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FreeFalling123 & jdw35 [blocked] [ka]

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Re: FreeFalling123 & jdw35

Postby iAmCaffeine on Tue Feb 18, 2014 6:11 am

That is also the very minimum that should happen here.
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Re: FreeFalling123 & jdw35

Postby Armandolas on Tue Feb 18, 2014 6:36 am

So you are saying JD is FF's bitch?
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Re: FreeFalling123 & jdw35

Postby FreeFalling123 on Tue Feb 18, 2014 7:28 am

wow Caf, ball bust much? what did we ever do to you? you are just mad I won 6 out of the last 10 gamse I played with you. Ban me from freestyle if u really want to address the issue. I'm too damn good. No shit you think I'm cheating. I would too! Like I said, I've been trying to record my games just to show you how focused and skilled I am... nobody uses the systems I am using to play these games and nobody executes like I do. Obviously, I have a friendship with jdw, but he is faster than me and can beat me. Both of our winning percentages drop to some degree when we are both present... hell everyones winning percentages probably drop when I am in the game.... but also look at how much more I stand to lose.... I have to win app. 40% to gain points against a table average of 2.5k and if there are players lower than that....other wise I would go play some right now
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Re: FreeFalling123 & jdw35

Postby iAmCaffeine on Tue Feb 18, 2014 7:41 am

Why are even saying all of that? Not once have I said you're not a good player; I have said the exact opposite several times. I don't care about points, I think my games and hugely fluctuating score show that. If you've done nothing wrong then there is no need to get so worked up. However, at the very least your friendship affects the way you both play, although I think there is more than that going on.
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Re: FreeFalling123 & jdw35

Postby FreeFalling123 on Tue Feb 18, 2014 7:53 am

I would play more recent games with jdw but u will have to find high rankers. This won't happen for awhile since jdw doesn't have good internet anyways.. I don't know why you are getting all worked up if you have nothing to lose.

edit: and plus only 1 of those games in that huge listing had any meaning to any of us. I won the game when I had 3.5k and then I was too scared to play more. And the fact that I've been talking about making a conq run since 2011 just shows that it is somewhat of a joke. The fact that I won key games into my conq run should be more proof that I have been playing well lately and am more deserving, but of course people will say I cheated and have been cheating since the beginning. If I had lost those games what would you say? Of course I am more offended then anything, but it's funny you have held these things in until a moment like this.
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Re: FreeFalling123 & jdw35 [DCR]

Postby Metsfanmax on Tue Feb 18, 2014 8:55 am

Cheating aside, does it not make sense as a general precautionary measure to block known RL friends/housemates from playing together in non-team games?
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Re: FreeFalling123 & jdw35 [DCR]

Postby iAmCaffeine on Tue Feb 18, 2014 9:11 am

Metsfanmax wrote:Cheating aside, does it not make sense as a general precautionary measure to block known RL friends/housemates from playing together in non-team games?

As I said before, this is the minimum that should happen here.

@FF - The timing happened to coincide with you attaining conqueror. It would have happened earlier if you weren't banned for a month. I didn't want to report when you couldn't defend yourself.

Also, I am simply the voice for this. I looked into everything extensively after it had been brought to my attention.
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Re: FreeFalling123 & jdw35 [DCR]

Postby FreeFalling123 on Tue Feb 18, 2014 10:52 am

what does DCR mean?

so you are saying other players have an undair DISadvantage playing doodles against jdw & myself? Furthermore, you are implying that we aid each other, either psychologically or purposefully and that is what leads to this disadvantage... as shown statistically.... And this is proven because we account sit for each other and are greater friends than most random CC players.

Wow okay CAF... first of all MY winning chances decreases with him in the game.. and HIS winning chances also decrease as well as every other player who has to play us. WEIRD! What does that mean? Well first of all my winning percentage is already totally absurd. Put me against any player and they are going to lose more often just because I am in the game.... If you think we are somehow setting each other up, again either psychologically or purposefully to win the games, then why do both of our winning percentages decrease? I do not think that you understand common mathematics if that is what you base this review on. I really don't agree with anything that is being said here about cheating or abusing our friendship to our own advantage. This whole discussion makes me really sad..... why the hell would I need to cheat and why would any player cheat for my benefit? The only game that has mattered for me was the 1 game when I was at 3,500 points and I went clutch to win it. If you are trying to take that away from me because jdw was in that game then seriously you have some issues.
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Re: FreeFalling123 & jdw35 [DCR]

Postby #1_stunna on Tue Feb 18, 2014 11:02 am

dcr is handling your C&A report

Deathcomerippin or some shit like that.

12:17:31 ‹Pixar› im gonna be fappin to that all night long
10:59:12 ‹rhp 1› holy hell... that did it.. I pissed myself
15:15:52 ‹Ace Rimmer› Sackett58, I think I may get some action this weekend
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Re: FreeFalling123 & jdw35 [DCR]

Postby FreeFalling123 on Tue Feb 18, 2014 11:19 am

just to support my statement, I am 104/278 without jdw present or 37.4% and with jdw present I am 54/150 or 36%... I know tremendous difference.. my average is a whole 1.4% higher without jdw being there...... and his is a little more than that... with 27/150 with me at a whopping 18% and without me he is at 31/134 or 23%... which I will add also accoutns for like 60 games when he was a total noob before I started playing these
6, standard, freestyle, esc, no fog, no trench, speed... on doodle

wow we must really suck at cheating if we lose more often when we are doing it :P

I vote 1 week ban on CAF for being a total twat..... seriously dude do some research before you go on about how we throw games to each other constantly and help each other with our so called friendship.... obviously you have no idea what you are talking about
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Re: FreeFalling123 & jdw35 [DCR]

Postby #1_stunna on Tue Feb 18, 2014 11:28 am

FreeFalling123 wrote:just to support my statement, I am 104/278 without jdw present or 37.4% and with jdw present I am 54/150 or 36%... I know tremendous difference.. my average is a whole 1.4% higher without jdw being there...... and his is a little more than that... with 27/150 with me at a whopping 18% and without me he is at 31/134 or 23%... which I will add also accoutns for like 60 games when he was a total noob before I started playing these
6, standard, freestyle, esc, no fog, no trench, speed... on doodle

wow we must really suck at cheating if we lose more often when we are doing it :P

I vote 1 week ban on CAF for being a total twat..... seriously dude do some research before you go on about how we throw games to each other constantly and help each other with our so called friendship.... obviously you have no idea what you are talking about

Wait, i am pretty sure he did a pretty massive amount of research...

no need to get all defensive and start name calling. makes you look guilty.

if you didnt cheat, you didnt cheat. the Jr Mods will determine that.

if you did cheat, you cheated. the Jr Mods will determine that.

12:17:31 ‹Pixar› im gonna be fappin to that all night long
10:59:12 ‹rhp 1› holy hell... that did it.. I pissed myself
15:15:52 ‹Ace Rimmer› Sackett58, I think I may get some action this weekend
15:16:05 ‹Sackett58› Right hand or left Ace?
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Re: FreeFalling123 & jdw35 [DCR]

Postby deathcomesrippin on Tue Feb 18, 2014 11:54 am

Pertinent posts only, please. Thanks guys.
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Re: FreeFalling123 & jdw35 [DCR]

Postby iAmCaffeine on Tue Feb 18, 2014 11:59 am

#1_stunna wrote:
FreeFalling123 wrote:just to support my statement, I am 104/278 without jdw present or 37.4% and with jdw present I am 54/150 or 36%... I know tremendous difference.. my average is a whole 1.4% higher without jdw being there...... and his is a little more than that... with 27/150 with me at a whopping 18% and without me he is at 31/134 or 23%... which I will add also accoutns for like 60 games when he was a total noob before I started playing these
6, standard, freestyle, esc, no fog, no trench, speed... on doodle

wow we must really suck at cheating if we lose more often when we are doing it :P

I vote 1 week ban on CAF for being a total twat..... seriously dude do some research before you go on about how we throw games to each other constantly and help each other with our so called friendship.... obviously you have no idea what you are talking about

Wait, i am pretty sure he did a pretty massive amount of research...

no need to get all defensive and start name calling. makes you look guilty.

if you didnt cheat, you didnt cheat. the Jr Mods will determine that.

if you did cheat, you cheated. the Jr Mods will determine that.



FreeFalling123 wrote:just to support my statement, I am 104/278 without jdw present or 37.4% and with jdw present I am 54/150 or 36%... I know tremendous difference.. my average is a whole 1.4% higher without jdw being there...... and his is a little more than that... with 27/150 with me at a whopping 18% and without me he is at 31/134 or 23%... which I will add also accoutns for like 60 games when he was a total noob before I started playing these
6, standard, freestyle, esc, no fog, no trench, speed... on doodle

wow we must really suck at cheating if we lose more often when we are doing it :P

I vote 1 week ban on CAF for being a total twat..... seriously dude do some research before you go on about how we throw games to each other constantly and help each other with our so called friendship.... obviously you have no idea what you are talking about

Do you actually think I didn't know all of that? I looked into this extensively, like I said. Simple explanation is that when you're not in the same game together you always play to win, but when you do play together you play 'for each other', shall we say.
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Re: FreeFalling123 & jdw35 [DCR]

Postby georgizhukov on Tue Feb 18, 2014 12:07 pm

I would be interested in seeing there freestyle doubles game communication. I don't even know if that is possible by the mods, though. I think that could give some insight in if they are in contact in the real world. No way they could play those games without talking in the games unless they are talking to each other outside of cc as they play. If they are communicating as expected in those games ,to me that goes a far way to establishing that they at least are not communicating outside cc. Just a thought.
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Re: FreeFalling123 & jdw35 [DCR]

Postby deathcomesrippin on Tue Feb 18, 2014 12:31 pm

Kids these days.

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Re: FreeFalling123 & jdw35 [ka]

Postby king achilles on Tue Feb 25, 2014 8:09 pm

After reviewing the evidence to back up the possible secret diplomacy between the accused, we find there is not enough to confirm a secret alliance but I believe there is some partiality going on due to the friendship developed by these two players as per the suspicions by different players from these different games mentioned in this report and pm received. We can say that they are good players and knows how to win a game, but it's just too hard to ignore all the suspicions and distrust that the different players was able to come up with when they played them. They have been blocked from playing together.
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