As Conquer Club wakens from its long slumber and moves forward, it needs the newsletter to grow and expand. For that, we need YOU. Yes, you. In other words, we need fresh blood on the writing staff. We need some new ideas, some new talent, and perhaps even some old talent that would like to return!
The following are our existing bureaus, along with some of the things they write about. Can you see yourself helping them? If so, write to the chiefs of those bureaus, or write to me if you prefer.
Oh, and did I mention medals? Dispatch writers get the best deal of any volunteers on the site: a GC medal every quarter, provided that you're written at least four articles during that quarter!
Mess Hall
Here in the Freestyle Department, we're a bit more free spirited than the other sections. If you've got ideas for CC themed articles or columns that don't pertain to any one area, we're the place for you!
- Got a great idea for talking about the vicissitudes of luck (aka dice)? We'd like to hear about it!
- Want to crowdsource a war movie and need some ideas? We're interested!
- Got an itch to highlight some of the more buzzworthy threads? We're all ears!
Platoon Report
There is always a lot going on in the clan world here on Conquer Club, and we want to cover as much of it as we can! The Platoon Report is currently looking for writers that would be interested in any combination of the following:
- Following one or more major clan events (Clan League, Conqueror's Cup, Random League, 1v1 League, Newcomers Cup,....) and reporting results, top performers, and anything else relevant to readers who want to know more about what is going on in the event!
- Researching interesting active wars between clans to bring attention to new ideas and arrangements that make clan wars fun!
- Interviewing clan members and leaders so that readers can learn more about other players.
- Any other sort of writings about the clan world... limited only by your own creativity!
War Games
The tournament scene is ever changing and ever expanding as the site expands all its gameplay features, and we want to capture all the happenings right here! All we require is an interest in the tournament scene - so whether you're a new fish in the pond, a veteran, a participant, an organiser, or even just a weird stalker of tournaments - we're more than glad to have you on board!
Some areas where we currently need help are:
- Reporters for 'Join This? Or Not!'. We're looking for someone to help out, or even take over this regular section which highlights interesting tournaments in sign ups!
- Interviewers with charisma. We have an interview series with a long history, the 'Meet the Tournament Winners/Organisers/Directors' feature. There's no such thing as having too many interviews, so the more the merrier!
- Writers with a little perspective. Got an opinion on the ongoings on the tournament scene? Have a few tips to share with other TOs out there? Well why not put those into words in the Dispatch!
- Anyone with an idea. We're open to any suggestions that you want us to see reporting about or commenting on regarding the tournament scene. If you can see those ideas to fruition with us, even better!
Cartographic Surveillance
Cartographic Surveillance takes us around Foundry, to look at maps in development, the mapmakers and their techniques. Most of the time it looks into the future at the maps of tomorrow, but often it also looks at the maps of yesterday. If you are a mapmaker past, present or future, or if you have opinions about mapmaking that you would like to share, we would love to hear from you.