Conquer Club

Busted hex010[TFO]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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[These cases have been closed. If you would like to appeal the decision of the hunter please open a ticket on the help page and the case will be looked into by a second hunter.]


Postby hex010 on Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:13 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Point Dumping (joining 100+ games with no intention of playing)

Game number(s):

Game 13994741

I am a multi of the old player Kemmler. I am currently suffering a relapse on Conquerclub, and am deleting myself in the old style. Working out how to shoot up the rankings here without getting caught has been fun. Sorry to everyone adversely affected for the pointdumping.

Kemmler was only a stupid 15 year old kid who was obsessed with becoming a general and who pointdumped because he became fed up of the website. In the years since I pointdumped with Kemmler from general down to cook I have achieved great things. Yet apart from training up my intuition for probability, Conquerclub did nothing for me and will do nothing for you either. I have an extremely addictive personality and need to focus my addictiveness on something truly productive. CC is not productive. I have more serious things to do now, and am at university, where I want to do well and become a professional. One cannot do anything great when one is addicted to games.


014-02-10 04:03:04 - hex010: this game is addictive and will ruin your life
2014-02-10 04:03:12 - hex010: I advise you all to quit now
2014-02-10 04:03:20 - hex010: there are better things in the real world
2014-02-10 04:03:32 - hex010: sex, love, other achievements
2014-02-10 04:03:35 - hex010: games are illusory
2014-02-10 04:03:44 - Ltrain: like water slides and crack!
2014-02-10 04:03:47 - hex010: quit this website now and never come back
2014-02-10 04:03:54 - Wizard2010: I thought this was the real world?
2014-02-10 04:04:05 - hex010: this is a tiny section of the real world
2014-02-10 04:04:07 - hex010: an illusory one
2014-02-10 04:04:13 - hex010: that providesw easy rewards and easy stimulation
2014-02-10 04:04:19 - hex010: a way of avoiding the big questions
2014-02-10 04:04:28 - hex010: your achievements here will never count for anything
2014-02-10 04:04:47 - hex010: millions of -people are starving wihlst you sit in front of your computer screen
2014-02-10 04:05:00 - hex010: you could be doing something to change that right now, but instead you're playing this
2014-02-10 04:05:05 - hex010: i'm going to do something to change it
2014-02-10 04:05:13 - hex010: i'm sorry that i can't play this game with you anymore
2014-02-10 04:05:18 - Ltrain: dude, if i win a random game of which the requirements are not stated, i may randomly be awarded a red star!
2014-02-10 04:06:03 - hex010: join more of my games if you really care about your stupid point score here
2014-02-10 04:06:35 - hex010: now I'm going to report myself so I can quit this addictive website and get on to work
2014-02-10 04:07:30 - Ltrain: you didn't see the recent post? red and green stars can be traded in for top secret govt information
Last edited by hex010 on Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: hex010

Postby demonfork on Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:15 pm

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: hex010

Postby hex010 on Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:18 pm

Also this was one of Kemmler's old avatars, I'm surprised nobody spotted, since most of the players here seem to be oldtimers. Amazing that years of my life have come and gone and some of the old guys are still playing. Kind of sad too... This site hasn't changed much, although very few people play freestyle speed any more, which is a real shame as that used to be, and still is, my favourite way of playing.

Once again sorry guys. If I remember from the Kemmler days, people who joined my pointdumping games got punished, so only join my games if you haven't read this thread :lol:
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Re: hex010

Postby hex010 on Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:21 pm

demonfork wrote::lol: :lol: :lol:

Hi Demon. I remember you. Although you can read this whole thing as a joke, I'm deadly serious about what I say about the real world.

Also, apologies to the player 'zat' and a couple of others.... I took a LOT of points from him using my old freestyle skills (which don't seem to have decayed) and now he has no chance of getting them back.
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Re: hex010

Postby GallantPellham on Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:34 pm

Good luck, and God Bless mate, I hope you find what your looking for. As for me, I'm retired, and I played the board game as a child. I have 2 sons, and a wife. I wind down, and get up here, and play, when it's too cold, rainy, or dark to golf, my real addiction. (when it's not football season.)
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Re: hex010

Postby hex010 on Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:37 pm

GallantPellham wrote:Good luck, and God Bless mate, I hope you find what your looking for. As for me, I'm retired, and I played the board game as a child. I have 2 sons, and a wife. I wind down, and get up here, and play, when it's too cold, rainy, or dark to golf, my real addiction. (when it's not football season.)

Cheers Gallant. I'm glad that you're able to balance CC with other things. I wish I could be as moderate as you... I'm just an obsessive person, and have more or less spent 16 hours a day here over the last few days playing and at a time when I really need to be studying for my degree at Cambridge University. Thanks for your kind words.

Yeah I've had problems... alcohol, drugs, girls, lots of computer games... and CC has been one of the hardest to shake. I'm encouraging anyone else with CC problems to commit CC suicide too. Don't think that because you've built up such a profile here and spent a lot of time on the site that you can't quit. Time already spent is time already spent. It's the future that matters.
Last edited by hex010 on Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: hex010

Postby GallantPellham on Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:39 pm

you'll do it,because you desire to do it! =D>
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Re: hex010

Postby hex010 on Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:52 pm

Also admins, a couple of TIPS:

  • To stop point dumping, add in a feature that stops players like me from making/joining 100s of games in an hour. Set a limit on the number of games that can be created per hour. No sane player joins more than 50 games in an hour.
  • To stop multis, add a little icon next to any player's name that is using the same IP as another player and who is playing in the same game as them. That way it will be obvious for everyone to see, and it will deter multi players and make them super easy to bust. To get the icon removed, if they are family, the players should have to talk to the CC team.
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Re: hex010

Postby CatchersMitt14 on Mon Feb 10, 2014 12:01 am

hex010 - I realize you're point dumping because you find no enjoyment in playing on this site. But why are you trying to take others down with you? You just joined the poly games I set up a few hours ago. I do enjoy playing these games which is why I set them up in the first place. Now all you've succeeded in doing is ruining the experience for someone else. For someone who has "more productive" things to do you are spending a lot of time joining games and posting in this forum. I do hope you find satisfaction in your studies, but please stop joining games. Just shut down your account and leave.
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Re: hex010

Postby aura on Mon Feb 10, 2014 12:27 am

CatchersMitt14 wrote:hex010 - I realize you're point dumping because you find no enjoyment in playing on this site. But why are you trying to take others down with you? You just joined the poly games I set up a few hours ago. I do enjoy playing these games which is why I set them up in the first place. Now all you've succeeded in doing is ruining the experience for someone else. For someone who has "more productive" things to do you are spending a lot of time joining games and posting in this forum. I do hope you find satisfaction in your studies, but please stop joining games. Just shut down your account and leave.

made this account to reply, since they shut down hex010, annoying when you have wall comments and things to say still.

i'm not trying to take others down.... i'm trying to lift them up and out of this thing. i figure time spent helping others is time well spent.

one last note... i also had a relapse about a year ago and managed to get a freemium up to brigadier rank, but i changed his password and email to lock myself out. i wonder if the admins will find this guy too, he's off the scoreboard obviously and was a well respected player. haha. not a problem, because i can never get back into him either.
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Re: hex010

Postby NoSurvivors on Mon Feb 10, 2014 12:40 am

RIP Gary. I love you <3 go kick real life's ass!
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Re: hex010

Postby TheForgivenOne on Mon Feb 10, 2014 12:52 am

Busted with aura, LarsT!, lt1001, leetlars
Game 1675072
2018-08-09 16:02:06 - Mageplunka69: its jamaica map and TFO that keep me on this site
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Re: hex010[TFO]

Postby Razorvich on Mon Feb 10, 2014 6:21 am

The hex cheater has also caused a bug it seems ... d#p4416346

Thanks also for ruining my games I created.

As an adult..... I alone am responsible for the decisions I make in life. If I CHOOSE to play on this site, that is MY business and NOT YOURS

DO you go out and preach to smokers on the corner as well?

I do not need to be preached from someone who obviously has different life goals to my own, and is happy to invite themselves into someone else's life with the express intent to cause CHAOS.

I really hope this is the last time we hear from you.
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Re: hex010[TFO]

Postby gannable on Mon Feb 10, 2014 9:01 am

Game 13994928

Thanks Hex!!!!!!

Hex joined about 10 of my games

I'll probably only get about 50 pts out of the deal but it was still considerate of you to give me some points.


PS - join some of my games with your next multi

PSSS - and before the Lynch Mob circles around saying it was quite a coincidence that Hex joined 10 of gannable's games that he created last night....hmmm, seems mighty suspicious.....

Gannable is about 23-1 on polymorph 3 slots, world 2.1, umlimited. The odds are that gannable would have won all 10 of these games anyway and gained more points; in fact now that i think about it, its kind of annoying because Hex probably cost me about 200 points in these games. If gannable was going to pull any funny business it would have been on a map that he wasn't as proficient.
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Re: hex010[TFO]

Postby chapcrap on Mon Feb 10, 2014 10:59 am

Game 13976181 - For real? I mean he's just screwing people over doing this.
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