White Buffalo
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White Buffalo
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxThe accused are suspected of:
Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Severe PM Abuse
Other: <Explanation>I am not sure what is going on outside the game but I have been playing a doubles game with White Buffalo and after he accused me of not working with him and yelling at me constantly in chat I went and looked at his doubles games he has said he has played so many of and most of them have been against the same person from the clan he has supposedly formed. As the game went on he ignored anything I said in the chat and refused to attack the enemy in certain spots and then began attacking me instead of the other players so he could eliminate me from the game and take the player out on his own. This particular game he has left the spot of g1 un attacked for the last 3 rounds only to attack me even accused me of needing meds and that I was a low life and many other things. I am wondering if you can look into how many of his supposed doubles wins are against the same player and if they have had any communication or is it a simple fact of him using a low lvl player in his clan to build up medals for himself so he can look all that much better but really isn't doing anything other then playing low lvl players to build up his wins and stats. If that is the case is there a way to take the medals back from him and let the leaders of hi clan know so they can take appropriate action as a clan to his actions. Also is there a way to ban him from jumping in doubles games or that everyone knows what he is doing when they join him in a doubles game ahead of time. I don't know what action can be taken here but I do feel wronged and feel as soon as this game is over he is going to leave low feedback for me even though he is the one doing terrible things to cause us problems. I did mess up in one of our doubles games and confessed to messing up to him but other then that it has been him thinking he is mightier then though when we play people from his clan or at least one person from his clan, I am not sure what type of control he has over them. Please help me figure out a resolution to this matter.
Game number(s):
Game 13815945[game]xxxxxxx[/game]