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The Crown [closed]

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The Crown [closed]

Postby KraphtOne on Sun Dec 01, 2013 2:53 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Holding games hostage to manipulate the scoreboard...

Game number(s):

Game 13601452
Game 13596556
Game 13630584


His score is up to 4680 points from 1100 in a shade over 24 hours...

Held over 300 games hostage so he could win all of them at one time and shoot his score up 3000 points, therefore winning the monthly leaderboard for november...

this truly means nothing and his score will drop back down very shortly... however he did manipulate the monthly leaderboard and should be disqualified from the prize... as well as a warning for holding games hostage... if neither of those things are done then THAT leaderboard will become as dumb as the total points leaderboard... because he only did this with 500 games or so... in a month using tiny maps you could do this with thousands of games and get your score up to 10k

Some of these were against normal players and he just waited 24 hours to take his turn... but others were against clanmates and they'd just stack and wait and stack and wait... these people should be warned as well...

having said all that this was a very cool way to manipulate the scoreboard lol
Last edited by KraphtOne on Sun Dec 01, 2013 3:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Crown

Postby KraphtOne on Sun Dec 01, 2013 2:58 pm

He has gained 200 points in the time it took me to write this C&A report...
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Re: The Crown

Postby Jippd on Sun Dec 01, 2013 3:07 pm

He is now conqueror. Total abuse of the system if you ask me....purposefully delaying games and creating mass games to purposefully manipulate the scoreboard in order to score dive that low and then finish games that could have been finished earlier to gain a massive amount of points in a short time.
Last edited by Jippd on Sun Dec 01, 2013 3:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Crown

Postby codeblue1018 on Sun Dec 01, 2013 3:10 pm

Jippd wrote:He is now conqueror

5087 points as of 15:09 est. :lol:
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Re: The Crown

Postby codeblue1018 on Sun Dec 01, 2013 3:11 pm

codeblue1018 wrote:
Jippd wrote:He is now conqueror

5087 points as of 15:09 est. :lol:

Make that 5099 15:11 est
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Re: The Crown

Postby jltile1 on Sun Dec 01, 2013 3:19 pm

KraphtOne wrote:He has gained 200 points in the time it took me to write this C&A report...

So if I'm seeing this right he started hundreds of games and all the games he was loosing he played very fast to drop his score. Which looks like he fell pretty low as on the 27th he was getting 30 plus points in a 1v1 game which was against a also lower ranked player. Then decides to make his point run and plays all his winning games out and BOOM shoot up to the top???

About right?
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Re: The Crown

Postby KraphtOne on Sun Dec 01, 2013 3:21 pm

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Re: The Crown

Postby Qwert on Sun Dec 01, 2013 3:23 pm

wow, if he continue in this way, he could brake all record here in CC. He even beat kirron system of cheating.

Well at least need to give hem a credit, for this he really invest a lot time to create very good executed operation of harvesting points in quite short amount of time. And he its also CD mod to.

So are its this time to open congratulation topic in GD, after all he its new conqueror ?
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Re: The Crown

Postby Jippd on Sun Dec 01, 2013 3:26 pm

You can easily see that he was milking games and dragging them out. Go to page 6 or so of his recent games. Then look at the games he has won....for 1 v 1 games there is overkill on his troop count on every single map pretty much as he took his sweet ass time deploying and not ending the game when he could in order to save the win for when he made his run to the top.

Brilliant idea of abusing the system in my opinion but something I don't think should be rewarded. I don't think he deserves a conqueror medal nor the points he earned doing this.
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Re: The Crown

Postby Gilligan on Sun Dec 01, 2013 3:27 pm

This is insane.

To go from 1073 points (Game 13664350) to 5099 in a day and a half is total abuse of the game.

Please do something about this.
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Re: The Crown

Postby jltile1 on Sun Dec 01, 2013 3:30 pm

KraphtOne wrote:yep.

2013-11-29 18:18:33 - TheCrown lost 8 points
2013-11-29 18:18:33 - TheCrown has a score of 1073.

Two days ago. Have to say a well thought plan to cheat the system. But I sure hope he is stripped of his points and give Josko back the top. And I'm sure Ben wants his monthly leader spot as well :lol:
Kinda crazy that a director would do knowing who ever sits up top gets picked through. :roll: This will surely give him the spot light he wanted.
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Re: The Crown

Postby Metsfanmax on Sun Dec 01, 2013 3:35 pm

Jippd wrote:You can easily see that he was milking games and dragging them out. Go to page 6 or so of his recent games. Then look at the games he has won....for 1 v 1 games there is overkill on his troop count on every single map pretty much as he took his sweet ass time deploying and not ending the game when he could in order to save the win for when he made his run to the top.

For the games I looked at that were linked in the OP, I saw 5-10 turns of delay; are there any where there is substantially more than that?
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Re: The Crown

Postby Vid_FISO on Sun Dec 01, 2013 3:36 pm

Bugger! all those ranking points on offer and I'm not facing him in any of our war games, I'm sure that my clan mates will be happy with the boost though :-)
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Re: The Crown

Postby JamesKer1 on Sun Dec 01, 2013 3:39 pm

Wait, didn't Crown have over 700 games or something crazy a few days ago? He is down to 90 now. Please tell me there is nothing wrong with that...

Might be nice to check out Akamiro as a "partner-in-crime" since he has a ton of games with Crown ATM and in the recent past
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Re: The Crown

Postby Metsfanmax on Sun Dec 01, 2013 3:40 pm

What was TheCrown's rating prior to this whole deal? Is there a possible point dumping violation as well?
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Re: The Crown

Postby KraphtOne on Sun Dec 01, 2013 3:41 pm

Game 13596387

it looks to me like this is the oldest one that he is doing this shit with... so he started a couple weeks ago... crazy how easily this works lol
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Re: The Crown

Postby Orange-Idaho-Dog on Sun Dec 01, 2013 3:53 pm

Props where props are due. He obviously invested a lot of time in this scheme, and enlisted a lot of help also.

However, a group of programmers sat down and coded the way the new point systems works. You cannot tell me they didn't see this "flaw" in the system as they were writing it, and they went a head and released the new system anyway. I'm a rusty programmer, and although the only successful coding I did as far as developing a user base was an IRC bot in MSL with command games, I tested the hell out of a script or game add on before I released it for this specific reason. I have no doubt in my mind that the developers knew about this possibility before the new systems release.

Therefor, I find it extremely unfair to punish The Crown for taking advantage of this flaw. I'm positive other players have used this method before, Benga even admitted it in the Bug Reports thread, they just didn't on this scale. The developers and administrators should have seen this coming.

In my opinion, the problem here is the way the system works and the lack of attentiveness whoever is in charge of the system is paying attention to it. A patch should be developed to prevent this from happening again, at least on this scale. But punishing The Crown is not fair because of how many other players have used the same method to jump their scores and gone unpunished. All they did was use the new point system to their advantage, and I honestly see nothing wrong with that on their part.
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Re: The Crown

Postby Metsfanmax on Sun Dec 01, 2013 3:56 pm

There has been no change in the way points are awarded when winning or losing games, as blake said. This has been possible for a long time.
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Re: The Crown

Postby Orange-Idaho-Dog on Sun Dec 01, 2013 4:05 pm

My apologies, I've been gone for over a year and went by hear-say. I should have done my own research first.

Regardless, this being possible for even longer than I realized makes it all the more worse. How many other players have done this? And why hasn't anyone on the development team caught on to this before now?
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Re: The Crown

Postby Qwert on Sun Dec 01, 2013 4:06 pm

elsuper bano


2013-11-22 03:25:00 - gemini1512: One of the cool things about this tournament, is that I am playing a lot of maps that I've never seen before
2013-11-22 20:50:12 - TheCrown: cool
2013-11-23 03:03:55 - gemini1512: I think you already got this one though. I lost 6 straight guys against you, that's never a good thing

mine question its what tournament??????


in this game wolf continue to play ,, but he last 6 round only left on 1 territory,and thecrown still can not eliminate hem???


last 11 rounds archero have only 1 territory,and still game are ongoing???


The map ""Greater FUCKING china!"
how its possibile that player Cump Sherman stay alive last 6 round with only 1 territory!!! and game are still ongoing

What the hell are wrong with all this people, its this some kind off hypnose!!!! Its this like play against boots, not human players!!
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Re: The Crown

Postby KraphtOne on Sun Dec 01, 2013 4:09 pm

Qwert wrote:akamiro
elsuper bano


2013-11-22 03:25:00 - gemini1512: One of the cool things about this tournament, is that I am playing a lot of maps that I've never seen before
2013-11-22 20:50:12 - TheCrown: cool
2013-11-23 03:03:55 - gemini1512: I think you already got this one though. I lost 6 straight guys against you, that's never a good thing

mine question its what tournament??????


in this game wolf continue to play ,, but he last 6 round only left on 1 territory,and thecrown still can not eliminate hem???


last 11 rounds archero have only 1 territory,and still game are ongoing???


The map ""Greater FUCKING china!"
how its possibile that player Cump Sherman stay alive last 6 round with only 1 territory!!! and game are still ongoing

What the hell are wrong with all this people, its this some kind off hypnose!!!! Its this like play against boots, not human players!!


jesus christ i'm funny...
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Re: The Crown

Postby Orange-Idaho-Dog on Sun Dec 01, 2013 4:11 pm


TheCrown wrote:Not that I was asked to reply in here, but here's what happened:

I am applying a mathematical calculation of mass games.

I started a tournament and played each player 21 times. I have 24 hours to make a move. If I see I am losing a game, I take the turns faster. If I am winning, I take my turn slower. An experiment of sorts, and tied into a tournament. The goal for each player was to win as many games as they could and everyone that won over 50% against me would make it to the finals against each other.

Yes, I had about 700 games started in 10 days... yes, I spent 18 to 20 hours a day playing those games for quite a few days... yes, I was late to work a couple times.

fun stuff.
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Re: The Crown

Postby JamesKer1 on Sun Dec 01, 2013 4:12 pm

Qwert wrote:akamiro
elsuper bano

Game 13623295

2013-11-22 03:25:00 - gemini1512: One of the cool things about this tournament, is that I am playing a lot of maps that I've never seen before
2013-11-22 20:50:12 - TheCrown: cool
2013-11-23 03:03:55 - gemini1512: I think you already got this one though. I lost 6 straight guys against you, that's never a good thing

mine question its what tournament??????

Game 13610871

in this game wolf continue to play ,, but he last 6 round only left on 1 territory,and thecrown still can not eliminate hem???

Game 13596428

last 11 rounds archero have only 1 territory,and still game are ongoing???

Game 13612652

The map ""Greater FUCKING china!"
how its possibile that player Cump Sherman stay alive last 6 round with only 1 territory!!! and game are still ongoing

What the hell are wrong with all this people, its this some kind off hypnose!!!! Its this like play against boots, not human players!!

A few of these people are clan mates... Maybe checking clan forums and PMs would be necessary?
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Re: The Crown

Postby Qwert on Sun Dec 01, 2013 4:21 pm

Orange-Idaho-Dog wrote:Qwert;

TheCrown wrote:Not that I was asked to reply in here, but here's what happened:

I am applying a mathematical calculation of mass games.

I started a tournament and played each player 21 times. I have 24 hours to make a move. If I see I am losing a game, I take the turns faster. If I am winning, I take my turn slower. An experiment of sorts, and tied into a tournament. The goal for each player was to win as many games as they could and everyone that won over 50% against me would make it to the finals against each other.

Yes, I had about 700 games started in 10 days... yes, I spent 18 to 20 hours a day playing those games for quite a few days... yes, I was late to work a couple times.

fun stuff.

wow, what a story,, so all this players get scenario that this its some kind of tournament, and that its ok, to be alive for so long period, even when they all ready lost 5-6-7-8-9 round earlier? Now its little clear, why nobody deadbeat,and not complain abouth hostage situation.

Maybe they then dont realised that this its clear abuse of CC rules.
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Re: The Crown

Postby Metsfanmax on Sun Dec 01, 2013 4:36 pm

Orange-Idaho-Dog wrote:My apologies, I've been gone for over a year and went by hear-say. I should have done my own research first.

Regardless, this being possible for even longer than I realized makes it all the more worse. How many other players have done this? And why hasn't anyone on the development team caught on to this before now?

Basically most of the conceivable ways to do something similar to what TheCrown did involve a site rules violation, which precludes the need for a technological solution.
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