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D-Day: Omaha Beach! [Quenched]

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Postby t.e.c on Thu May 17, 2007 10:25 pm

the red numbers look pretty fucked against the beach. apart from that it looks great.
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Postby Coleman on Thu May 17, 2007 10:37 pm (Actual XML) (use this and the small map to check the borders)
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Postby mibi on Thu May 17, 2007 11:48 pm

t.e.c wrote:the red numbers look pretty fucked against the beach. apart from that it looks great.

yeah thats my own photoshop version, my colors are a bit off and such, the real xml looks much better, but jotas xml tool clips the bottom portion of it.
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Postby t.e.c on Thu May 17, 2007 11:52 pm

ah, gotcha. i'm looking forward to playing it. hopefully i have better luck than with siege.. :x
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Postby Wisse on Fri May 18, 2007 7:11 am

7 of the middle grass is a bit off (must put a bit to the left) and 1 of the left grass is a bit off (must put it a bit up)

that is a xml issue ;) from the large map
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Postby RobinJ on Fri May 18, 2007 8:09 am

Looking Good Mibi :wink:
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Postby hulmey on Fri May 18, 2007 11:59 am

do u get points for owing the german continent at the bak of the map??
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Postby mibi on Fri May 18, 2007 2:28 pm

hulmey wrote:do u get points for owing the german continent at the bak of the map??

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Postby cobaye on Fri May 18, 2007 3:19 pm

will this map be proposed in the set of availables to play with?
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Postby Qwert on Fri May 18, 2007 4:40 pm

Do you create these map for real fact or you just create your own fact, because 3 germans Division in omaha beach :shock: :shock: :!:

If you want to yours map be more great, try to find real names of units who fight in omaha beach.
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Postby mibi on Fri May 18, 2007 4:47 pm

qwert wrote:Do you create these map for real fact or you just create your own fact, because 3 germans Division in omaha beach :shock: :shock: :!:

the 352nd andn 916th were present at Omaha beach, the 21st panzers where at Normandy but were a little behind the lines.
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Postby Qwert on Fri May 18, 2007 5:52 pm

You right for these two 352 infantry division and 916 regiment, but 21 panzer division whas in Caen, and these very far away from omaha beach.
21 panzer division fight against English in Sword beach these same day, and these two beach far from omaha.
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Postby hulmey on Fri May 18, 2007 6:07 pm

Concrning my last question if you dont get any points for those continents whats the point of having those german divsion names...

And also im very worried that those bonus-less continents will be good for nothing. Alsothe allies have a huge bonus advantage over the German forces. Its going to make game play lopsided and those with good allie starting positions are more than likely going to win.

I think you should at least consider giving the german continet's bonuses!!

On that note another thing that bugs me is the huge bonuses available on this map...They are way way to large
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Postby Coleman on Fri May 18, 2007 6:24 pm

hulmey wrote:Concrning my last question if you dont get any points for those continents whats the point of having those german divsion names...

So that there are names. We could have big empty nameless area 1 through 8 if you prefer. But I'm guessing that you wouldn't.

hulmey wrote:And also im very worried that those bonus-less continents will be good for nothing. Alsothe allies have a huge bonus advantage over the German forces. Its going to make game play lopsided and those with good allie starting positions are more than likely going to win.

While I didn't get to play test this as much as I'd like, what you said doesn't seem to be correct. It really comes down to more of a race, if someone gets the entire ship line they are really hard to stop, but likewise if someone gets the batteries and bunkers quickly they have easy fortification routes between them all thanks to the trenches and can reach the ships quickly with the artillery.

The difficulty in holding a beach also makes allied advancement difficult, so the planes are more then likely going to come into play, and then the ships lose 1 or 2 to help the top vs bottom balance.

hulmey wrote:I think you should at least consider giving the german continet's bonuses!!

Okay, I've considered it, no.

hulmey wrote:On that note another thing that bugs me is the huge bonuses available on this map...They are way way to large

Also wrong. In fact it would be easier to argue that some of them are too small. But then the Allied and German sides really would be imbalanced.

I can't help but feel we've heard these arguments before. Unless you can come up with something more to support them then it is unlikely mibi or myself will be moved to change the map much more beyond where it is at now. Foundry process states we need to respond. I look forward to further nonsense. :roll:
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Postby Coleman on Fri May 18, 2007 6:25 pm

qwert wrote:You right for these two 352 infantry division and 916 regiment, but 21 panzer division whas in Caen, and these very far away from omaha beach.
21 panzer division fight against English in Sword beach these same day, and these two beach far from omaha.

Then what would you suggest sir?
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Postby Qwert on Sat May 19, 2007 3:47 am

I dont make these map, and like when i work in Eastrn Front map, then he also must go to search for informacion, just go to wikipedia and he will find others units who fight in omaha(these also thinking for americans, because instead fox and others names you can put original names of american units in omaha beach)
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Postby KEYOGI on Sat May 19, 2007 4:24 am

Perhaps an area for improvement would be the text in the legend, which looks a little poor in quality. Pretty hard to fault the map though, it looks great.
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Postby hulmey on Sat May 19, 2007 6:07 am

i think graphic wise its great.

Im afraid Coleman you have to prove that the bonuses are good not me. I have given you a suggestion and you havent given me a valid answer. Just a NO.

Allies bonus strongly out way German bonus. Good early placement will win the game. You wont need any stragey or tactics at all.

At least give the German continents a small bonus. Its insane not to!!!!

Dont forget people who have strong placement in the german lines will be scrapping it out for the bunkers while the allies just watch and wait then pounce through the parachuate opening.

I would strongly advise you consider giving the german continetns a bonus!!!!
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Postby mibi on Sat May 19, 2007 7:47 am

hulmey wrote:i think graphic wise its great.

Im afraid Coleman you have to prove that the bonuses are good not me. I have given you a suggestion and you havent given me a valid answer. Just a NO.

Allies bonus strongly out way German bonus. Good early placement will win the game. You wont need any stragey or tactics at all.

At least give the German continents a small bonus. Its insane not to!!!!

Dont forget people who have strong placement in the german lines will be scrapping it out for the bunkers while the allies just watch and wait then pounce through the parachuate opening.

I would strongly advise you consider giving the german continetns a bonus!!!!

The german total bonus us +17 for 12 territories. The Allied bonus is +21 for 14 territories. It may seem a bit off balanced but you forget that the german bonus is much easier to get because its a collection of +2's so it will be captured quicker. If all the one controls all the german territory they deploy with 30 due to all the territories in the german sector. For the allies to expand they have to do so on the vulnerable beaches. Its more balanced than you think.
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Postby AndyDufresne on Sat May 19, 2007 12:54 pm

              Final Forge

---The D-Day: Omaha Beach! Map has reached the ‘Final Forge’ Stage. I've revived this thread from the pits of the Foundry furnace and have examined the contents. Nearly every major concern has been addressed. If there are any other current concerns, please make your voice heard. There will be at least two days (but may extend pass that) for you to post any objections; if no one has posted any protest after two days the map will be deemed finished with the 'Foundry Brand' of approval and will be submitted for live play. If after two days there is still discussion going on it may continue until said discussion has reached the conclusion that the map has reached its final and polished version.

Post questions and concerns if any.

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Postby AndyDufresne on Sat May 19, 2007 12:54 pm

There still seems to be some good discussion going on though, so I don't want to rush anything. :)

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Postby Coleman on Sat May 19, 2007 1:04 pm

qwert wrote:I dont make these map, and like when i work in Eastrn Front map, then he also must go to search for informacion, just go to wikipedia and he will find others units who fight in omaha(these also thinking for americans, because instead fox and others names you can put original names of american units in omaha beach)

Well thanks for your help. :lol:
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Postby hulmey on Sat May 19, 2007 1:44 pm

im afraid your being short sighted....

Its not Germans vs Allies!!!!

Its 6 people or so playing a game of risk. Dont you think that the players who have the german bunkers will also be attacking each other as will the allies.

You are thinking too much on the lines of Germans vs Allies it will not play like that at all.
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Postby Coleman on Sat May 19, 2007 2:12 pm

hulmey wrote:im afraid your being short sighted....

Its not Germans vs Allies!!!!

Its 6 people or so playing a game of risk. Dont you think that the players who have the German bunkers will also be attacking each other as will the allies.

You are thinking too much on the lines of Germans vs Allies it will not play like that at all.

I've play tested and I'll say that obviously in a 6 player game it doesn't play that way. How could anyone expect it to? However when 2 people are left it tends to focus that way.

None of my playtests have been the same. Once a person who won simply won from holding a beach early and not being disrupted while everyone else was fighting each other and they slowly crept up the German side. Another someone took over the german side first and smashed the rest of the map. In one the ships were quickly controlled by a single person and they dominated the game.

In the single 3v3 game I had play was interesting to say the least. One team had a single person with both artillery, another with 3 bunkers, and the third disrupting the ships. While the other team was trying to take hold of the ships with one person, while the other two tried to disrupt the bunkers and the artillery. The more German side won.

Anyway, what I can tell you from all of these is this:
1) The ships are outrageously difficult to take and keep.
2) The German bunkers/artillery, while smaller in bonus are outrageously easy to take and keep.
3) Everything is surprisingly balanced because of this.

But honestly, I'm not sure what you want to hear from us. Everything seems balanced, a player can win from almost any position.
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Postby dominationnation on Sat May 19, 2007 2:13 pm

AndyDufresne wrote:
              Final Forge

---The D-Day: Omaha Beach! Map has reached the ‘Final Forge’ Stage. I've revived this thread from the pits of the Foundry furnace and have examined the contents. Nearly every major concern has been addressed. If there are any other current concerns, please make your voice heard. There will be at least two days (but may extend pass that) for you to post any objections; if no one has posted any protest after two days the map will be deemed finished with the 'Foundry Brand' of approval and will be submitted for live play. If after two days there is still discussion going on it may continue until said discussion has reached the conclusion that the map has reached its final and polished version.

Post questions and concerns if any.

wow that was really fast

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