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Busted Clerks and sjr6728 have some close alliance going on! [DCR]

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Clerks and sjr6728 have some close alliance going on! [DCR]

Postby FaithnGrace on Sun Feb 16, 2014 1:57 am


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The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomac

Game number(s):


Comments: on four separate occasions, they have initiated play 45 seconds to 1 minute of each other and we are only on round four of the game. Often times, sjr would go first, but to get an advantage, they coordinate attacks at the end and start of turn by targeting an opponent. for example, yellow, pink and blue.
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Re: Clerks and sjr6728 have some close alliance going on!

Postby Serbia on Sun Feb 16, 2014 9:30 am

FaithnGrace wrote:Accused:

Clerks cleeks

The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomac

Game number(s):

Game 14001274

Comments: on four separate occasions, they have initiated play 45 seconds to 1 minute of each other and we are only on round four of the game. Often times, sjr would go first, but to get an advantage, they coordinate attacks at the end and start of turn by targeting an opponent. for example, yellow, pink and blue.

Sigh... cleaned up form just so I can click on links...

EDIT: and awesomely, Clerks doesn't even exist. It's cleeks. Well done here.

saxitoxin wrote:Serbia is a RUDE DUDE
may not be a PRUDE, but he's gotta 'TUDE
might not be LEWD, but he's gonna get BOOED
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Re: Clerks and sjr6728 have some close alliance going on!

Postby notyou2 on Sun Feb 16, 2014 11:55 am

Serbia wrote:
FaithnGrace wrote:Accused:

Clerks cleeks

The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomac

Game number(s):

Game 14001274

Comments: on four separate occasions, they have initiated play 45 seconds to 1 minute of each other and we are only on round four of the game. Often times, sjr would go first, but to get an advantage, they coordinate attacks at the end and start of turn by targeting an opponent. for example, yellow, pink and blue.

Sigh... cleaned up form just so I can click on links...

EDIT: and awesomely, Clerks doesn't even exist. It's cleeks. Well done here.


Give Serb the gold medal for deciphering the original post.
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Re: Clerks and sjr6728 have some close alliance going on! [D

Postby FaithnGrace on Mon Feb 17, 2014 6:46 pm

You should check out the game yourself. Game 14001274. On 10 separate incidences either SJR goes first then Cleeks or vice-versa with 1 minute of each other. What is the coincidences of that. Even I can't even time it that well, let alone, 10 separate times.
Corporal FaithnGrace
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Re: Clerks and sjr6728 have some close alliance going on! [D

Postby FaithnGrace on Mon Feb 17, 2014 6:48 pm

After blaming him(SJR) and Cleeks of cheating, he dared not make a move
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Re: Clerks and sjr6728 have some close alliance going on! [D

Postby clangfield on Tue Feb 18, 2014 5:13 am

FaithnGrace wrote:You should check out the game yourself. Game 14001274. On 10 separate incidences either SJR goes first then Cleeks or vice-versa with 1 minute of each other. What is the coincidences of that. Even I can't even time it that well, let alone, 10 separate times.

You do understand the concept of Freestyle games, don't you? That's pretty much how it works...

BTW to put a link, you need to have [game]Game Number[ /game] (without the space). Hit the Quote button on this post and see how I've edited your original. Try it for youself and hit Preview before posting.
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Re: Clerks and sjr6728 have some close alliance going on! [D

Postby deathcomesrippin on Tue Feb 18, 2014 6:29 am

cleek is busted with cleeky.

sjr6728 is busted with four_lo & andre_valez.
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Re: Clerks and sjr6728 have some close alliance going on! [D

Postby FaithnGrace on Tue Feb 18, 2014 10:51 am

I thank you for your effectiveness and effortlessly working towards purging those that cheat and creating multi. I feel vindicated and all thanks to you guys. Good day to you, sir!
Corporal FaithnGrace
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