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To The New Owner of CC

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To The New Owner of CC

Postby elfish_lad on Sat Jan 04, 2014 12:02 am

Heya. Happy New Year. The Elf here.

I've been around for a bit. Longer than some. More recent than others. Left for personal reasons. Came back under the same directive. Welcome aboard.

Under the heading of "I'm sure this will get filled under the heading of irrelevant" I thought I would share something I, and others I assume, hope you will pay serious attention to: buy a new dice program.

As an English major and teacher of Philosophy I would label the method/program you (and we paying costumers by extention) are paying for as capricious. That means arbitrary. Mathamatically it means unsupported by reality and not assigned a specific value. That's not a good thing.

Over the Holiday I played a tonne of games and had this regular response from new as well as vet players: this game is not fun a lot of the time. Yeah. There are ways around the capricious nature of the dice: play complicated settings that give you some room for recovery/advantage. Play really challenging maps that do the same. Play polymorphic/team games that give you support when the "dice" bend you over. But it doesn't have to be that way.

Two of my sons (one a math major and the other teaches applied physics at university) took a look at the program you are using and were amazed at how shallow it is mathamatically and statistically. I don't pretend to understand all of the ins and outs of all of that. But I know what I know: this program so very much sucks.

Many of us play other online gaming sites. Like poker. I've never encountered anything as willy-nilly as these dice.

Forget the web design. Forget complaints about 16 year olds running the message board. Forget even the legion of multies. Your business plan would be far better served by investing in a more realistic dice program. You'll keep more players. More freemees would up grade. You'll make more money. And a better business plan I do understand. I hope you get one.

Be Blessed,

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Re: To The New Owner of CC

Postby greenoaks on Sat Jan 04, 2014 12:18 am

do you have proof the dice results are not supported by reality?

your dice stats suggest they are spot on.
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Re: To The New Owner of CC

Postby demonfork on Sat Jan 04, 2014 12:45 am

greenoaks wrote:do you have proof the dice results are not supported by reality?

your dice stats suggest they are spot on.

Jtfc, more of this shit, they just won't listen....
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Re: To The New Owner of CC

Postby elfish_lad on Sat Jan 04, 2014 4:29 am

Damn. I forgot to add... "the light brown jebus has spoken."

Next time.

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Re: To The New Owner of CC

Postby frankiebee on Sat Jan 04, 2014 10:00 am

Blabla I have a major in Philosophy, blabla my son has a math major blabla.

With all those majors you should know that when you state something as a fact, you should have evidence to back it up.
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Re: To The New Owner of CC

Postby degaston on Sat Jan 04, 2014 10:06 am

greenoaks wrote:do you have proof the dice results are not supported by reality?

your dice stats suggest they are spot on.

No, his dice stats (and yours, and everyone else's) suggest that there is a bias against rolling 1's...


The reality is that there's a problem with the dice generation, but no one seems to care because everyone has the same problem, so it's "fair". But when an obvious problem like this will not even be acknowledged and corrected, people may assume much more serious problems with the dice, and denials lack any credibility because truly random dice are not a priority for the site. I know it's just a game, but it's also a business, and you couldn't get away with dice like this on any gambling site, or any other business where true random simulation is important.
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Re: To The New Owner of CC

Postby degaston on Sat Jan 04, 2014 10:44 am

frankiebee wrote:Blabla I have a major in Philosophy, blabla my son has a math major blabla.

With all those majors you should know that when you state something as a fact, you should have evidence to back it up.

Frankie, you were already in the large graph from the "what number do you roll the most" thread, but since then your percentage of 1's has only gotten worse. At 160k rolls, you're still on the low end for sample size.
Plenty of evidence has been given to show that the dice are not random, and I haven't seen anyone show any evidence to refute that.
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Re: To The New Owner of CC

Postby KoolBak on Sat Jan 04, 2014 10:59 am

Well Mr. Doktor Professur Elf....first off, if you're gonna spout all that "I'm so smart" bullshit, at least have the courtesy to spell check your shit :roll:

To the point....aren't we still using ? If so, how the HELL could your super-smart kids "look at the program" and determine it was insufficient?? What a load of crap.....

I'm not supporting the randomness here as gods know it is twitchy / streaky and has pissed me off to the point of breaking shit, but in the long run it's perfect and we all have to deal with the same crap :lol:

Now.....should I start bragging on my boys????
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riskllama wrote:Koolbak wins this thread.
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Re: To The New Owner of CC

Postby frankiebee on Sat Jan 04, 2014 11:16 am

degaston wrote:
frankiebee wrote:Blabla I have a major in Philosophy, blabla my son has a math major blabla.

With all those majors you should know that when you state something as a fact, you should have evidence to back it up.

Frankie, you were already in the large graph from the "what number do you roll the most" thread, but since then your percentage of 1's has only gotten worse. At 160k rolls, you're still on the low end for sample size.
Plenty of evidence has been given to show that the dice are not random, and I haven't seen anyone show any evidence to refute that.

I actively posted in that thread, and to the question:''are the CC dice random?'' I would answer a 100% no, the dice are everything but random.
Howhever, I do not care about it. The community proved that 1's are thrown less then other numbers, and that this ''pattern'' exist for every player on the website. IMO this has no priority to be fixed, I have been dice fucked a lot, but I am also fair enough to acknowledge that I have been lucky a lot of times.

The other dice thread: ''which number do you throw the most'' was a good thread in which the community investigated the dice and came up with a minor problem that should be fixed but doessn't influence the game alot.
This dice thread is a stupid no brainer dice bitch thread made by somebody who has no clue.

In short:
Are the dice random: No
Are the dice fair: Yes
Is this topic a whole lot of bullshit: Yes
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Re: To The New Owner of CC

Postby cmbdiesel on Sat Jan 04, 2014 12:01 pm

KoolBak wrote:Well Mr. Doktor Professur Elf....first off, if you're gonna spout all that "I'm so smart" bullshit, at least have the courtesy to spell check your shit :roll:

To the point....aren't we still using ? If so, how the HELL could your super-smart kids "look at the program" and determine it was insufficient?? What a load of crap.....

I'm not supporting the randomness here as gods know it is twitchy / streaky and has pissed me off to the point of breaking shit, but in the long run it's perfect and we all have to deal with the same crap :lol:

Now.....should I start bragging on my boys????

Well, aren't you a jolly douchebag???
How do you like getting insulted right off in a reply?
And obviously you cannot fathom that some people are doing statistical research on the dice results here, because they have the ability and time to do so.

"It pisses me off to the point of breaking shit"
"It's perfect"

Seriously? You got a problem, and I don't think it's CC.

I agree with other posters that the distribution is skewed and would not be acceptable to other sites.
Why the powers that be haven't come up with something better is a great mystery, and one we likely will not get an answer to.

Only way to effect change is by refusing to pay up.
I reupped now once, but will not pay again.
Between the dice and the DB's this place is about wore out for me.
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Re: To The New Owner of CC

Postby notyou2 on Sat Jan 04, 2014 12:04 pm

IMHO the dice should mimic real dice. Period.
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Re: To The New Owner of CC

Postby elfish_lad on Sat Jan 04, 2014 12:55 pm

greenoaks wrote:do you have proof the dice results are not supported by reality?

your dice stats suggest they are spot on.

Hey mate. You are sane. I'm going to avoid the riffraff who are flaming this post. I meant it as a genuine concern. Not as a complaint. All others who responded as douche bags can continue to live in their parents basements.


The data for my dice are not accurate mate. After about 1500 games, after I was schooled and taught by my betters like King Herpes and Chariot of Fire (must be the first time they were included in the same sentence together) this is what I learned: never roll on this site 5v3 unless you must. Never roll 4v2 unless you have no choice. Never, ever roll 3v2 unless your life depends upon it. And by gawd avoid 2v1 unless your significant other promises sex if you roll and come to bed. Unless... the program is running hot for the attacker. Then take all the damn turns that you can. Although all that is thrown out the window if you are on a map that bombards like Arms Race or Waterloo.

I've earned a 57 to 58% win rate by playing neutral heavy maps. Route 66 and Peloponnesian maps specifically. Unless warranted, I will never roll 3v2 or 4v3. So my stats are loaded by odds. I will generally roll when I have the advantage.

My boys got involved when I was playing a Cook over Christmas break. They were sitting behind me. Giving me shit for playing online while I waited for the oven to beep and the roast to be done. 54 beat 112. 23 beat 71. 35 beat 112 on Mogul. I shrugged. “Normal CC dice,” I said. BS they said. They are smarter than me. I can have them respond privately with their findings if necessary. But I don't think that it is. Necessary that is. We've all seen it.

I posted this on the public board because private concerns have gotten zero response. I'm no big smart guy. I'll play anyone, anytime and give away my crappy points anytime. But as I've come back to this site I realized how much I missed it and think it could be so much better.

So thanks for responding as a tech guy. Shoot me a pm if you want my son's response. I'm sure they would love to give it as the gamer guys that they are.


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Re: To The New Owner of CC

Postby frankiebee on Sat Jan 04, 2014 1:17 pm

elfish_lad wrote:
I'm going to avoid the riffraff who are flaming this post. .... All others who responded as douche bags can continue to live in their parents basements.

Lol :D

elfish_lad wrote:Never roll 4v2 unless you have no choice. Never, ever roll 3v2 unless your life depends upon it. And by gawd avoid 2v1 unless your significant other promises sex if you roll and come to bed. Unless... the program is running hot for the attacker. Then take all the damn turns that you can. Although all that is thrown out the window if you are on a map that bombards like Arms Race or Waterloo.¨

If this is true, you should have an advantage in your dice stats for rolling 2vs2,2vs1 etc. But none of your stats reached more than +1% and some are even -1%.
You post here what is wrong with the dice, and that you never do certain rolls, only when your dice are hot, in that logic you should have a better percentage for the rolls that you don't do so often. If off course... your theory is true, which it isn't.
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Re: To The New Owner of CC

Postby KoolBak on Sat Jan 04, 2014 2:50 pm

I'll miss you when you're gone diesel ;)
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riskllama wrote:Koolbak wins this thread.
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Re: To The New Owner of CC

Postby cmbdiesel on Sat Jan 04, 2014 9:59 pm

KoolBak wrote:I'll miss you when you're gone diesel ;)

Thanks Kool.... glad to see you got a sense of humor. =D>
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Re: To The New Owner of CC

Postby degaston on Sat Jan 04, 2014 10:19 pm

elfish_lad wrote:... The data for my dice are not accurate mate...

Your dice stats don't depend on how many attackers or defenders there are. Each roll of a die is added to your stats independently.

KoolBak wrote:... To the point....aren't we still using ?

They say they are, but if I get dice rolls directly from, they don't show any bias like the CC dice, so they are doing something wrong. Most likely, they are not refreshing their data set, and are re-using a set that has fewer 1's, and more 2's & 4's than it should.
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Re: To The New Owner of CC

Postby KoolBak on Sun Jan 05, 2014 2:11 am

Interesting....can we get a mod / admin in here and testify?
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riskllama wrote:Koolbak wins this thread.
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Re: To The New Owner of CC

Postby spelt on Sun Jan 05, 2014 3:31 pm

There is no frigging way i will renew here unless the dice routine changes. You have to be a special kind of stupid to think or even post the dice routines are fine. I so want my money back. CC i love playing Risk and i'm hook. Please return my money and you'll never hear from me again. Else get used to me telling the truth of these bad dice routines. =D>
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Re: To The New Owner of CC

Postby dividedbyzero on Sun Jan 05, 2014 8:41 pm

KoolBak wrote:Interesting....can we get a mod / admin in here and testify?

No, but you can get me logging in for the first time in 2 years. That's bonus points, right? :)
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Re: To The New Owner of CC

Postby KoolBak on Mon Jan 06, 2014 10:31 am

Awesome to see ya brother.....hope all is well ;)
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riskllama wrote:Koolbak wins this thread.
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Re: To The New Owner of CC

Postby 40kguy on Mon Jan 06, 2014 11:03 am

holly crap stop complaining about the dice! yes sometimes you get bad rolls, other times your get really good rolls. I use to complain all the time, i realize now that you will get bad rolls, you will get good rolls. I guarantee if you complained as much about the good dice as you did the bad you would notice that they even out. The human brain just notices bad things more (or at least mine does)
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Re: To The New Owner of CC

Postby Foxglove on Mon Jan 06, 2014 11:29 am

I miss the good old days when lack was around, and no one complained about dice because they were perfect and random and, in fact, predictably random. I miss the days when past dice were predictors of future dice, so that you would know if you were on a "hot streak" you could count on more good dice ahead, and give thanks to our benevolent dictator.

I miss the days when the forums weren't filled with dice threads created by complaining whinypants. I miss the days before dice stats when players could cry about the fickle nature of the dice without a shred of proof regarding their own history of offensive and defensive rolls.

I'm not sure when those past days were, but surely they must have existed.
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Re: To The New Owner of CC

Postby KoolBak on Mon Jan 06, 2014 11:31 am

:lol: Classic...

I miss those days too!

Foxglove wrote:I miss the good old days when lack was around, and no one complained about dice because they were perfect and random and, in fact, predictably random. I miss the days when past dice were predictors of future dice, so that you would know if you were on a "hot streak" you could count on more good dice ahead, and give thanks to our benevolent dictator.

I miss the days when the forums weren't filled with dice threads created by complaining whinypants. I miss the days before dice stats when players could cry about the fickle nature of the dice without a shred of proof regarding their own history of offensive and defensive rolls.

I'm not sure when those past days were, but surely they must have existed.
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riskllama wrote:Koolbak wins this thread.
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Postby 2dimes on Mon Jan 06, 2014 11:44 am

It's true, nostalgia isn't what it used to be.
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Postby dividedbyzero on Mon Jan 06, 2014 1:13 pm

2dimes wrote:It's true, nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

The future ain't what it used to be.
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