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Postby jghost7 on Mon Dec 23, 2013 8:34 am

Clickies, is on life support after the site update. We need to call in a specialist to help fix this asap. We cant let clickies die.


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Re: Clickies

Postby GallantPellham on Mon Dec 23, 2013 10:19 am

Save Clickies!
The Clickies you save may be your own, I have deleted and reinstalled every thing, i have to refresh the page to make them work!
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Re: Clickies

Postby dgz345 on Mon Dec 23, 2013 4:04 pm

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Re: Clickies

Postby General Brewsie on Fri Jan 03, 2014 10:01 pm

dgz345 wrote:

I've tried all your suggestions for fixing Clickies, but it continues requiring five clicks to advance, eliminating the possibility of Speed games for me and stretching out greatly the time it takes for me to play each turn. This occurs on all maps and on both my computers. I checked out using the new Panel Interface in the game settings, but that is very confusing, so I returned to the old standard panel. How can I get the good ol' Clicky Map tool back?
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Re: Clickies

Postby dgz345 on Sat Jan 04, 2014 7:36 am

what do you mean require 5 clicks? do you have confirme advance in the settings in clickys? that you get a box overhead that says are you sure you want to advance? or what is the problem?
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Re: Clickies

Postby General Brewsie on Sat Jan 04, 2014 8:07 am

Yes, dgz345. Sorry I wasn't clear enough, although I tried to be. I click on the button "Advance," then click on the Confirm button sometimes once, and sometimes as many as five times, but most often it is four times. Also, when I roll the mouse wheel to select the number of troops I want to advance, the quantity does not change by single troop increments. The quantity goes from one troop to four, then seven, etc. Again, this is intermittent and maybe once in ten times (or less) it works correctly.

If you need even more specific information, let me know and I'll set up a Bot game, then describe click by click what happens. A winning assault using the left button of the mouse results in a slightly differently worded instruction response than with a right button win.

Clicking on the squares (I don't know the proper name for them. "Buttons"?) in the "Action" panel also now works differently than before. When win an attack using the buttons in the Action panel I can then click on the Advance button. When I do I get the small confirmation square in the center of the screen with the button "Advance" I am asked to confirm that I want to advance an incorrect number of troops. For example, I could have 20 troops to advance, but the confirmation block wants me to confirm either a larger or smaller number of troops, but in the Action panel the number of troops to confirm is the correct number.
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Re: Clickies

Postby dgz345 on Sat Jan 04, 2014 2:39 pm

sorry i cant help you.
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Re: Clickies

Postby General Brewsie on Sat Jan 04, 2014 3:01 pm

dgz345 wrote:sorry i cant help you.

That's okay. Thanks for trying. Would you happen to know who I might contact about this?
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Re: Clickies

Postby dgz345 on Sun Jan 05, 2014 8:01 am

no i dont. i would proberly be able to solve the problem myself but its hard to guide someone. u use mac or pc?
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Re: Clickies

Postby L M S on Sun Jan 05, 2014 12:31 pm

Anybody know why my personal preferences for clickies don't save from game to game?
Its driving me insane.
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Re: Clickies

Postby General Brewsie on Sun Jan 05, 2014 3:31 pm

dgz345 wrote:no i dont. i would proberly be able to solve the problem myself but its hard to guide someone. u use mac or pc?

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Re: Clickies

Postby General Brewsie on Sun Jan 05, 2014 3:33 pm

L M S wrote:Anybody know why my personal preferences for clickies don't save from game to game?
Its driving me insane.

Clickies has been messed up for at least two weeks now. Everyone must be assuming that the responsible person or team of people will fix it. Oddly enough, the symptoms seem to be different for many people.
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Re: Clickies

Postby mcshanester29 on Sun Jan 05, 2014 5:58 pm

L M S wrote:Anybody know why my personal preferences for clickies don't save from game to game?
Its driving me insane.

It could be if you are in private browsing mode
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Re: Clickies

Postby dgz345 on Sun Jan 05, 2014 7:58 pm

mcshanester29 wrote:
L M S wrote:Anybody know why my personal preferences for clickies don't save from game to game?
Its driving me insane.

It could be if you are in private browsing mode

yea i think it saves as cookies.
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Re: Clickies

Postby dgz345 on Sun Jan 05, 2014 8:00 pm

General Brewsie wrote:
L M S wrote:Anybody know why my personal preferences for clickies don't save from game to game?
Its driving me insane.

Clickies has been messed up for at least two weeks now. Everyone must be assuming that the responsible person or team of people will fix it. Oddly enough, the symptoms seem to be different for many people.

i have no problem using clickys. on windows 8, chrome, this clicky
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