A private invite list for polymorph games, and polymorph games only, in the spirit of Dan O' Wars "Officer's Mess".
What are the social Group Rules
1. Members will agree to receive polymorph game invites from all other members in good standing, either by global private message or invite link.
2. No member is required to join any offered game.
3. Members must maintain membership in a competitive clan -OR- maintain a 4.8 or higher rating -OR- receive super majority poll support from the membership.
4. Members must have officer's rank to accept global invites.
5. Members with less than officer's rank can send invite links only.
Members will:
-play games in a timely fashion.
-not "flood" the list with invites.
Current rosters
Just me ATM. The list should have at least two leaders,so it doesn't die when when the founder drops out.
15-30 members would be about right to start,I think. If the list grows beyond that we may create specialized invite lists eg: poly 2, poly 3, poly 4 only.