basically teamed against me early on when I had to fight a 2 v 1. And yes I agree with you DJ Patrick, I realize how much 3 player games suck now. Sometimes they're fun but in cases like this and the other one I posted, its either 2 players fighting 1 or 2 players fighting against each other and giving the 3rd player a free win.

At least red got busted :lol: I knew there was something fishy going on with the way red played.
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