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FreeFalling123 & jdw35 [blocked] [ka]

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FreeFalling123 & jdw35 [blocked] [ka]

Postby iAmCaffeine on Mon Feb 17, 2014 4:47 pm


The accused are suspected of:
Conducting Secret Diplomacy: I, amongst others, believe that the above players work together in freestyle games to give the best chances of one of them winning. I will compile all evidence for this below.

FreeFalling123 and jdw35 have played a total of 568 games together.
  • 238 of these games were not team games
  • They have played 39 1v1 games against each other.
  • 199 games have been multiplayer standard, assassin or terminator
    • FreeFalling123 has won 71
    • jdw35 has won 43
    • That means 114 out of 199 games were won by one of these players, the vast majority being six player games. That is a ridiculously high percentage.
    • Note: only 3 battle royales are included in this

Please note, I use the term 'suicides' several times below. This also refers to 'noobing' another player, which basically means you kill at least one of their stacks and, as a result, make the game virtually un-winnable for either player.

Game 11822165 - jdw35 wins. FreeFalling123 claims to be "hitting all the wrong buttons", except he's meant to be a top player, and even says himself: "I'm really good at this game".

Game 11822182 - jdw35 wins. FreeFalling123 is the last eliminated even though, according to game chat, swimmerdude99 was in a winning position and therefore strongest, so presumably should be last eliminated.

Game 11823135 - FreeFalling123 wins. jdw35 suicides into dildobaggins.

Game 12196002 - jdw35 wins. FreeFalling123 suicides.

Game 12414477 - FreeFalling123 wins. jdw35 suicides.

Game 12446184 - FreeFalling123 wins. jdw35 suicides into marijus and is killed by FF123 a whole 16 seconds later; a good freestyle player can cash and deploy three times in that time frame.

Game 12446522 - FreeFalling123 wins. jdw35 suicides. Note: Great-Ollie suspect both players of working together.

Game 12446606 - FreeFalling123 wins. jdw35 creates a card spot exclusively for the both of them. Note: Great-Ollie suspect both players of working together.

Game 12447584 - FreeFalling123 wins. jdw35 suicides.

Game 12448519 - FreeFalling123 wins. jdw35 goes for a stupidly early kill at a 6 cash and proceeds to hit [Game]Mageplunka69[/Game] for the majority of the game, allowing FF123 to clean up once he cashes.

Game 12448622 - FreeFalling123 wins. jdw35 gives a kill away.

Game 12481186 - tsioumiou seems to be suggesting that his only chance at winning is by trying under-the-odds 15v18, telling FF123 it's his only chance to win "the way you run".

Game 12481420 - FreeFalling123 wins. jdw35 suicides.

Game 12485294 - jdw35 wins. FreeFalling123 kills SamSosa99 for one card. There is no strategic reason to do that.

Game 12504656 - jdw35 wins. FreeFalling123 suicides into tsioumiou.

Game 13347840 - FreeFalling123 wins. jdw35 suicides.

Game 13347947 - FreeFalling123 wins. Gabriel13 suggests there is fowl play, saying "You suicided into him first, FF" and also "You and your boyfriend go suck eachother's dicks again."

Game 13398923 - FreeFalling123 wins. jdw35 suicides and rhp 1 says the following: "HOLY f*ck JDW... reported... you cheating f*ck", "I didn't think you two were in cahoots... man I was wrong" and "wow... weakest guy won... I wonder how that happened", among other things. Also, rhp also says the following in Game 13399029: "you two cheated... or you fkn blow" (both jdw and FF123 are experienced freestyle players, so they don't 'blow'), and "just waitin for jd to auto someone for no reason and give ff the game".

Game 13410106 - FreeFalling123 wins. jdw35 suicides into mtdewgmc knowing he can't mid-cash, and allows FF123 to win.

Game 13480461 - FreeFalling123 wins. jdw35 suicides into demonfork.

Game 13483946 - FreeFalling123 wins. jdw35 suicides into Frox333.

Game 13563850 - FreeFalling123 wins. jdw35 suicides into patrick1234321.

Game 13599345 - FreeFalling123 wins. jdw35 suicides.

Game 13603219 - FreeFalling123 wins. jdw35 suicides.

Game 13628819 - FreeFalling123 wins. jdw35 suicides into stevenshome.

Game 13819271 - jdw35 wins. FreeFalling123 suicides into Frox333.

Let the shit storm commence.
Last edited by iAmCaffeine on Mon Feb 17, 2014 6:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FreeFalling123 & jdw35

Postby betiko on Mon Feb 17, 2014 5:11 pm

+5 saxibucks to caf for his patience!
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Re: FreeFalling123 & jdw35

Postby Great-Ollie on Mon Feb 17, 2014 5:56 pm

No shocker here, those two have been working over the freestyle scene for a long time. I refuse to play freestyle games when they are both involved.
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Re: FreeFalling123 & jdw35

Postby rhp 1 on Mon Feb 17, 2014 6:25 pm

I'm only gonna post cause I was mentioned by name....

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Re: FreeFalling123 & jdw35

Postby iAmCaffeine on Mon Feb 17, 2014 6:28 pm

rhp 1 wrote:I'm only gonna post cause I was mentioned by name....


I thought you'd appreciate that bub.

Great-Ollie wrote:No shocker here, those two have been working over the freestyle scene for a long time. I refuse to play freestyle games when they are both involved.


betiko wrote:+5 saxibucks to caf for his patience!

More like 50, yo.
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Re: FreeFalling123 & jdw35

Postby NoSurvivors on Mon Feb 17, 2014 6:42 pm

Though the evidence is rather compelling... I would like to give benefit of the doubt to FF and jdw just because I know they are both good people and neither of them need to do that in order for them to win games. But, my opinion isn't really relevant evidence I suppose.

iAmCaffeine wrote:Let the shit storm commence.

Couldn't have said it better myself.


I feel like many of these could very well be due to the fact that jdw/FF123 killed right after x player cashed, making it SEEM like it was stupid when really they just thought ther were fast enough to get that player before he cashed.... look into that, because it could be arrogance ;). Also, 20 examples arent really relevant when theyve played like 200...


However it is possible for some of these that they did considering they were friends irl. I will never know for sure, but again, benefit of the doubt IMO.
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Re: FreeFalling123 & jdw35

Postby betiko on Mon Feb 17, 2014 7:01 pm

aren't they room mates? think I heard that. rl friends for sure.
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Re: FreeFalling123 & jdw35

Postby Armandolas on Mon Feb 17, 2014 7:27 pm

betiko wrote:aren't they room mates? think I heard that. rl friends for sure.

no..that was the ex conquerer and his chinese named friend...strategy was the same though
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Re: FreeFalling123 & jdw35

Postby FreeFalling123 on Mon Feb 17, 2014 7:35 pm

Hey iAC if you wanted to know my strategies you could have just asked? And am I not allowed to make mistakes in a game that is decided in a 5 second spurt the majority of the time? If not I will gladly fess up to about 50% of the time blowing the game on some unintentional "retarded of me" stack smack. To be good you can't be afraid of missing your chances or giving the game to another player. Jd goes for lower percentage kills then I do and I know it. Same thing with a lot of players out there...... If you need me to admit I'm not perfect you got me.......I'm just as vulnerable in these games as any other player even with a game of NOS, Jd, gabby, kraph, rhp etc.
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Re: FreeFalling123 & jdw35

Postby jdw35 on Mon Feb 17, 2014 8:21 pm

I believe that Caf is due some credit here for all the research he did, very impressive post my friend! You have done a masterful job of highlighting games in which it appears that either Free or myself have thrown the game in the others direction. With that being said, unfortunately all of your hard work is for none. I can't speak for Free, but I personally can say that I have never deliberately thrown a game in order for FF to win. I am far too competitive to concede points like that, and in many of the games you have posted I have been very verbal about how frustrated I was with the outcome of the game.

Anyone who has played enough doodle freestyle games, especially the standard games with escalating spoils, knows how hectic the rounds that involve the cashes and kills can be. Moves are made in the final seconds of the rounds that can either make or break a persons chance of winning, and often times there is at least one person who is unhappy with the outcome. I can't even begin to describe how many times I have lagged out at the end of a turn and missed a crucial card, or how many times I have clicked to attack a territory only to find that once my page refreshed that another player had clicked at the exact same time. It is just part of how the games are played, and there is no debating that. I enjoy playing the doodle games for the rush that you get when you steal a kill, or make a play that allows you to sweep the map at the very end of a round.

Before you get further into this message, I want to say that I am currently working in an orphanage in mexico, so I do not have the time to go through every game and pick out the evidence to counter Caf's accusations. He clearly spent a lot of time and energy on this post, also waiting until Free made it conqueror shows impressive patience. I also am unable to map rank any games as my internet is too slow to handle the number of games involved in the searches.

With the numbers you have presented you show that I win 21% of the freestyle games that I play with FF. You show FF winning 36%. You claim these to be ridiculous numbers, but if you would map rank other good freestyle players such as Gabby or KOG or RHP or Ollie or jdsizzle or any of the other players who are involved in the 6player doodles you would see that really its not that far fetched. I do not know the restrictions you put on your map rank, so i can't really say what settings were included. I know that if you would map rank gabby with 6 player doodle freestyle speed games you would see he probably wins around 25%, and i see him as being one of the better players.

You have failed to show the examples of games where I have screwed FF over, or games in which he has hit my stack causing me to lose. You also failed to include any of the game logs that show the time that these attacks/forts/cashes were being made at.

I guess we will leave that up to the mods to look through.

As I stated earlier, I am very competitive and hate to lose. I have come very far since I started playing on this site, and I am very proud of the games I have won. I used to be very poor player, often times hovering in and around the cook rank. I have perhaps made one of the biggest jumps in terms of overall points, making it all the way up to 3850 points. and on the other end of things, FreeFalling has always been a better player than me, working his way to the top spot. He is very deserving of the position, and I believe him to be one of the best on the site. Free would have no reason to throw a game in my direction as he always had way more points to lose than everyone else in the games.

Everyone here most likely knows about Free getting the 1 month ban for playing games on Doc Dice's account, but what people don't know is that I am the one who reported him. I have a ton of respect for the guy and I really enjoy playing with him and learning from him, but I still reported him right after I found out he was playing games on docs account. While he was on Docs account he won a couple games i was involved in, and it really bothered me. I believe that no one is above the rules of the game. You are accusing us of working together, but if I wanted to help him so badly, then why would I say anything to the mods about him playing on docs account? and for the record, we are not roommates lol I do not even live in the same state as FF, and the only contact we have had outside of CC is an occasional Facebook chat involving a funny video or checking up how life is going.

With all of this being said, I do not wish to start any drama, and I do not want this to affect any friendships I have made on the site. I thoroughly enjoy playing the game for what it is, and I hope to continue to play for quite some time. I have faith that the mods will take the proper time needed to look into this case, as it involves a large amount of games. This will be the only post I make regarding this topic, as I have much better things to focus my attention on here at the orphanage.
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Re: FreeFalling123 & jdw35

Postby FreeFalling123 on Mon Feb 17, 2014 8:28 pm

yeah I'm actually really impressed with this list... it's a highlight reel for sure. Too bad we can't watch the replays. The best part about all of this... my winning percentage actually drops when jd is in the game because he poses such a tremendous threat and isn't afraid to screw me over. Anyone have map rank working? Someone should look how different players effect my winning percentage... I know for sure my winning percentages increase tenfold with rhp or iAC playing ;P
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Re: FreeFalling123 & jdw35

Postby georgizhukov on Mon Feb 17, 2014 9:09 pm

I have played a lot of freestyle games with these guys as well. I certainly hope there is nothing to it and I don't really think they conduct a secret diplomacy. They obviously play many games together and are friends at least on the site which will obviously impact the way that they play each other if they do it purposely or not. I will say that I will not join a doodle that they are both involved in anymore as well..probably because I know I won't win regardless if I just suck or w/e is going on. I know this is not the first time they have been implicated by many highly regarded players, though, so I agree that there relationship should be looked at again.
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Re: FreeFalling123 & jdw35

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Tue Feb 18, 2014 1:06 am

FreeFalling123 wrote:Hey iAC if you wanted to know my strategies you could have just asked? And am I not allowed to make mistakes in a game that is decided in a 5 second spurt the majority of the time? If not I will gladly fess up to about 50% of the time blowing the game on some unintentional "retarded of me" stack smack. To be good you can't be afraid of missing your chances or giving the game to another player. Jd goes for lower percentage kills then I do and I know it. Same thing with a lot of players out there...... If you need me to admit I'm not perfect you got me.......I'm just as vulnerable in these games as any other player even with a game of NOS, Jd, gabby, kraph, rhp etc.
FreeFalling123 wrote:yeah I'm actually really impressed with this list... it's a highlight reel for sure. Too bad we can't watch the replays. The best part about all of this... my winning percentage actually drops when jd is in the game because he poses such a tremendous threat and isn't afraid to screw me over. Anyone have map rank working? Someone should look how different players effect my winning percentage... I know for sure my winning percentages increase tenfold with rhp or iAC playing ;P

Hey! I'm here ya know! I'm offended! :D

Game 13822798
Game 13810709
Game 13789709
Game 13789475
Game 13784097
Game 13783960
Game 13608658
Game 13552569
Game 13547731
Game 13511358
Game 13504730
Game 13345006
Game 13170432
Game 13170431
Game 13170346
Game 13141739
Game 13095703
Game 13016047
Game 12649841
Game 12506609
Game 12495424
Game 12479482
Game 12479453
Game 12436550
Game 12429779
Game 12429650
Game 12414785
Game 12149851
Game 11922743
Game 11418152
Game 11270341
Game 11270236
Game 11257030
Game 11256982
Game 10989785

These are all the games with FF in them with me in the game. You see here that jdw is in very few of them, and that FF probably wins 50% of the games in this list. If you also look, Great-Ollie, rhp, and other various noobs win these games. Even I won maybe 5.

Honestly, FF and jdw have the talent to win games like these by themselves.
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Re: FreeFalling123 & jdw35

Postby Swimmerdude99 on Tue Feb 18, 2014 1:17 am

FreeFalling just kicks butt... plain and simple. I've played enough to know they don't help each other on purpose. I was once a freestyler myself (however poorly played) and I have won my fair share and lost my fair share. But it was never so hard to win as when I played one or both of these guys. And that doesn't mean its harder to win with 2 of them in it because they team up. They are just good players.
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Re: FreeFalling123 & jdw35

Postby Gabriel13 on Tue Feb 18, 2014 2:16 am

I made an accusation on them a while ago too, but I realized later that I was wrong and simply pissed off. They were cleared, so you might as well not try. Also, just from looking at a few of these games, they were completely accident. For example, the last one on the list... You can clearly see that Frox reinforced at the same second that FF attacked. I'm sure many of those are like that. Maybe you should actually look a the logs before using games as evidence..
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Re: FreeFalling123 & jdw35

Postby king achilles on Tue Feb 18, 2014 3:04 am

These are all 6 player Doodle earth speed games?

The first 3 games were in 2012.
The next 22 games were in 2013.
The last game was in January 2014.

I don't want this to be a witch hunt but can we have a much more recent games as evidence? I don't want any incoming future secret diplomacy report where the games in reference are dated back in 2010.
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Re: FreeFalling123 & jdw35

Postby betiko on Tue Feb 18, 2014 3:10 am

Armandolas wrote:
betiko wrote:aren't they room mates? think I heard that. rl friends for sure.

no..that was the ex conquerer and his chinese named friend...strategy was the same though

No wasn t talking about kiron and chiang wang or whatever was his name.
Apparently it s not ff and jdw, but there were 2 guys from the speed freestylers that were rl friends going at the same university.. Can t remember who.
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Re: FreeFalling123 & jdw35

Postby iAmCaffeine on Tue Feb 18, 2014 3:11 am

Yeah, this is all I expected. Anyone that comes to the defence of FF123 and jdw, I won't reply to, apart from themselves.

I am well aware how these games are played and there are split second decisions. So if that's the case, which it is, why are there times when you take so long to cash and suddenly one has killed the other?

If the mods declare I am wrong about this then that's fine. Even if there isn't secret diplomacy to throw games, the fact that they're friends quite obviously influences how they play.

@NoS - Yeah, I just posted the game numbers that were so blatantly abuse. If I had the time to last night to check games where they exclusively make card spots for just the two of them, or one agrees to hit a certain region for the other, there would be a lot more posted.

Fastposted by KA - I will compile more evidence, sure. As aforementioned I only listed the most obvious games. Naturally, if this is abuse then it happens in all their games. It's pretty odd that two players who have over 300 team games together have almost as many standard games against each other.

Also, leading up to FF123 trying for conqueror, he wins a highly unlikely amount of games with no losses, which jdw35 is involved in.

Edit: I would also like to add that these two are good friends. They account sit for each other and have each other's mobile/cell numbers. I will bring more evidence forward this evening.
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Re: FreeFalling123 & jdw35

Postby nietzsche on Tue Feb 18, 2014 3:22 am

A few years ago, before speed games were available, we used to play RT games. 6 player, escalating games and every player started his turn right after the other ended.

We were almost always the same players, some came and went, but there were a few that played those games more often. Among these players there was Scott-Land. A cool dude to play and talk to if you were on his good side. He had this thing though, he used to nag. He had a particular way of nagging, as if he was nagging but didn't care. I think this nagging, added to the fact that it was actually fun to hang with him, that led to the behaviour I'm about to describe: some players would, when they found they had no options, help him win, by attacking other players in moves that could be said to be random, or without malice, but that with the pass of time one learned to know it was a pattern. Among these players (and not the only ones) that would help him win were Tisha and Bruceswar, now, I hope they don't read this, cause I actually like them, but they did it nevertheless, and more than once it was in my detriment.

More than once I think this was brought up to C&A and it was impossible to prove it.

I once posted about a couple of players that did the same, without knowing it had been posted before, I made a good report and they were not punished. In the third report I think they were noted. I stopped following them after the infamous [noted].

This is going nowhere. Sorry to tell you Caff.

edit: gramar
Last edited by nietzsche on Tue Feb 18, 2014 3:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FreeFalling123 & jdw35

Postby iAmCaffeine on Tue Feb 18, 2014 3:28 am

I am actually aware of this, and Scott-Land and Bruceswar were punished and caught.
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Re: FreeFalling123 & jdw35

Postby nietzsche on Tue Feb 18, 2014 3:50 am

iAmCaffeine wrote:I am actually aware of this, and Scott-Land and Bruceswar were punished and caught.

were they? funny, i had it in my mind this was never punished.
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Re: FreeFalling123 & jdw35

Postby benga on Tue Feb 18, 2014 4:07 am

nietzsche wrote:
iAmCaffeine wrote:I am actually aware of this, and Scott-Land and Bruceswar were punished and caught.

were they? funny, i had it in my mind this was never punished.

lol, you learn new thing every day

btw every concqueror needs at least one C&A report :mrgreen:
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Re: FreeFalling123 & jdw35

Postby iAmCaffeine on Tue Feb 18, 2014 4:19 am

benga wrote:
nietzsche wrote:
iAmCaffeine wrote:I am actually aware of this, and Scott-Land and Bruceswar were punished and caught.

were they? funny, i had it in my mind this was never punished.

lol, you learn new thing every day

btw every concqueror needs at least one C&A report :mrgreen:

Conqueror or not this report was going to happen.
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Re: FreeFalling123 & jdw35

Postby iAmCaffeine on Tue Feb 18, 2014 4:19 am

nietzsche wrote:
iAmCaffeine wrote:I am actually aware of this, and Scott-Land and Bruceswar were punished and caught.

were they? funny, i had it in my mind this was never punished.

I was told they were.
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Re: FreeFalling123 & jdw35

Postby Bruceswar on Tue Feb 18, 2014 5:03 am

nietzsche wrote:
iAmCaffeine wrote:I am actually aware of this, and Scott-Land and Bruceswar were punished and caught.

were they? funny, i had it in my mind this was never punished.


Not to get off topic... But a quick breakdown here. Me and Scott never cheated. I never helped anybody win any games. I doubt there is anything going on here. FF is a not one to let someone else win nor is jdw35.


Re: And so the Cheating Continues [block]

Postby Twill on Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:21 am
King and FP asked me to look into this case.

There is no direct evidence that there is any cheating going on, but there is a statistically significant variation between when bruce is and is not in games with scott.

As such, we are taking the precaution of blocking scott-land and brucewar.

This is NOT proof or a decision that either of these two are cheating, it IS a precautionary measure in case anything is going on.

Case closed, moved.


As you can see they do not always need evidence to find a person guilty...
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